Home Garrettsville James A. Garfield Elementary “Green Team” on the GO!

James A. Garfield Elementary “Green Team” on the GO!


Garrettsville – If you are wondering what the Green team is, here it is!  Mrs. Blakeman and Mrs. Beck, fourth grade teachers decided to form a club called the “Green Team.” 

Two kids were selected from each grade (K-6).  We met once a month on a Friday. We had 24 members participate over the school year.  

Our first project was to give each classroom in the school a container to collect “dead” markers.  These markers were collected each month and sent in to the Crayola Company to be recycled.  We collected over 4,000 markers this year. 

Another project was to plant trees by the playground. We planted them and put cones around them.  When they are grown, we will have shade for the kids. 

We talked to Mr. Long, our principal about how we needed more recycling bins around the school and one month later, we got more recycling bins.  

We are trying to think up new ideas to help our environment for next year.  Goooo, Green Team!


Anton Albert Photography