
Imaginative Expressions bring delight in the form of distinctive Colored Glass

Ravenna - A crafty little smile crossed the face of Jill Wolford as she expertly handled the 700-degree soldering iron and melted lead in front of her. She applied the lead to oddly-shaped, orange foil-wrapped pieces of glass which would eventually morph into a jack-o’-lantern fit for the upcoming Autumn season. Wolford has a great passion for her handmade...

2019 Potato Festival

Mantua - Mark your calendar for the 46th Potato Festival, which takes place in Mantua the weekend after Labor Day. In addition to the rides, games of chance, and fun fair foods, potato chip and mashed potato eating contests you’ve come to expect, this year’s festival has even more to offer. If you love a great live band experience, then...

Ohio National Guard 1st Battalion 145th Armored Regiment is Being Deployed

This past Sunday, around 700 soldiers from the Ohio National Guard out of Stow had their Call to Duty Ceremony at the Canton Memorial Civic Center. The men and women of the 1st Battalion, 145th Armored Regiment answered the call to duty as they prepare to head to Kuwait later this year as a part of Operation Spartan Shield....

Mantua Village News

Mantua - Regarding water and sewer systems, Village Administrator John Trew suggested conducting a lead line study among village residents to ascertain how many homes within the village still have lead pipes. To that end, Mayor Linda Clark is asking residents to photograph the waterlines that enter their homes at the water meter site and email them to her...

Multifamily Housing Project Being Erected in Windham

Windham - Anyone who has driven through the Maple Grove area in Windham has noticed the construction going on there. As with any construction project in a small community, there are rumors about what it’s going to be. In fact, there are lots of them. First let’s dispel some of them, then we’ll delve into the meat of what...

Alzheimer’s Association – New Newbury Caregiver Support Group

NEWBURY - The Alzheimer’s Association is pleased to announce a new caregiver support group is starting at St. Helen Catholic Church, 12060 Kinsman Rd., Newbury, OH 44065. This spiritually-based group is open to all and offers a safe place for caregivers, family and friends currently caring for persons with dementia to develop a support system. There is no charge to...

Upcoming Community Events | Week of August 30th

Portage Senior Citizens Opportunities Weekdays The Portage County Senior Center, located at 705 Oakwood St., in Ravenna has many daily opportunities for local seniors to enjoy. On any given day, you can enjoy, bingo, Tai Chi, educational programs, art class, corn hole, cards & dominos with friends, and they even have a pool table. They serve lunch daily (by reservation) and...

“Hide a Key Garden Rock” Craft Program at Garrettsville Library

You’re invited to attend Crafting with Marian’s “Hide a Key Garden Rock” program at the Garrettsville Library on Monday, September 23 from 6:00 pm to 7:30 pm. Learn how to make a garden rock to hide important keys or valuables. This is an easy and useful craft for adults. You will be able to personalize your rock and take...

Nelson Garrettsville Community Cupboard & Garrettsville Curtains Up Theatre Partner for Fundraising Event

Garrettsville - On Saturday, October 12th Garrettsville’s Main Street will become a crime scene and we are looking for detectives to solve the murder.  Join the actors of Garrettsville’s Curtains Up Theatre at Cellar Door Coffee Company as they set the stage for murder.  Doors open at  4 pm, appetizers and murder begin  at 5.  Pre-sale tickets are $30 each or...

Educational Opportunities in Environmental Stewardship Sprout at JAG Campus

Garrettsville - What’s with all the dead brown grass on the JAG campus? With the rainfall we’ve had it’s certainly not drought related but rather the beginning of something new and exciting to benefit our students, community and environment. Earlier this summer, school district staff approached local conservation professionals to determine how the school district might lead their students...

The Path To Passion Returns to Toys

Ravenna - For about a year and a half, Ronn Gehring has been following his passion in Ravenna. But it hasn’t always been that way. His interest in collectible toys began with Star Wars and GI Joe figures in the 80’s. And while collectible toys have always been a hobby, he didn’t consider pursuing it as a career until...

Potato Festival To Select Queen

Mantua - The 46th annual Mantua Potato Festival will once again take place the weekend after Labor Day, from Friday, September 6th through Sunday, September 8th. Once again, the Festival will be crowning a new Potato Festival Queen and court. The 2018 Queen, Ms. Cidney Lynn Furner, will crown this year’s winner and her court.  Young women, aged 4 through...

iNaturalist Training Workshop

Portage Park District hit a big milestone this summer! We surpassed 1,000 documented species listed in iNaturalist. What’s iNaturalist, you ask? It’s a smartphone nature app that connects over 750,000 scientists and naturalists worldwide to record and share plants and animals around us.  Join us in September to learn how to record and share your observations while visiting our park...

Hiram Township News

Hiram Twp. - In previous meetings, the Trustees have noted the need for more transparency in the accounting for Fire and EMS billing, which the township and village both financially support. In light of the desire to purchase a replacement engine, the priority of the discussion prompted a special meeting between township and village officials. Hiram Fire Chief Bill Byers...

Windham Resident Turns a Hundred

Windham -  When one gets an opportunity to sit down with a centenarian, the first thing that comes to mind is, what is your secret to longevity? Which was one of the first things I asked Kathryn Brobst as she approached the 100-year milestone. Mrs. Brobst replied, “I’ve lived a clean life, no drinking or smoking,” but most of...

Garrettsville-Hiram Rotary Report

The Garrettsville-Hiram Rotary Club enjoyed a presentation by Ashley Hineman of Growing Daisies Ministry at their meeting on August 12, 2019.  The Ministry, only recently approved as a 401(c) organization, works, solely with volunteers and donations to support children...and adults...with many basic needs, including clothing and shoes, school supplies, personal care items, books, toys--no cash; each bag also includes...

Windham Township Trustees News

Windham Twp. - Windham Township Trustees met recently, with all trustees and fiscal officer in attendance. The trustees approved the minutes and the expenditures for the month of July before moving on to the business at hand.  The township employees have been quite busy this month. They have been out mowing, ditching and helping folks with water issues. They also...

Mantua Village News

Mantua - At the last meeting, village residents Trish and Scott Snider raised their concerns in moving forward a project they hope to complete. The couple voiced their concerns that delays on behalf of the village are holding up their ability to move forward on a construction project. The couple is interested in converting the upper floor of their...

Golf Outing will Benefit local Students and Business Development

Ravenna - How many golfers does it take to change a light bulb? Fore!  What is a golfer’s favorite letter? Tee! Why did the golfer have an extra pair of socks? In case he got a hole-in-one! Now that I have thoroughly introduced you to the ‘Lingo 101’ let me educate you on the swinging good time going down Friday, August 23...

Acoustic Open Mic At Tavern 1888

Ravenna - Bill Henceroth will host an acoustic open mic at Tavern 1888 in Ravenna every Wednesday from 7pm-9pm.  There is NO COVER CHARGE for this show. Bill Henceroth has performed with a myriad of rock bands since the early ‘70’s.  Currently Bill performs as a seasoned bass and acoustic guitarist, as well as a vocalist with the band Save...

Change to Mantua Center Pig Roast

Mantua - The family-friendly event that was highlighted in last week’s paper has been changed. The event will still be held at the Mantua Township School on Saturday, August 17th from 1 - 5 pm. The event will still feature kid-friendly activities, including bounce houses, face painting, and balloon art. Families will still have the chance to play corn...

Crestwood Kids Meet K9 Guapo

Mantua - Last Friday, kids from Crestwood Local Schools summer program received the special opportunity for a personal meet-and-greet with a local celebrity -- Hiram Police Department’s K9 Guapo. Although Guapo has been on duty since this spring, this was the first chance the crime-fighting K9 has had to meet with a large group of his best supporters --...

Garrettsville’s Officer Ahrens Receives Commendation at Council Meeting

Garrettsville – Village officials present at the village council meeting on August 12, were Village Solicitor Michele Stuck, Nancy Baldwin, Mayor Rick Patrick, and Councilpersons Tom Hardesty, John Chambers, Jeff Kaiser, Larry Beatty, Tom Collins and Chris Knop. After the meeting was called to order at 2:11 PM, the minutes were reviewed and approved as presented. Council also looked over...

J.A. Garfield Local School District National School Lunch Program

James A. Garfield Local School District today announced its 2019-2020 program year policy for free and reduced-price meals for students unable to pay the full price of meals served under the National School Lunch and School Breakfast.  Each school office and the central office has a copy of the policy, which may be reviewed by any interested party.  The Federal...

Aireane Curtis Excited to Lead Windham Exempted Schools

Windham - Windham students will not only see a new face in the principal’s office, they will see a new one at the superintendent’s desk as well.  The Windham Board of Education (BOE) hired Aireane Curtis to fill the superintendent position.  Curtis began at the helm of the school on July 1, 2019 and was given a three-year and one-month...

New Principal At Windham is Alum

Windham - This fall, when students return to school at Windham Exempted Junior/ Senior High School, there will be a new face behind the principal’s desk. The district welcomed Justin Christopher back to Windham. Christopher is a Windham alum and has taken over the principal’s position effective August 1, 2019. Christopher is not new to Windham; besides being a 1992...

Local Community Experiences Loss

Garrettsville - The Garrettsville community was saddened by the recent loss Dale Gillespie, owner of the Save 4 Store, who passed unexpectedly at his home on July 17th. According to Pam Kelley, who worked with Dale for 38 years at the Save 4 Store, Dale was, “very generous to the community, and tried to help everyone who asked.” Kelley...

Danny Back, Nationally Known Expert on River History, to Speak in Shalersville

Freedom Twp. - The Freedom Township Historical Society has an exciting guest speaker for our August meeting. Danny Back, a nationally known expert on river history, steamboats, and canals, will give a presentation on Ohio’s Canal Era: 1832-1913 at 7 p.m. Aug.13. We are expecting a large crowd so this meeting will take place at the Shalersville Town Hall...

History is Made at Ravenna’s First Ever Fashion Tattoo Show

Ravenna - Why did the Flamingo cross the road? To show off her tattoos of course! That is exactly what Julie Semock, Master Piercer for War Horse Ink, did to display what she calls her “artwork collection” during Saturday’s Fashion Tattoo Show on N. Chestnut St in Ravenna. On her back on is a flamingo with ballet Pointe shoes...

Garrettsville Eagles Announce Scholarship Winners

On June 26, 2019, the Garrettsville Eagles announced the winners of the 2019 scholarship awards. They are: Madeline Vaughan, granddaughter of Jeanne Tancos. Madeline is a 2019 graduate of Thornton Academy in Saco, Maine. She was a member of the National Honor Society, earned academic honors in English, Acting, Physics, Biology and AP Human Geography. ...


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