Home We're All Invited Upcoming Events – Week of October 24

Upcoming Events – Week of October 24


Great Gifts From Historical Society
Call Today!
The James A. Garfield Historical Society is still selling cemetery books for $5. each. We have four available. Park Cemetery, Drakesburg Cemetery, West Cemetery and the Baptist Cemetery. “Where’s my Milkman“ books, written by Scott Lawless, and “Garrettsville Strong” books, written by Pam Montgomery are also still available. 1880 maps of Garrettsville are also available for $5. each. Once framed, they make a great gift! To support your local historical society, call Debbie Smith at 330-389-1859 or Kit Semplak at 330-842-2822.

Farmington Senior Center Breakfasts
Senior Center will be open for Breakfast Monday mornings 7am to Noon. We will Be COVID compliant so PLEASE call 330-889-2733, as reservations are highly recommended. Temperatures will be taken at the door and anyone reading a temp of 100 deg will be turned away. Call with questions/concerned 330-889-2733.

Wing Night At The Eagles Club
Every Tuesday
Every Tuesday: 80 cent wings with purchase of a beverage– Open to public 5:00- 7:30. The Eagles Club is located at 8149 Water Street, Garrettsville.

American Legion Fish Dinners
American Legion Post 674 located at 9960 E. Center St in Windham will start fish dinners on Sept 4 from 4-7 pm. Dine in, carry out. Open to the public. Call 330-326-3188 for info.

Garfield MVP Fundraiser
Order Today!
Win a half cow! Purchase burgers and more! Help your kids and teachers out for the JAG Middle School Fundraiser! Support your G-Men with locally raised beef. Go to: www.bonnerfarmsbeef.com/g-men/ GO G-MEN

Supernatural Mysteries Book Chat
Oct 22
Need some new ideas for your To Be Read list? Join the Reed Memorial Library on Facebook Live Thursday, October 22 2020, 1:00pm to 1:30pm, for some ideas on spooky & supernatural mysteries.We will introduce some new books and talk about exciting books from talented authors.

Jr. Cavs Signups
through Oct 24
This league is for ages 3-15 and all skill levels. Each player will receive a NEW Jr. Cavs jersey and a ticket to a future Cavs game. We will be following all local and state guidelines for a safe return to play and hope to see you and the family soon! Sign up at clevelandymca.org or check out the YMCA Facebook page. Questions? Please email John Crawford at jcrawford@clevelandymca.org for more questions or call the Garrettsville branch at 330-469-2044 for more information.

Drive-In Swiss Steak Dinner
Oct 24
Drive-in Swiss steak dinner will be held on Oct 24 from 4-6 pm at the First Congregational UCC in Rootstown. Enter at 4022 SR 44. Dinner includes meat, potato, assorted salads, two vegetables and dessert.

Gnome Cat Craft for Tweens
Oct 26
Just in time for Halloween, make a cute cat gnome! Kids age 8-13 can register to receive a craft kit with all materials provided. Library staff will be sharing instructions on how to complete the craft during a virtual Google Meet Monday, October 26 2020, 6:30pm to 7:00pm. To register, call the Reed Memorial Library (330) 296-2827 x300 or visit reedlibrary.org

Reed & Write Writing Group
Oct 27
Our lively group is for writers of all types and genres. Each writer will get a chance to read their work and receive feedback. Come away with thought provoking prompts and inspiration. Members share readings of prompts and work during the group.Tuesday, October 27 2020, 1:30pm to 3:00pm on Google Meet Register to get your login, call (330) 296-2827 x200 or visit reedlibrary.org

Halloween Drive-Thru For Seniors
Oct 28
The Portage County Senior Center will host a special Halloween “drive-thru” event on Wednesday, Oct. 28th at 12:00. They invite all Portage County seniors aged 60 and up to participate for this fun way to stay engaged while remaining in their car. With the help from Kent Healthcare, Vista Veranda, and other volunteers, costumed characters will be ready to hand out lots of fun facts, educational info, and of course, Halloween treats. Sign-up is MANDATORY for this event and can be done by calling 330-297-3456. They are located at 705 Oakwood St. (Floor G) in Ravenna, please call for specific information or questions.

Virtual Book Discussion – The Shape of Night by Tess Gerritsen
Oct 29
Join the discussion on Thursday, October 29 2020, 1:00pm to 2:00pm on Google Meet. After an unspeakable tragedy in Boston, Ava Collette flees to a remote village in Maine, where she rents an old house. In that isolated seaside mansion, Ava finally feels at peace . . . until she glimpses the long-dead sea captain who still resides there. To register, call the Reed Memorial Library (330) 296-2827 x200 or visit reedlibrary.org

Garrettsville Trick-or-Treat
Oct 31
Trick-or-Treat for the Village of Garrettsville will be scheduled for October 31, from 6-8pm

Historic Advertisements and Promotional Items
Oct 31
Join the Reed Memorial Library on Facebook Live Saturday, October 31, 3:00pm to 3:30pm. Some of these historic advertisements and promotional items may seem odd to modern eyes. Decide for yourself!

Freedom Township Trick or Treat
Oct 31
Freedom Township will be having trick or treat at the town hall on Saturday, October 31, 2020 from 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. Residents are welcome to come and distribute candy to our ghosts and goblins. All social distancing guidelines will be followed. Masks will be required .Residents are also welcome to do a trunk or treat in the parking lot at the town hall as well during this time. Community Trick or Treating will be from 6:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. Any questions please contact Jennifer Derthick at 330-800-6141/330-803-3128.

Kids Vote! Ohio Readers’ Choice Awards
through Nov 10
This Ohio readers’ choice award is entirely for and by kids – the kids nominate the books and then the kids vote for the books. Stop into the library between October 20 and November 10 to register for your official BCTBA ballot, then submit your vote. Prepare to vote by reviewing your ballot before you arrive. We will have ballots available for the K-2 nominees and the 3-5 nominees only. If you wish to vote for other categories, please visit http://bcbookaward.info for more information or to vote online.

PCDL Closed Veterans Day
Nov 11
Portage County District Library (PCDL) will be closed on Nov 11, in observance of Veterans Day. Library service hours for most branch libraries resume Friday, November 13 (Windham resumes Thursday, November 12). However, the Digital Library is always open- 24/7. Visit www.portagelibrary.org to access


Anton Albert Photography