Renegades United Soccer Tryouts and Sign Ups
Renegades United Soccer Club (RUSC) is holding tryouts for youth soccer players to join our program this fall outdoor and winter indoor seasons. Tryouts will be held July 11th and 18th from 6:30 to 8:00 PM at Friendship Alliance Church 19126 Ravenna Road (S.R. 44) Auburn Township, OH 44023. Ages will be 3rd grade through 6th grade with birth...
GCPL introduces Club Ink, with writing workshops, author presentations and cultural events
Geauga County Public Library is proud to introduce Club Ink, an engaging series of events and workshops celebrating culture and the written and spoken word. We are bringing a lineup of outstanding writers to Geauga County this year and into 2018. The action kicks off in July and features: ? Rachele Alpine, July 5, 7 p.m., Chardon* ? Thrity Umrigar, Aug....
Stream Quality Monitoring: Geauga Soil and Water Conservation District Wants You!
Would you like to explore streams in Geauga County and learn about their water chemistry and biology this summer? What about investigating water quality by searching for aquatic critters such as crayfish, dragonflies, water pennies, and caddisflies which live in our local streams? Then grab your water shoes and join the Millennium Youth Conservationists (MYC) team! ...
Join us under the big tent for a trip back in time
History comes alive this summer as Ohio Chautauqua returns to Geauga County June 6 - 10, with big-tent performances each evening in Burton’s Century Village. Live music starts at 6:30 p.m. Actor performances at 7:30 p.m. These shows are free and are open to all ages. Building on the 19th-century tradition established on the shores of New York’s Chautauqua Lake,...
Hastings Dairy offers Tours & Milk from Farmstead Creamery
Burton - Hastings Dairy & Rowdy Cow Creamery are open for tours and milk tasting for the 2017 May to October season with several open house events open to the public. Buy Fresh Milk at Hastings Dairy - Open daily during daylight hours. Milk is bottled at Rowdy Cow Creamery, one of only a few farmstead creameries...
Geauga Fresh Farmers’ Market Opens its 16th Season in South Russell
The Geauga Fresh Farmers’ Market will open on Saturday, May 6 at 9:00am in the parking lot of the South Russell Village Hall, the corner of Chillicothe/Rt. 306 and Bell St. The market will be open every Saturday, rain or shine, from 9:00-Noon, until October. Customers will receive a complementary BlueCrop blueberry plant donated by Hawthorne Springs Greenhouse in...
Congratulations Forestry Camp Scholarship Winners!
The Geauga Soil and Water Conservation District is proud to award scholarship funding to three Geauga County residents for registration to the 2017 Ohio Forestry and Wildlife Conservation Camp, taking place June 11-16, at FFA Camp Muskingum in Carrollton, Ohio. David Cavanagh from Chagrin Falls High School, Calahan Heiss from Berkshire Jr/Sr High School, and Kenneth Kirk from West...
15th Annual Spring Drive-it-Yourself Tour!
Spring is in the air, and the 15th Annual Spring Drive-it-Yourself Tour will be Saturday, May 13th! For all of you that are eager to end your winter hibernation I guarantee you will find something new along your route, especially with all of our new offerings this year. Once again we have found 14 brand new stops, 3 are...
Spring is here and so is Geauga SWCD’s Spring Fish Sale!
The Geauga Soil and Water Conservation District’s annual Spring Fish Sale will be here in no time! We are currently taking orders for fingerling-size largemouth bass, channel catfish, bluegill/sunfish mix, minnows, redear “shellcracker” sunfish, white amurs, and yellow perch. The Fish Sale will be held on Tuesday, April 18th from 1:30 - 3:30 pm on the midway...
Local Library Events & News
Burton Public Library To view our storytimes, LEGO Club, Book Clubs and more, visit or call (440) 834-4466. Kids/Teens: 15th Annual Edible Book Festival Saturday, April 1 11 a.m. - 12 p.m. All Ages Welcome! Bring an entirely edible “book” to the Library by 11 a.m. on the day of the festival. The “book” creations will be judged in Funniest, Most...
In Search of Geauga County’s Biggest Northern Red Oak!
The Geauga Soil and Water Conservation District (SWCD) is excited to announce the 2017 BIG TREE Contest and is currently seeking nominations! This voluntary contest promotes the beauty and benefits provided by our county’s biggest and oldest trees, along with their contributions to clean water and healthy soil. The 2017 featured tree species is the Northern Red...
Halloween Events in Kinsman
The Peter Allen Inn & Event Center is pleased to announce its hosting of its inaugural Halloween Celebrations set for Sunday, October 30, 2016 at 8581 State Street, Kinsman, OH 44428. There will be separate events – one for children and one for adults. Halloween at Hogwarts with Professor McGonagall - 1 to 3 PM. $5 per child includes snacks...
Geauga County Master Gardener Volunteers Present Planning Your Spring Garden
Need a little help with your gardening, maybe some better information? Looking forward to more attractive flower beds next year? Fall is an ideal time to begin planning for Spring. Spend the morning with two OSU horticultural experts and determine what should be planted and what can be nurtured through the winter. Ensure a successful start to your upcoming...
Books Alive Series Returns
Attention kids ages 10 to 14: explore the world of “Pax” by Sara Pennypacker in this awesome program just for summer readers like you! This program will be held on Friday, July 29 – 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at The West Woods Nature Center, 9465 Kinsman Road (Rt. 87), Russell Township. To celebrate this book about the powerful relationship...
University Hospitals Geauga Medical Center to Host Annual Family Health & Safety Day and Wellness 5K on June 25
University Hospitals Geauga Medical Center will host the 2016 Family Health & Safety Day on Saturday, June 25 from 9 a.m. - 1 p.m. at the hospital’s campus in Claridon Twp. The free community event kicks off with a UH 5K Race for Wellness at 8 a.m. The Family Health & Safety Day, now in its eighth year, will offer...
Summer Is Quickly Approaching… Along with Teacher Workshops! Registration Deadline extended until May 27th
All Aboard! It’s not too late to sign up for the Geauga and Portage Soil and Water Conservation Districts’ unique teacher workshops for teachers and educators. Through outdoor learning and inquiry experiences, the Wonders of Watersheds Workshops can help you transition to tackle the learning standards with engaging lessons and resources. These workshops are open to educators of all...
7th Annual Teen Drama Project Brings Classic Fahrenheit 451 to GLTG Stage
Imagine a world where reading books was a crime. Fireman didn’t put out fires, but burned your books AND your house if you had a secret library. Ray Bradbury, author of the classic novel and play Fahrenheit 451 (the temperature at which paper burns) details such a future. People are tuned in to their televisions and ear pieces and...
GCPL Open on Sundays All Year – Including Summer
Geauga County – Need a book, DVD, CD or magazine on the weekend? You’re in luck. The Geauga County Public Library is now open year round Sunday afternoons from 1 - 5 p.m. at Bainbridge, Chardon, Geauga West in Chesterland, and Middlefield. The two library stations in Newbury and Thompson are open from noon - 4 p.m. on Sundays....
14th Annual Spring Drive-it-Yourself Tour!
Geauga County - One would think we went to great lengths to plan our 14th Annual Spring Drive-it-Yourself Tour on May 14th with 14 NEW stops… but what we really have there is what is referred to as a ‘Happy accident.’ But however it happened, be sure to get that date on your calendar because it is sure to...
Educators Experience the “Wonders of Watersheds”
Right about….there. Right? Yep, it was gone. I squinted in an effort to improve the accuracy of my reading. Indeed this was the place where the black and white plate suspended from a rope, this thing that researchers refer to as a “secchi disk,” had completely disappeared from view. In an instant it was swallowed up in the vastness of...
Spring Is In The Air
Want to get in on the enjoyment, excitement, fascination and joyful outdoor recreation that watching birds has to offer? Once relegated to the domain of eccentrics, bird watching now ranks among one of the most popular pastimes in America, and Geauga Park District is eager to help you make the connection. Continuing a Greater Cleveland tradition since 1933, the Annual...
Geauga County Retired Teachers Association News
GCRTA will be hosting the first 2016 business meeting and luncheon on Tuesday February 2nd at Punderson Manor State Park and Conference Center located on Route 87 in Newbury Township (west of Route 44). Guests are asked to gather at 11:15, a business meeting will commence at 11:30, followed by the luncheon at 12:00. After the meal, State of...
GCPL Launches “Problem? Solved.” Campaign in 2016
Who hasn’t wondered where to look for information? Whether people want to find jobs, evade scam artists, get passports, find a great novel, browse a video collection, learn to download music or eBooks - or just hang out with friends at a community program, the library is the go-to resource for solving problems and enjoying entertainment options. To highlight available...
GCRTA December Luncheon
Geauga County - The Geauga County Retired Teachers Association is announcing their upcoming December meeting and luncheon. The event will be held on Tuesday December 1, 2015 at the Huntsburg Community Center located at 12406 Madison Rd (Rte 528) in Huntsburg, OH. Guests are asked to gather at 11:15 with the business meeting being held promptly at 11:30. The...
Geauga Growth Partnership Presents Entrepreneur Success Breakfast
Tricia Kaman was an art student and worked in 1965 as a portrait artist during the summer at Cedar Point in Sandusky Ohio. In 1971 she started her own portrait stand at Geauga Lake Park, and since that time has grown a business that has locations in over thirty major theme and amusement parks throughout the United States and...
“Fall Into Savings Passports” Now Available!
While we hate to see Summer draw to a close we know that Fall is full of fun events. The Destination Geauga Office wants to help you enjoy all of those events even more, so we encourage you to get your “Fall into Savings Passport!” The cost of the Passport is $10 and it contains offers for 25 Geauga...
GPS It! Geocaching in Geauga Parks
Try your hand at geocaching, a high-tech game of hide and seek using GPS (Global Positioning System), with some help from some local geocaching fans. What: Geocaching in Geauga Parks When: Saturday, August 29 – 10 a.m. to noon Where: Big Creek Park, Donald W. Meyer Center, 9160 Robinson Road, Chardon Twp. After an introductory presentation on the activity, members of the local...
GCPL Summer Readers Eligible for Free Gladiators Tickets
Geauga County - Summer reading just got even better! You know you’re already eligible for prizes simply for reading and logging the books you’re enjoying. But now, we’ve upped the ante. Once youth readers have completed their reading logs, they are eligible for free Cleveland Gladiators tickets. Here’s how it works. When kids submit their finished reading logs to the...