Home Hiram Hiram’s First Responders Receive Gifts

Hiram’s First Responders Receive Gifts


Hiram – The Hiram Firefighters Association was pleased to receive a grant in the amount of $2,500 from The Monsanto Farmers Grow Committees program earlier this summer. The Association chose to use those funds to purchase SEEK handheld thermal imagers. Jack Groselle of Groselle Farms filed the grant application; Mr. Groselle selected the Hiram Fire Department as the community organization to receive the funds.

“It is great to have the continued support from Mr. Groselle,” Fire Chief Bill Byers remarked. “We’re fortunate that he has recognized our Department with this grant several times in recent years.” Chief Byers continued, “We always look for ways to use these funding awards to increase firefighter safety. We also look to increase our abilities through training to better help those who call upon us when needed. We are thankful, humbled and grateful for the generous support we receive from not only our Hiram Community, but also those communities around us.”

Chief Byers noted that by making the handheld thermal imagers available to multiple firefighters for use at the same time, they will be able to locate trapped victims in no-visibility or smoke filled areas. The imagers will also aid them in locating fires hidden in void spaces, locating overheated electric devices, and provide greater awareness of fire or superheated gases above their heads.

In similar news, the Hiram Police Department received extra funding to support their efforts, as well. In late August during the Village Council meeting, Councilman Robert Dempsey, President of the Western Reserve Kiwanis, presented a check for $1,000 to the Hiram Police Department K-9 program. “This gracious gift will go a long way to provide needed supplies and care in maintaining our K9 program,” shared Police Chief Brian Gregory.

In addition to the gift from the Kiwanis, the Police Department also received a $1,000 grant from the Hiram Trust Fund. The grant money was used to help purchase a bite suit for the K-9 program. The Hiram Trust Fund also awarded the Department an additional $1,000 to help fund the annual Shop with a Cop program. “Sincere thanks to our community for continuing to support these worthwhile programs,” Chief Gregory concluded.

Stacy Turner

Anton Albert Photography