
Upcoming Events In Mantua

Mantua - Saturday, April 1st Crestwood High School is hosting breakfast and an egg hunt with the Easter Bunny. Breakfast and photos with the Easter Bunny take place from 9 – 10 am at Crestwood Intermediate School. Egg hunts will take place by age group, with children three and under hunting at 10 am, four and five-year-olds hunting at...

Mantua-Shalersville Fire Board News

Mantua - At their last meeting, Chief Matt Roosa informed the board that yard signs are now available for the 2.99 EMS replacement levy that will be on the May 2nd ballot. He noted that the levy was passed by voters four years ago and urged voters to support the MSFD once again. Residents can find out exactly what...

Mantua Village News

Mantua - At the last meeting, Mayor Clark shared that the applicant for the part-time administrative assistant position has picked up paperwork. According to Fiscal Clerk MaryAnn Fabian, the new administrative assistant may also be trained to help with payroll administration. It was noted that Council agreed to fill three service department positions; two positions have been filled. In...

Crestwood School Board News

Mantua - In early February, Crestwood High School classroom aide Heidi Duke was nominated for the 2022-23 National LifeChanger of the Year award. Duke was nominated by Superintendent Dr. David Toth for being instrumental in leading the credit recovery program at Crestwood High School. In this capacity, Duke works with students who are at the most risk of not...

New Four-Way Stop On SR82 Effective March 14th

Mantua - At the February meeting, Fire Chief Matt Roosa informed the board that Brian Summerlin has officially retired. Summerlin served the MSFD for over 40 years, according to Roosa and Assistant Fire Chief Chris Mullins. Roosa noted that Summerlin’s final day of service was January 31st. Moving forward, the board approved the expenditure of no more than $13,000 to...

Raising Funds to Revitalize Mantua

Mantua - It’s no joke -- on April Food’s Day -- Saturday, April 1st, the Downtown Mantua Revitalization Corporation (DMRC) will host its annual event fundraiser. The harlequin-themed reverse raffle will be held at Hughes Hall at Saint Joseph’s church. Tickets are now on sale online at or in person at Jake’s Eats or from any DMRC member...

Mantua Village Council News

Mantua - In Village Council’s first meeting of the year, council re-elected Tammy Meyer as Council President. Council member Heather Paisley tendered Meyer’s nomination, noting that with ongoing situations in the village, she does not feel comfortable with another change. The majority of council concurred seemed to concur, as Tammy Meyer received the majority of votes as council president...

Mantua-Shalersville Fire District News

Mantua - At their first meeting of 2023, Fire Chief Matt Roosa shared that due to staffing shortages, the Department paid out over $56,000 in overtime during 2022. He informed board members that they had to dip into the General Fund in order to cover employee matching funds. He noted that with limited staff, employees picked up open shifts...

Crestwood School Board News

Mantua - At the first Board meeting of 2023, the Board elected Karen Schulz School Board President and Kristen Cavanaugh as Board Vice President for 2023. During the meeting, the board adopted the budget for Fiscal Year 2023 and established the dates for regular meetings. (Visit to see the complete list of meeting dates.) In their regular board meeting...

Mantua Rotary Honors Virginia Goodell

Mantua - The Mantua Rotary is delighted to honor their long-time member, Virginia Goodell, for her service to Rotary for her 100th Birthday. Virginia Goodell, a longtime member of Mantua Rotary, celebrated her 100th birthday at the end of 2022. Virginia’s involvement in Mantua Rotary spans seven decades. In 1946 Virginia’s husband, the late Frank Goodell, became a charter member...

Mantua Village Council News

Mantua - In her Mayor’s Report, Linda Clark noted vacant seats on several committees, including Landmarks, Parks, Shade Tree, and the BZA. She asked that interested parties contact her to express their intent to get involved. Moving ahead, Clark noted that a request was filed to receive itemized reporting of license fee tax data from the state. She noted that...

Local History To Make Lasting Impression

Mantua - If you’ve been in the Village of Mantua, you’ve no doubt noticed the cannon that sits on the lawn in front of the Village Hall and Police Department. But unless you have the privilege of knowing a local veteran of similar vintage as this weapon, you may not be aware of the story behind it, or why...

Mantua Village Garden Club honors Virginia Goodell

The Mantua Village Garden Club honored Virginia Goodell, with a birthday celebration for her 100th birthday, at their annual Christmas party on Dec. 1st, at Hilltop Church. Virginia has been a member of MVGC for 36 years and served as secretary in the late 80s. Seated left to right are Barb Goodell, Evelyn Park, Pat South, Shirley Bellar, and Virginia...

Crestwood School Board News

Mantua - Superintendent Dr. David Toth recognized Angela Adkins, the District’s 7-12 Band Director, along with the entire Scarlet Guard Marching Band for their performance at the State Marching Band Competition. The Scarlet Guard earned the highest rating – Superior – at this annual competition. In other news, Dr. Toth shared details on the virtual Town Hall meeting held...

Santa Claus is Coming to Town!

Mantua - That’s right – the Jolly Old Elf himself will be in Mantua this Saturday, December 3rd, greeting children of all ages and ringing in the holiday season. Stop and see him at the Village Green on Main Street from noon until 2 pm. The Crestwood High School choir will be there, too, fa-la-la-ing to get you into...

Freezing for a Reason

Did you know that nearly 200 children within the Crestwood community suffer from food insecurity? Lucky for them, they can receive support from the Kids Weekend Meals (KWM) program, which provides children with breakfasts, lunches, and snacks on weekends and holiday breaks – times they don’t have access to free or reduced meals at school. But as food costs...

Mantua Township Proposes Historic District Expansion

Mantua Twp. - If you’re from the area, you may not recognize the history contained here. Luckily, generations of forward-thinking folks have worked diligently over the years to help their small communities move forward while maintaining some significant pieces of the past. In Mantua Township, the Mantua Historical Society is working together with the township trustees in order to...

Mantua Village News

Mantua - At October’s meeting, Phil Rath, a representative from DMRC, inquired again about the possibility of applying for a grant to rehabilitate the Mats Rd bridge under the Infrastructure Bill that was recently passed. It was noted that the bridge has been closed for five years, and ODOT has denied grant funding for this project twice. It was...

Crestwood Schools Host Town Hall Meeting

Mantua - At a Town Hall-style meeting held on October 17th, Superintendent Dr. David Toth updated the community on the financial outlook for the Crestwood School District. Toth began by sharing that the Crestwood community enjoys one of the lowest tax rates in Portage County. He noted that Crestwood is second only to Southeast, who benefits from Federal dollars,...

Crestwood School Board News

Mantua - At the October meeting, Superintendent David Toth provided Board members with a substantial update on the District’s Strategic Plan. The plan includes eight key areas, which include: communications, culture, infrastructure, technology, finances, HR and business opportunities, programming, and Board relations. Among the details shared, Dr. Toth highlighted several new ways the district communicates both internally and externally...

Mantua Rotary Fall Recap

Mantua - Around the world, 1.4 million individuals in over 46,000 Rotary Clubs band together as a force of good in their local communities. They work on projects ranging from promoting literacy, to clean water and health in nations across the globe. Locally, the Rotary Club of Mantua has an on-going service initiative to help support Crestwood Schools. While they...

Mantua Village News

Mantua - This year, trick-or-treat will take place in the Village on Sunday, October 30th from 6 – 8 pm. In addition, the Mantua Police and Fire Departments will be hosting a community event from 5 – 8 pm that night as well. The event, which is made possible by donations from local businesses, will provide drinks, treats, crafts,...

Mantua-Shalersville Fire District News

At their last meeting, Fire Chief Matt Roosa invited board members to take a look at the department’s new ambulance that was recently delivered. He noted that although the new squad had been ordered in January of 2021, supply chain issues had delayed shipment of the vehicle. Roosa noted that a similar order would have taken eight or nine months...

Crestwood Scarlet Guard Performs in Toledo

Mantua - The Crestwood Scarlet Guard Marching Band traveled to the University of Toledo, to perform in the Bands of America Northwest Ohio Regional Championships. The band will compete with some of the finest bands from Ohio, Indiana, Kentucky, Michigan, New York and West Virginia. Bands of America (BOA) marching band championships are the premier events for marching band...

Mantua Township Event Highlights Local History

Mantua Twp. - One idyllic day late last week several events took place outdoors on the historic Mantua Center green as well as inside the Township Hall and Civic Center, historic area and structures created by settlers between 1835 and 1850. Inside the Civic Center, Cincinnati-based artist and author Robert Kroeger returned to Mantua to conduct a painting demo, share...

Thank You !!

I thought I lost my wallet at the Mantua Dollar General. I rushed right back to the store. The clerk had not found it but some lovely lady shoppers and a handsome young blond gentleman worked diligently to help me find it. They even searched my car with their flashlight. They suggested that it might have slipped out of...

Mantua Village News

Mantua - Last month, Mantua Village Council held a special meeting prior to the regular Council meeting. At the brief public hearing, those in attendance had the opportunity to take part in the discussion regarding a change from industrial to residential classification for several parcels on Orchard Street.In the regular meeting that immediately followed, Mayor Linda Clark asked Council’s...

Mantua Rotary to Hold Poker Paddle on Sept 17

Mantua - Enjoy a late summer paddle down the Scenic Cuyahoga River and take a chance to win prize money. Rotary Club of Mantua is excited to host its 2nd Annual POKER PADDLE on Saturday, September 17 from 1:00 to 6:00. Participants will paddle from Camp Hi on Abbot Road to Buchert Park in Mantua Village. Along the way...

Crestwood Lions Club Will Be At Mantua Potato Festival

The Crestwood Lions will be at this years’ Mantua Potato Festival from Friday, September 9th, through Sunday, September 11th. The Lions Club will be selling their delicious Festival food in addition to holding a plastic drive thru collecting soft plastic from 10am until 2pm at Buchert Memorial Park. Plastics accepted are grocery bags, bread bags, bubble wrap, dry cleaning...

Historical Society Hosts Special Event

Mantua - On Thursday, September 15th, the Mantua Historical Society will be hosting an Ohio History Connection/Open Doors program from 10 am until 4 pm. The event, billed as a, “Behind the Scenes Look at Small Town Ohio History,” takes place in the Mantua Historic District near the Mantua Township Hall (4122 State Route 82). That day, visitors will be...


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