Home Garrettsville “Snapology” Classes Are Under Way at JAG Elementary

“Snapology” Classes Are Under Way at JAG Elementary


Garrettsville – Students in grades 3-6 have just begun a six-week after school enrichment program that teaches children about science, technology, engineering, and math (S.T.E.A.M) through hands on work with various LEGO models.

Snapology is a franchise program that comes to Garfield Elementary courtesy of Alicia Lenczewski of Kent. Fifth grade science teacher Peggy Shay has used the program to provide students with a means to expand upon their ability to design, create, and build. Snapology activities also go a long way in fostering collaboration and teamwork.

There are two classes offered to students. Third and fourth graders participate in the “Adventures with Star Wars” class. This class focuses on building scenes from the movie, ships, lightsabers and so on. Fifth and six graders are enrolled in the “Creature Creator Robotics” class. These students learn about scientific principles as they build insects, dolphins., gorillas, and much more.

The motivation of working with LEGOS is giving these students the opportunity to combine creativity, learning, and fun. Here is what two students had to say about what they liked after their first Snapology class. Third grader Jared Cardinal – “I liked interacting with the other kids and building with the LEGOS.” Fifth grader Elizabeth Proya – “I like building with LEGOS. I have a table at home to work with LEGOS and wanted to get some new ideas. I really liked working with the LEGOS to make moving parts. I hadn’t done that before.”

You never know, the Snapology program and the love of LEGOS could just be a “snap” away from producing our next engineer, designer, or architect.

Ted Lysiak

Anton Albert Photography