Home Mantua Raising Funds to Revitalize Mantua

Raising Funds to Revitalize Mantua


Mantua – It’s no joke — on April Food’s Day — Saturday, April 1st, the Downtown Mantua Revitalization Corporation (DMRC) will host its annual event fundraiser. The harlequin-themed reverse raffle will be held at Hughes Hall at Saint Joseph’s church. Tickets are now on sale online at revitalizemantua.org or in person at Jake’s Eats or from any DMRC member for $120 per couple.

The DMRC is integral to many projects that help improve life in the village. In 2022 the construction of Phase 3 created a walking trail around the baseball fields on the north side of Buchert Park, providing a safe place for walkers, runners, and dads and moms with baby strollers and toddlers. DMRC gave the village a check for $11,000 to cover the local match for the ODNR grant funds to make this project possible. In the coming months, the DRMC will help fund the next steps in the renovation of Bucher Park, one of which includes the construction of a restroom to provide clean facilities for residents, hikers, kayakers and visitors. This will be included in Phase 5 of a multi-year plan for park improvements.

Since the DMRC was organized in 2007, members have aspired to renovate the historical buildings on the east side of Main Street. Dan Tillet, part owner of the Restoration 44 businesses, is spearheading a project which, when completed, will see that plan come to fruition. The plan calls for a new raised walkway to allow ADA access to the businesses as well as new facades to the storefronts. The project began with the renovation of the space containing R44 Butcher and Baker Shop, and the goal is to complete renovation of the entire block. Phase 1 will replace the crumbling steps with a raised Patio area in front of R44 Butcher, Village Tavern, and Crooked River Flowers & Gifts. Stairs are planned at the south end near the Tavern; two historic light posts with underground wiring will provide lighting at the corner of Prospect and Main.
Phase 2 of the project will renovate the storefronts and building facades, while Phase 3 will build a paved parking lot behind the buildings and create a loading dock. Looking ahead, continued sidewalk improvements and historic lighting and renovations on Prospect Street will be in Phase 4. To provide matching funds to pair with grants received by the village, the DMRC will initiate a capital campaign with the intention of raising $100,000 to help fund the four phases of this project. It’s noted that a check for $10,000 has already been received for this campaign.

Attending the event on April 1st will help support this organization. To find out other ways you can help, attend the next DMRC meeting on Friday, February 17th at 7:30 am at Jake’s Eats.

Stacy Turner

Anton Albert Photography