Home Portage County WVFD to Place a 4-mil Renewal Levy on the November Ballot

WVFD to Place a 4-mil Renewal Levy on the November Ballot


Windham – The WVFD Joint Fire District meeting was called to order. They opened the meeting with a memorial prayer and a moment of silence to honor their comrade who died suddenly this past week. The district offered their prayers and support to the members of the fire department. 

 The board then moved on to the business at hand. The board approved the minutes, expenditures, and the bank reconciliation for April. They unanimously approved placing a 4-mil renewal levy on the November ballot. Chief Rich Gano presented his report to the board. Items of interest were total calls year to date 191, 30 EMS calls for April. along with six fire responses, one hazardous call. one false alarm, and two severe weather issues. They also had 26 transports. Twenty -two went to Portage Medical Center, two to Geauga Medical Center, with one each to Trumbull Memorial and Akron Children’s.

He also reported that fire truck 2813 that had the paint issue still does. After getting an estimate, they determined they need to get a few more estimates as the one they received was “ridiculous” said the chief and board members. Gano reported that he will have the shed delivered and get it set up soon. He also said that communications have improved with the upgraded repeater and some other improvements that B&C Communications did at the station. So, for now, the communication system is good. The chief still plans to apply for the communications grant again next year.

The chief asked that they remove Trent Roberto, Grant Wilcox, Ben Gearhart and Nicole Peters from the roster for inactivity. Gano will try to get a hold of the guy that did the pump maintenance on the trucks several years ago, to repeat the maintenance. The board then approved the $500 donation to the Windham Police Department for National Night Out. The money is used to purchase t-shirts for the event. The $500 donation was from grant money that had to be used in the community.

 The board voted to go into executive session to discuss contracts, after a brief executive session they returned and took no action on the issue. There being no further business to discuss, they adjourned the meeting.

Denise Bly

Anton Albert Photography