Home Geauga County Auburn Alumni Reunion Luncheon

Auburn Alumni Reunion Luncheon


Wanted — all who attended Auburn School as a student, teacher, staff or other capacity. Would you like to contact fellow students, teachers, or staff? We would like to invite you the Auburn Alumni Reunion.

We have graduates from 1933 to 1981. We would like to expand this to include those who attended in the 1990’s before it was closed. It is a great way to reconnect to others and reminisce of great times of history. Remember the drinking fountain on the playground, the swings or slide… the afternoons of hopscotch and four corners on the playground when the days were filled with sunshine and great times

The dinner is May 20, 2018 at Adam Hall on Washington Street. We will be meeting at 2 pm. Please contact Patti Phillips at 440-343-0054 or Jake Trethewey at 440-991-7432. For those more techy, email us at AuburnSchoolAlumni@gmail.com with your name and address. We are hoping to grow the event to include both young and those young at heart. Please contact Patti or Jake by May 14, 2018 to RVSP.


Anton Albert Photography