Home Portage County Trail Lake Park Development

Trail Lake Park Development


There’s a lot of excitement about the future Trail Lake Park on Ravenna Road! The Park District acquired the property on the southern boundary of Herrick Fen State Nature Preserve in Streetsboro thanks to two Clean Ohio Conservation Fund grants and a Land and Water Conservation Fund grant, matched by in-kind contributions from the previous landowners.  The park property provides important buffer and a future trail connection to the fen and includes a 30-acre lake, mature forest, former agricultural fields, wetlands and a remnant of the  early 1800’s railroad corridor.

Phase I Plans include:

• 50-car parking lot with bioswales for stormwater management

• Information kiosk, benches, tables

•   Handicapped-accessible 1.6-mile multipurpose trail around the lake and secondary natural surface trails for hiking, biking, skiing, and nature education

• Vault Restrooms

Access to the lake for fishing and paddling

Phase II preliminary plans include installation of a picnic shelter and trail access to Herrick Fen

Construction has started on the parking lot; the trailhead and trails construction project will be out for bids soon. If all goes well, the park may be open by the end of the year. Funding for the park development comes from the park district’s ½ mill voter-approved levy, ODOT park allocation funds, and through private donations made to the Portage Park District Foundation.

Feel free to email admin@portageparkdistrict.org or leave a voice mail message to share your feedback at (330) 297-7728.


Anton Albert Photography