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Mantua Village Council News


Mantua – In Village Council’s first meeting of the year, council re-elected Tammy Meyer as Council President. Council member Heather Paisley tendered Meyer’s nomination, noting that with ongoing situations in the village, she does not feel comfortable with another change. The majority of council concurred seemed to concur, as Tammy Meyer received the majority of votes as council president for 2023.

Moving forward, members of council received committee appointments of service for the year. Heather Paisley, Nina Schroeder, and Steve Thorn will serve on the Finance committee, with Tammy Meyer serving as an alternate member. Service Committee: Heather Paisley, Martin Hura, and Scott Weaver will serve on the Service committee, with Meyer serving as an alternate member. The Safety committee is comprised of Scott Weaver, Steve Thorn, and Tammy Meyer with Martin Hura serving as an alternate member.
Regarding the Parks Board, Mayor Clark remarked she hadn’t received confirmation from Don Buchert yet. She noted that Cookie Vanek and Nina Schroeder would continue to serve. On Shade Tree Commission, Scott Weaver said that he would take the vacant seat, leaving the alternate seat vacant. No positions are open on the Planning Commission or the Cemetery Board. Clark noted that Wes Hawkins agreed to serve another term on the Board of Zoning Appeals.

Clark noted that no one is needed for the Income Tax Review Board, but that the Landmarks Commission has four vacant seats, and as such, no longer has a quorum. Tammy Meyer agreed to continue on as the MSFD Fire Board member, with Steve Thorn as her alternate. Meyer also serves as the village’s representative on the Portage County Regional Planning Commission, which expires on March 1, 2023. Nina Schroeder agreed to continue be the CRA Housing Officer. Any interested parties should contact Clark at (330) 274-8776 or email mantuamayor@sbcglobal.net.

In closing, Mayor Clark requested that council members read the part of the codified regarding what responsibilities they have as council members. She also encouraged each council member to take the on-line courses to review Ohio’s Sunshine Laws.

In other news, the Village of Mantua is considering applicants for two open positions: that of a full-time Village Administrator and that of a part-time administrative assistant. Visit mantuavillage.com to view the job descriptions, download an employment application, and for information on how to apply.

Lastly, the village is soliciting quotes for the 2023 mowing season. It’s noted that weekly mowing is desired in the following areas: around the Administration Building, as well as North and South Buchert Park, where weed whipping around fences and bleachers as needed is desired. Weekly mowing is also needed around the Service Garage and at Hillside Cemetery. The request also notes that Hillside Cemetery requires weed whipping around the headstones and benches every other week, as well as a full mow, weed whipping, and clearing off the headstones within 48 hours in advance of the Memorial Day holiday. Quotes must be received at Mantua Village Hall (4650 High Street, Mantua) no later than February 20th at 4 p.m. to be considered.

The next regularly scheduled village council meeting takes place on Tuesday, February 21st at 6:30 pm.

Stacy Turner

Anton Albert Photography