Home Mantua Mantua Rotary Honors Virginia Goodell

Mantua Rotary Honors Virginia Goodell


Mantua – The Mantua Rotary is delighted to honor their long-time member, Virginia Goodell, for her service to Rotary for her 100th Birthday.

Virginia Goodell, a longtime member of Mantua Rotary, celebrated her 100th birthday at the end of 2022. Virginia’s involvement in Mantua Rotary spans seven decades. In 1946 Virginia’s husband, the late Frank Goodell, became a charter member of the newly formed Rotary Club. Because women were not permitted to be members, wives, including Virginia, participated as a Rotary Ann. These women cooked and served dinner for the Rotary members and provided extra helping hands for events. Women were admitted as full Rotary members in 1986 and in 1987 Virginia became an official member of the Rotary Club of Mantua.

Virginia served as President of Mantua Rotary from 1999 to 2000. After observing the Garrettsville Historical Society’s Christmas Walk, Virginia thought that Mantua Rotary could hold a Christmas Tour in Mantua. The planning and organization she originated still provides the basis for today’s version—which will be held this year, 2023, on the first two weekends in November. The event is Mantua Rotary’s biggest fund raiser.

At the club’s meeting on January 19, Mantua Rotary President, David Becker, presented Virginia with a certificate acknowledging her long participation in Rotary and thanking her for her contributions for our club. Along with our heartful thanks, she now is an Honorary Rotary Member of Rotary Club of Mantua for life.

The Rotary Club of Mantua was chartered in November of 1946. Last May the club celebrated their 75th Anniversary with a celebration at Corner’s Catering and Event Center. We are happy to find new members—contact us on our Facebook page.


Anton Albert Photography