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Hiram Township News


Hiram Twp. – In previous meetings, the Trustees have noted the need for more transparency in the accounting for Fire and EMS billing, which the township and village both financially support. In light of the desire to purchase a replacement engine, the priority of the discussion prompted a special meeting between township and village officials.

Hiram Fire Chief Bill Byers noted that the village has approved the department’s request for a down payment on the new engine with a plan to finance the balance. The trustees agree that the township will contribute their share toward the engine, but desire a better understanding of the village’s contributions. Per an agreement between the village and the township approved in 2009, the fire department is funded 60% by the township and 40% by the village. According to Village Fiscal Officer Susan Skrovan, money for the Fire/EMS comes from a variety of funds, not a single source; she noted that she’s continued the financial process that was implemented by her predecessor. She provided financial reporting from 2016 through 2018, including revenue reports, revenue status, and receipt detail for the group to review.

After discussion among village council and township trustees, bringing in an auditor to verify that each party was contributing the agreed-upon amount was suggested. Township Fiscal Officer Diane Rodhe noted that hiring an auditor would be a great idea. Susan Skrovan noted that the village’s regular audit cost roughly $12,000. Rodhe surmised, “it wouldn’t cost that much to have them review fund management for this contract.”

Councilman Paul Spencer made a motion for the fiscal officers to request an estimate from the Auditor of State to review the contract and provide a review and recommendations. He noted that the cost of the audit would be divided equally between the township and the village. 

In similar news, the trustees approved a similar motion, authorizing Rodhe to do the same, as well passing a motion authorizing Rodhe to file the necessary documents with the county to place an EMS renewal on November’s ballot.

Lastly, Trustee Debra Blake thanked Richard Masters for his 45 years of service to the veterans of the township through his annual work placing flags on the veteran gravesites prior to Memorial Day. This year, and moving forward, the Township Service Department will take over this task honoring local veterans. 

The next regularly scheduled Trustee meeting will be held on Tuesday, August 20th at 7 pm.

Stacy Turner

Anton Albert Photography