Garrettsville Area Chamber Awards Scholarships To J.A. Garfield Grads
Garrettsville - The Garrettsville Area Chamber of Commerce recently awarded three scholarships to graduating seniors from James A. Garfield High School. This year’s recipients were Andrew Pemberton, Kaitlyn Workman, and Travis Synnestvedt. Each has shown a strong commitment to community service, and exemplify the JAG Core Values of integrity, responsibility and engagement. The Garrettsville Area Chamber awards two $1000, and...
PCDL Community Survey: We Want to Know What You Think!
We want to know what you think! Portage County District Library (PCDL) is conducting a survey to learn more about our community members, what you value about PCDL, what services and programs you use, and what you would like to see from PCDL in the future as part of our strategic planning process. Even if you do not have...
Xtinguish Torch Fest in Mantua
Mantua - This year is the 50th anniversary of the infamous 1969 fire on the Cuyahoga River that prompted massive clean up efforts along the waterway. Many community organizations are holding events in order to celebrate the amazing comeback of this valuable local resource. Close to home, the folks at the DMRC and the Chilling Station will be hosting...
Garrettsville Summerfest’s Tractor Parade has a New Sponsor
Garrettsville - Early in June, a rumor began circulating that the annual tractor parade held on Saturday afternoon at Garrettsville Summerfest was cancelled, that rumor is FALSE! Contrary to the rumor, the tractor parade will roll through town as it has since 2007! This spring the Summerfest Committee was forced to make some changes to ensure that this event...
Adult Summer Reading at the Windham Library
The Windham Library presents Adult Summer Reading 2019. Each time you read a book or listen to an audio book, enter your name in a drawing for a fabulous summer prize basket. This event begins on June 10 and ends on July 22. This program is free and open to adults. Call 330-326-3145 for more information. The Windham Library, a...
CIS Math Teacher Wins Award
Mantua - Crestwood Intermediate mathematics teacher Jo Walsh-Cobb was one of twelve Northeast Ohio educators to be recently recognized as Outstanding Educators by the Greater Cleveland Council of Teachers of Mathematics (GCCTM). Mathematics Kathleen Maretka from the Hiram College Mathematics Department nominated Cobb for her work in mathematics at the elementary level. The keynote speaker at last week’s award ceremony was...
Hiram College partners with ideastream to host Tech and Trek Conference
Hiram - In collaboration with ideastream, Hiram College will host the second annual Tech and Trek Conference June 19-21, 2019 on the College’s campus. An opportunity for all educators, the conference will explore topics such as mindful technology, mobile technology, creating high-impact student experiences, and innovations in teaching and learning. Focused on the use of technology for educational purposes, the...
Mantua Village Garden Club News
Mantua - The ladies of the Mantua Village Garden Club have been busy cleaning up their adopted flower beds, and planting flowers. The village flower beds that they maintain are: Crestwood High School Sign, Buchert Park, Mayor’s Corner, Hillside Cemetery, and Canada Road Sign. The June 3rd meeting will be at the home of Pearl Austin. A light lunch will...
Sunday Oldies Jukebox Needs You!
Streetsboro - The Sunday Oldies Jukebox is having its yearly Membership Drive, June 2-9, 2019. We have NO monetary funding from any outside organization. This yearly drive is our sole method of financing. Advantage of becoming a member is access to contests awarding free tickets to great Oldies concerts in the area, restaurants, as well as prizes and gifts offered...
Senior Farmer’s Market Nutritional Program
Ravenna - The Senior Farmer’s Market Nutritional Program is, once again, being coordinated by The Portage County Senior Center located at 705 Oakwood St., (Floor G) in Ravenna. The date for coupon distribution is Tuesday, June 4th from 8-1. The SFMNP is a great way for low income seniors aged 60 and over to access fresh fruits and vegetables,...
Ravenna High School Students Awarded Scholarships by Area Chamber of Commerce
Ravenna - On the evening of Wednesday, May 22, 2019 about 120 family members, teachers and friends gathered to see some of Ravenna’s brightest rising stars be awarded scholarships from many local area organizations. This included three awards given by the Ravenna Area Chamber of Commerce which was a surprise because they usually only give two; due to extra...
Students Explore Careers at JA Garfield High School
Garrettsville - For the second year in a row, students in grades nine through twelve had the opportunity to learn about a variety of careers from local professionals and tradespeople. Those careers included over 40 individuals, with jobs ranging from an architect and an attorney to a mason and marketing manager, a statistician to a stylist, and careers ranging...
Freedom Township Clean Up Days
Freedom Township Clean-Up Days Trash Drop-Off will be held: Thursday, June 6, 2019 • 12 Noon – 6 pm Friday, June 7, 2019• 12 Noon – 8 pm Saturday, June 8, 2019 • 9 am – 3 pm Location: Township Garage, S.R. 700 north side of the Turnpike. Proof of residency required. Batteries, motor oil, refrigerators and freezers will be accepted. No paint, garbage,...
James A. Garfield Elementary “Green Team” on the GO!
Garrettsville - If you are wondering what the Green team is, here it is! Mrs. Blakeman and Mrs. Beck, fourth grade teachers decided to form a club called the “Green Team.” Two kids were selected from each grade (K-6). We met once a month on a Friday. We had 24 members participate over the school year. Our first project was...
But Wait, There’s More: Garrettsville Farmers’ Market Announces Entertainment Lineup
Fresh food from local farms is great, but that’s just part of the story. In order to complete its welcoming atmosphere, the Garrettsville Farmers’ Market has lined up a full schedule of live music performances from local artists. These musicians will fill the air with strains of folk, rock, bluegrass, barbershop harmonies and more. Live Music Lineup 6/6/19 - Zach 6/13/19 -...
Geauga County Master Gardener Volunteers Programs
TO REGISTER CALL 440-834-4656 Unless otherwise noted, classes are held at the Geauga County OSU Extension Office, Patterson Center (at the north end of the Burton Fairgrounds), 14269 Claridon-Troy Road. While walk-ins are usually welcome, we appreciate advance registration. Please call 440-834-4656 to register. Mail checks, payable to OSU Extension to: PO Box 387, Burton, OH 44021. View...
City Gardener & Florist
Ravenna - Many residents in Ravenna may be familiar with the City Gardener & Florist, a full-service retail florist located in a grand 1897 Victorian home on Chestnut Street. What they might not know is that the historic home is the former residence of Dr. Thomas Mendenhall, the first professor of physics at The Ohio State University, where a...
Garrettsville Farmers’ Market Blossoms into Second Season
Garrettsville - Last summer, Garrettsville Farmers’ Market was a fledgling project driven by “a group of artists, business owners, farmers and neighbors who want to celebrate Garrettsville’s history of farming, friendship and community.” This summer, it is focused on access and education, so more people can enjoy and appreciate the fresh fruits, vegetables, eggs, dairy, meats, baked goods and...
Crestwood HS Class Shows 1800’s Frontier Life in 2019 Mantua
Mantua - For those who’ve ever wondered about how Ohio looked back in the 1800s, a trip back in time is as close as Crestwood High School, at least during Frontier Days in May. That’s when students from the American Experience Academy class showcase what they’ve learned all year in a replica of a colonial settlement constructed on school...
St. Ambrose Catholic Church A Season for Celebrations in Garrettsville
Garrettsville - Parishioners at St. Ambrose Catholic Church in Garrettsville have plenty to celebrate as they gear up for two big anniversaries. The parish turns 75 this year, an event that coincides with the 60th anniversary of the church’s Chicken Dinner Festival. It seems St. Ambrose has been feeding souls - and people - almost since its establishment as a...
For the Love of Lasagna and Goulash: Unique Couple Cooks Variety for the Palate to Satisfy Demand
Ravenna - It all started in Florida when Monika Mailach and Mike DelCiello were set up by a mutual acquaintance who thought they would make a great pair. Monika was born in Wiesbaden, Germany in the province of Hesse, so it goes without saying this lovely lady has German cooking in her blood. It comes as no surprise that...
“End Game” Ushers in New Beginning for Cinema Owners
Garrettsville - April 26, 2019 was 31 years in the making. It was the first day the Garrettsville Cinema opened under the new co-ownership of Rodger Evans and Michele Blair. The movie theater at 8001 State Street in Garfield Plaza has been a community hotspot since it first opened in 1977. Evans first started working as a concessionaire and projectionist...
Hiram Township News
Hiram Twp. - In his Fire Report, Chief Bill Byers shared that the department has been awarded $2,500 from the Monsanto Farmers Grow. He noted that Groselle Farm designated the Hiram Firefighters Association as the recipient of the funds, which will be used to purchase handheld thermal imagers. “Locally there are many worthy groups for such an award as this,”...
Summer Reading Club at PCDL: Make Space for Reading This Summer!
There will be a “universe of stories” awaiting children, teens, and adults at Portage County District Library’s Summer Reading Club this summer, so be ready to “blast off” by registering kids early. Registration will begin the week of May 13 at most branch libraries, with most activities beginning the week of June 3 and running through July 19. With...
Water, Water Everywhere
Garrettsville - The Ancient Mariner was not in attendance but family, friends and village officials were, to recognize and honor three long-standing members of the Garrettsville Village Water Department for their years of excellent service. Board of Public Affairs chairperson Stephanie Byrne introduced Jeff Sheehan (36 yrs.), Jeff Turk (31 yrs.) and Mike Veon (30 yrs.) and spoke briefly...
WVFD to Place a 4-mil Renewal Levy on the November Ballot
Windham - The WVFD Joint Fire District meeting was called to order. They opened the meeting with a memorial prayer and a moment of silence to honor their comrade who died suddenly this past week. The district offered their prayers and support to the members of the fire department. The board then moved on to the business at hand. The...
Garrettsville Village Council News
Garrettsville – Village officials present at the village council meeting on May 10, were Village Solicitor Michele Stuck, Nancy Baldwin, Mayor Rick Patrick, and Councilpersons Tom Hardesty, John Chambers, Chris Knop, Jeff Kaiser, and Tom Collins, and Deb (Glass) Wordell. After approving the minutes of the previous meeting, the bills and financial reports were reviewed by council. Kaiser questioned a...
Avoiding Conformity leads Entrepreneur to her Dream Job: Moksha Yoga and Meditation brings Enlightenment to Ravenna
Ravenna - Have you ever tried blowing your nose with a hundred other people? Nope, would likely be your answer. But, if you are Lauren Hellekson, owner of Ravenna’s newest yoga studio, her answer would be yes! Because that is essentially what she did each morning in Rishikesh, India where she trained to become a licensed yoga instructor. Everyone...
Freedom Township Historical Society News & Notes
Freedom Twp. - Local history buffs won’t want to miss the May meeting of the Freedom Township Historical Society. Historian Judy Thornton will give an informative talk about the historic barns of Freedom Township at 7 pm May 14 at the Freedom Community Center, 8940 S.R. 700. There will be a photo slideshow with 108 pictures of township barns,...
JAG Elementary Sharpens the Saw
Garrettsville - On a recent afternoon, all 700+ students at JAG Elementary School took part in a multitude of afternoon activities aimed to sharpen the saw. Although it sounds like something done with power tools during shop class, the program has more to do with helping shape students into well-rounded individuals. “Successful leadership requires many traits, including respectful interaction, responsibility,...