Home Authors Posts by Ted Lysiak

Ted Lysiak

Ted Lysiak

JAG Students shine at Champions Day at Crestwood

On Friday, September 20, Mrs. Schweickert and her classroom aides took JAG students to Crestwood High School for Champions Day, where they joined students from 10 Portage County schools for a day full of athletic fun. Crestwood students ran the events, creating an environment of excitement, smiles, laughter, and...

Giving Thanks from JAG

Garrettsville - This Thanksgiving holiday the James A. Garfield Schools have a great deal to be thankful for. Our schools are successful and our students achieve great things because of the support of so many people. It is for this support and these people that we give thanks. Our communityThe...

Professional Development Center Dedicated To Charles Klamer

Garrettsville - On Thursday, May 12, 2022 the James A. Garfield Local Schools dedicated their local training center to long-time superintendent, Chuck Klamer, who recently passed away.  Chuck was a catalyst for the James A. Garfield Local school district who transformed and brought about a great deal of positive...

NGCC Awarded Burton D. Morgan Foundation Grant

The Nelson Garrettsville Community Cupboard (NGCC) has been selected as a recipient of a $10,000 grant award by Burton D. Morgan Foundation for general operating support in 2022. Burton D. Morgan Foundation focuses its grant funding on supporting entrepreneurship and entrepreneurship education in Northeast Ohio. However, occasionally, the Foundation makes...

NGCC Goes from “Zero to 100” with help of local donors

Garrettsville - Last spring NGCC presented a challenge to the community. If they were able to secure 100 recurring monthly donations of just $5 each they would be able to purchase a van and expand their services to include delivery for those in need. A call was made to the...

NGCC Launches “0 to 100” Campaign

Garrettsville - NGCC wants to share with you an exciting new campaign called “0-100” that will help us reach many more individuals who are in need of our services. Currently, NGCC is open to the public four days each month to serve individuals who attend or reside in the James...

Giving Thanks from NGCC

This holiday season, amidst the vast uncertainty of the COVID-19 pandemic, NGCC has a great deal to be thankful for. Our community is a generous and special place, our volunteers give unconditionally and our patrons always demonstrate a genuine thanks for the services they utilize. We would like to...

2020 – 2021 Bus Routes – James A Garfield Local School...

Editor's Note: The bus routes are provided by the school for publication. Please DO NOT call the Villager to complain about them. Bus 1 - Dreama AdkinsHigh School / Middle SchoolSTREET TIMESouthwood Apts 7:05Creekwood Apts 7:06South St 7:08Clover Lane 7:10Meadow Run 7:15North St 7:20Village Dr 7:25Vanderslice 7:26South St 7:30 Elementary SchoolSTREET...

Starting a Year Like No Other

The start of a normal school year involves weeks of planning, teams of staff and countless people working behind the scenes to make opening day perfect for our kids. This year, however, has tested the best of us. Teams of employees have been working around the clock to ensure...

JAG School Reminder For Immunizations

Summer is moving quickly and we are nearing the beginning of the school year. Students are reminded to have their required immunizations before school begins. Kindergarten students are required to have all of the shots mandated by the State of Ohio prior to entering school in the fall. Documentation must...

JA Garfield Board Adopts Re-opening Plan

The JA Garfield Board of Education met on Monday evening to approve the reopening plan for the 2020-2021 school year.Teams of staff members have worked together to create a reopening plan that will get students back in school with extensive safety measures in place. The reopening plan implements best...

NGCC and JAG Schools Rise to The Challenge

Garrettsville - It is often said that difficult times will test what you are made of. There is no question that when the Governor of Ohio issued a stay-at-home order due to the Covid-19 Global Pandemic, the Nelson Garrettsville Community Cupboard was tested. On Thursday, March 12th the...

State Budget Cuts Impact J.A. Garfield

Garrettsville - On Tuesday, May 5, Governor DeWine announced significant cuts to public education due to a shortfall in tax collections due to the Covid-19 pandemic. This will certainly have a direct impact here at JAG. I wanted to communicate to our community the impact of these cuts as...

JAG To Celebrate Seniors During The Month Of May

Garrettsville - The JAG Graduation Committee has put plans in place to celebrate the Class of 2020 beginning this week and culminating  with a special graduation ceremony on Sunday, May 31st at 2pm.   Starting this week, Garfield teachers will be delivering yard signs to every senior’s yard.  Parents are...

JAG Schools to Celebrate "Family First Night" in March

On Wednesday, March 11, 2020 we will celebrate something very dear to us…our families. Our third “Family First Night” will be held in our community on this night. Throughout the school year our lives become extremely hectic, which often causes us to sacrifice our family time in order to...

JAG Schools Earn Elite Academic Award

James A. Garfield Local School District was recently awarded what may be one of the most highly regarded academic awards in school history. The District has been named to the 10th Annual AP District Honor Roll. This achievement for Garfield is due to expanding opportunities and improving performance for...

Winter Safety & Calling a Snow Day

Winter is now upon us in northeast Ohio and, like dressing for winter, a few more layers are necessary when it comes to keeping students safe! Here are a few facts to follow that will ensure a safe winter season for our students.  Transportation  Patience is key when the weather turns...

J.A. Garfield Local School District National School Lunch Program

James A. Garfield Local School District today announced its 2019-2020 program year policy for free and reduced-price meals for students unable to pay the full price of meals served under the National School Lunch and School Breakfast.  Each school office and the central office has a copy of the...

“One School, One Book” is Underway at JAG Elementary

Every Garfield Elementary student in grades K-6 is taking part in a reading program aimed at promoting family literacy. “One School, One Book” is a program sponsored through Read to Them, a non-profit organization whose mission is to create a culture of literacy in every home. On March 1st,...

JAG Kindergarten Registration

Kindergarten registration for the 2019/20 school year will be held on March 21, 22, and 25. To be eligible to attend, students entering kindergarten must be five (5) years old on or before August 1st of the coming school year. If your child is eligible to enroll, please call...

Vision And Values Drive JAG Students And Staff

James A. Garfield Graduates are going places! They attend college, join the workforce or enlist to serve our country. Garfield Schools have a clear vision of what we want to achieve for our kids: BEGINNING WITH THE CLASS OF 2022, 90% OF GARFIELD GRADUATES WILL PARTICIPATE IN HIGHER EDUCATION OR...

“Snapology” Classes Are Under Way at JAG Elementary

Garrettsville - Students in grades 3-6 have just begun a six-week after school enrichment program that teaches children about science, technology, engineering, and math (S.T.E.A.M) through hands on work with various LEGO models. Snapology is a franchise program that comes to Garfield Elementary courtesy of Alicia Lenczewski of Kent....

Garfield Lego Teams Compete In Regional Competition

Garrettsville - On Sunday, December 2, five Lego teams from James A. Garfield traveled to the regional competition in Aurora. It was a day of judging, coding, competing, and camaraderie. The competition is completed in three parts. There is a research project portion, a second...

Garfield Custodian Fulfills Dream of Giving Back

Garrettsville - Garfield custodian Aida Baker came to the United States in July of 2017. Before leaving her homeland in the Philippines, she dreamed that she would one day help the children from the elementary school where she graduated from in 1980. Aida knew first hand the struggles families...

Student Leaders Provide Community Service

JAG student leaders are continuing to find ways to provide community service. This fall the Student Leadership Team organized a candy collection for the Ronald McDonald House. Students wanted to provide some support for the families of seriously ill children. The collection was such a success,...

Immeasurable Gratitude from the JAG Schools

Two words….immeasurable gratitude As Thanksgiving approaches we want to share our deepest thanks to EVERYONE for the passage of Issue 8. Thank you for being such a supportive community. Thank you to the residents of Hiram, Charlestown, Nelson, Freedom and Garrettsville for believing in how we put your kids first....

J.A. Garfield School District Shares Contingency Plan

The James A. Garfield school district recently shared their contingency plan, should Issue 8 fail in November. The district’s need to eliminate $1.4M annually from their budget could require drastic cuts and reductions that would negatively impact the community.

Get The Facts About Issue 8

J.A. Garfield district residents are encouraged to attend the public information session for the Earned Income Tax Issue on Sunday, September 16 at 4 pm in the Iva L. Walker Auditorium at the high school. Attendees will receive information about the upcoming Earned Income Tax Issue, and have the opportunity...

Meet Officer Ahrens, Garfield’s School Resource Officer

Garrettsville - This year the James A. Garfield Schools will have a full-time School Resource Officer (SRO) on campus each day students are in session. The position is being paid for in party by the Village of Garrettsville. The Village will be paying for 32% of the cost of...

J.A. Garfield Sixth Graders Tour Washington DC

Garrettsville - The sixth grade class of Garfield Elementary recently did a two-day tour of the nation’s capital. It was the type of educational experience that these students will not soon forget. Packed into the busy itinerary were stops at Arlington National Cemetery, the viewing of the memorials, a...

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