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Tag: Garfield Elementary

Villager Emporium Teams Up With Garfield PTO For Kids Santa Shop

The annual Santa shop – it’s fun and festive and has delighted children for decades. It’s a chance for little ones to shop for gifts for their loved ones (and sometimes themselves). Sadly due to the corona virus the PTO is unable to host the traditional Santa shop at school...

J.A. Garfield Elementary School Honor Roll ~ Second Grading Period

3rd Grade Honor Roll - Caly Sutton, Emma DiSanza, Gabriel West, Brooklyn Lee, Jocelyn Hodge, Krystian Greiner, Emerson White, Nicholas Muldowney, Dominic Herrera, Kimberly Anderson, Jayden Lee, Michael Goodrich, Rylan May, Joshua Lee, Lillian Fields, Parker Tallent, Mason Devlin, Aiden Quesenberry, Isabella Wright, Lina Kaufman, Cole Lipstreu, Jackson Seaborn, Addison...

Garfield PTO Hosts Spaghetti Dinner & Student Art Show

The James A. Garfield Elementary School Parent Teacher Organization is a fully insured, non-profit volunteer organization made up of individuals consisting of parents, teachers and business owners in our community who come together to support and enrich the lives of our students. Over the last 3 years the PTO...

James A. Garfield Elementary School Honor/Merit Roll 1st Grading Period

3rd Grade Honor Roll: Brooklyn Lee, Joshua Lee, Emma DiSanza, Mason Devlin, Dominic Herrera, Caly Sutton, Gabriel West, Nicholas Muldowney, Krystian Greiner, Jocelyn Hodge, Emerson White, Hayden Rininger, Kimberly Anderson, Lillian Fields, Jayden Lee, Michael Goodrich, Aiden Quesenberry, Colten Workman, John Kristoff, Parker Tallent, Shya Henry, William Thompson, Abigail Fergis,...

James A. Garfield Elementary “Green Team” on the GO!

Garrettsville - If you are wondering what the Green team is, here it is!  Mrs. Blakeman and Mrs. Beck, fourth grade teachers decided to form a club called the “Green Team.”  Two kids were selected from each grade (K-6).  We met once a month on a Friday. We had 24...

JAG Elementary Sharpens the Saw

Garrettsville - On a recent afternoon, all 700+ students at JAG Elementary School took part in a multitude of afternoon activities aimed to sharpen the saw. Although it sounds like something done with power tools during shop class, the program has more to do with helping shape students into...

Girls Who Code Explore Technology at JAG Elementary

Garrettsville - With the rise of technology, mobile devices, and online applications, it’s easy to believe estimates that by 2020, there will be 1.4 million jobs in computing. Unfortunately, it’s estimated that girls are on track to fill only 4% of those jobs. Today, fewer than 1 in 5...

“One School, One Book” is Underway at JAG Elementary

Every Garfield Elementary student in grades K-6 is taking part in a reading program aimed at promoting family literacy. “One School, One Book” is a program sponsored through Read to Them, a non-profit organization whose mission is to create a culture of literacy in every home. On March 1st,...

JAG Kindergarten Registration

Kindergarten registration for the 2019/20 school year will be held on March 21, 22, and 25. To be eligible to attend, students entering kindergarten must be five (5) years old on or before August 1st of the coming school year. If your child is eligible to enroll, please call...

Holy Dexterity Challenge, Batman! Garfield Hosts Cubing Competition

Well, the 2019 Garrettsville G-Men Classic is now history, but what an event. At least ninety-one participants were registered and the space at the James A. Garfield Elementary School was teeming with “cubers” and their fans. Oh, yes, there were fans; cheering broke out at some particularly outstanding moves or...

“Snapology” Classes Are Under Way at JAG Elementary

Garrettsville - Students in grades 3-6 have just begun a six-week after school enrichment program that teaches children about science, technology, engineering, and math (S.T.E.A.M) through hands on work with various LEGO models. Snapology is a franchise program that comes to Garfield Elementary courtesy of Alicia Lenczewski of Kent....

Positive Morning Greetings at Garfield Elementary

Garrettsville - Fist bump… High-five… Handshake… Hug. No matter what the greeting, this is sure to be another great day in Mrs. Livingston‘s classroom! To help build relationships and demonstrate kindness, students in Mrs. Livingston‘s kindergarten class each receive an individualized morning greeting from an appointed “student greeter” of...

Garrettsville G-Men Classic 2019

Garrettsville - Most people recognize a Rubik’s cube when they see one - its multi-colored squares are pretty distinctive. And most people have, at one point in their life, tried to solve one. How fast could you do it? Would it take you a couple hours? A couple days?...

J.A. Garfield Elementary Rocks!

Garrettsville - The Shelly Company is one of Ohio’s leading limestone, concrete and asphalt paving companies. With more than 90 locations and 1,600 employees around the state, you may wonder why they recently sent two of their brightest employees to spend the day with sixth-graders at James A. Garfield...

Garfield Lego Teams Compete In Regional Competition

Garrettsville - On Sunday, December 2, five Lego teams from James A. Garfield traveled to the regional competition in Aurora. It was a day of judging, coding, competing, and camaraderie. The competition is completed in three parts. There is a research project portion, a second...

Garfield Custodian Fulfills Dream of Giving Back

Garrettsville - Garfield custodian Aida Baker came to the United States in July of 2017. Before leaving her homeland in the Philippines, she dreamed that she would one day help the children from the elementary school where she graduated from in 1980. Aida knew first hand the struggles families...

JAG Sixth Graders “Walk the Walk”

Garrettsville - Members of the sixth grade class at Garfield Elementary recently participated in a Walk-A-Thon to help fund their three-day field trip to Washington DC. In its second year, the DC Walk-A-Thon is proving to be a very successful and beneficial way for these students to earn the...

Elementary Students Thank Garfield PTO

Garrettsville – Gym Teacher Mark Rado and his students expressed their appreciation to the James A. Garfield PTO, which recently donated a rock-climbing wall to the Elementary School for use during gym classes. Spanning the width the gymnasium, this multicolored climbing wall will provide Garfield students fun new opportunities...

“Mysteries of the Season” (slideshow)

Garrettsville - The James A. Garfield Elementary School music teacher Mr. Ken Fox and the third graders kicked off a celebration for the winter season on Wednesday, December 1st. As the first snow of the season fell softly outside, the children presented their audience with a wonderful mixture of...

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