AARP Chapter #4527 Meeting News
The Bainbridge/Chagrin AARP Chapter #4527 will meet on Tuesday, November 12th, 2019, at 1 pm, 1 week later due to the Elections. We meet at the Bainbridge Town Hall, 17826 Chillicothe Road, Bainbridge Twp., Ohio. (Located behind the Fire Station) Our program will be Dennis Sutcliffe, presenting forgotten Cleveland. Dennis will speak on the music of old Cleveland, what Cleveland...
Portage APL’s Paws to Taste Event Coming Up November 16th!
Ravenna - Portage APL invites you to attend PAWS TO TASTE 2019 on November 16, 2019. The event will be held at the Kent State University Hotel and Conference Center from 6-9. This annual wine and beer tasting to benefit Portage Animal Protective League promises to be the best yet. The evening will include wine pairings of select wines,...
War Memorial Update
Freedom Township Residents we are looking to update/add additional veterans’ names to our war memorial. The names will be for all wars. Once the list of names is compiled we will work to design a layout that will be appropriate to honor our veterans. Please contact Jennifer Derthick at 330-931-8227 or email at or Claudia Garrett at 330-298-9141...
Substance Abuse & Mental Health Conference Oct 30
The Portage Substance Abuse Community Coalition is hosting the Portage Substance Abuse & Mental Health Conference on Wednesday, October 30 from 9am-4pm at the NEW Center Ballroom at the Northeast Ohio Medical University in Rootstown. A state update will be presented by Ohio Department of Mental Health & Addiction Services Director Lori Criss and Portage County Health Commissioner Joseph Diorio...
The Haven of Portage County Hosts Annual Gala Fundraiser to Open Portage County, Ohio Homeless Shelter
Ravenna - On November 2, 2019. The Haven of Portage County will host its annual black-tie gala fundraiser at The NEW Center at Northeast Ohio Medical University in Rootstown. This year’s theme is the Roaring Twenties and Terry Montz, Innovate Elegance Catering and Design, will transport guests back in time to the era of jazz, fast cars, speakeasies and...
KSU Geauga eSports Club Brings Computer Gaming to College
Burton - Competitive, multiplayer computer gaming is a favorite pastime for the average college student; both playing and watching. In fact, Forbes magazine reports that video games get more viewership from the 18-25 age demographic in the U.S. than the NBA Finals or the World Series. Colleges and universities across the U.S. are starting to embrace the phenomenon through their...
Twentieth Century Club News
The ladies of the Twentieth Century Club of Garrettsville met on October 3 at the Eagle Creek home of hostess Joyce Fashing, who was assisted by co-hostess Karen Ziarko. The meeting was conducted by vice president Jane Hill, since the president was in Idaho--maybe snowed in. The roll call was to be answered by giving the respondent’s name as...
Let’s Walk for Hunger- Northern Portage CROP Hunger Walk
CROP is an annual event and is sponsored by Church World Service. Each year our churches walk to raise funds to help fight hunger. Part of the money is sent abroad, and a portion is returned to our local food cupboards- 4Cs and Nelson/Garrettsville Food Cupboard. This year we will walk together on October 20. We need lots of walkers...
CHS Students Join Community Members for Annual Fall Clean-Up
Mantua - If you happened to be out walking or driving through Mantua on the morning of October 2, you might have seen several Crestwood High School students throughout the downtown area and Buchert Memorial Park working alongside members of the Downtown Mantua Revitalization Corporation (DMRC). Each year, students who participate in various service oriented classes and clubs volunteer...
Lady G-Men Soccer Has Strong Chance at PTC Title
The Lady G-Men Soccer team heads to Hartville this Saturday to stake their claim on the PTC League title. The game kicks off at 11:00am at Lake Center Christian. If the ladies win or tie with the Tigers they will claim the league title—an achievement that hasn’t been accomplished since 2006
Hiram Village News
Hiram - At the last council meeting, Police Chief Brian Gregory shared that the department conducted 63 traffic stops and issued 26 written citations during the month of July. He also noted that there were three canine deployments that resulted in two drug arrests, as well. In other news, the chief noted that the department’s annual Fishing with a...
Township’s New Generator Installed
Windham Twp. - The Windham Township Trustees met for their regularly-scheduled meeting recently, with all governing parties in attendance. Following the Pledge of Allegiance and the usual housekeeping, the trustees opened the floor for guests to speak. The local electrician, Todd Snyder, who has been working on upgrading the electricity and installing the generator, was on hand to discuss some...
Hilltop Christian Church Celebrates 130 Years
Mantua - Hilltop Christian Church in Mantua will be celebrating 130 years on Sunday, October 13, 2019. Sunday School begins at 9:30. Special worship service at 10:30 will include reading of representative Hilltop memories. At noon there will be a dedication of a boulder in the front yard with a message about the rock that is our foundation. After the...
Crafting with Marian’s “Book Pumpkin” at Garrettsville Library
You’re invited to attend Crafting with Marian’s “Book Pumpkin” program at the Garrettsville Library on Saturday, October 26 from 1:00 pm to 3:30 pm. You’ll learn how to make a festive pumpkin- using old books- to decorate your home. This is an innovative use of old books, so join us and lets craft. Seats are limited for this popular...
Community Conversation: Renewal Levy/Financial Forecast Forum
Hiram - As a service to the community, Hiram Christian Church will be hosting a Renewal Levy / Financial Forecast Forum on Wednesday, October 16 at 7pm. This is part of our community conversations program that brings neighbors together to discuss important matters within our community. This conversation will invite the community to learn more about the upcoming emergency levy for...
Garfield G-Men 7-0 in Season
Congratulations G-Men on your continued winning streak. Tonight the boys crushed the Rootstown Rovers with a final score of 38-25. This year's team is the first to go 7-0 in 30 years!
Mantua Village News
Mantua - At the last Village Council meeting, residents Jay D’Aurelio and Luci Curtin from St. Joseph’s parish, asked council to approve a special event. The parish’s Sisterhood of St. Joseph’s will be holding a fundraising event to raise money to support the group’s charitable giving. To that end, they’ll be hosting a wine walk and wine tasting event...
Garfield High School Celebrates Homecoming
G-Men pride is in no short supply on the James A. Garfield campus. Garfield High School kicked off their homecoming celebration on Friday, October 4th with the first of five spirit days with “Meme Day” which had the students dressing as their favorite internet joke images. Spirit week concludes with a school-wide pep-rally in JAG Stadium on Thursday morning. The...
Restaurant: Impossible Needs VOLUNTEERS!!! Garrett’s Mill & Brewing Company
Restaurant: Impossible is coming to Garrettsville on October 23rd & 24th! We are seeking enthusiastic individuals that would love to work with Robert Irvine and his talented renovation team as design and construction volunteers on the show! Volunteers may be any licensed or certified individuals in painting, crafting, constructing, remodeling, cleaning, decorating etc. (depending on your skill set). We are...
Old Garrettsville Cemetery Undergoing Restoration
Garrettsville - Have you ever been to the historic Old Baptist Cemetery on Maple Avenue in Garrettsville? If you have, you may not recognize it today. The small Baptist Cemetery has been undergoing a restoration this summer and has had about 19 stones repaired, straightened, cleaned, and placed upright again. Ten obelisks have been straightened as well. This work was...
Investing in Future Leaders with AHLI Program Partnership
“This is why they go into education! Our instructors are eager to share their knowledge and to spark interest among students in a significant, meaningful way.” This comment by Kent State Geauga and Regional Academic Center Assistant Dean Dr. Susan Emens could apply to the faculty’s approach to Kent State University students at the Geauga Campus, but she is...
Garrettsville-Hiram Rotary Report
Garrettsville-Hiram Rotary Club met with new members, representatives Jerry and Virginia Calley from the Johnson Farm on September 23, 2019 to conduct minimal business—Rotary International & District obligations paid up, arrangements for the Roadside Clean-up on Friday, September 27 (with lunch at Mc D’s), Happy Bucks in celebration of the season (changed to Autumn), football, the weather—then on to...
WVFD Board Considers Incentives and Holiday Pay
Windham - The WVFD met for a rescheduled monthly meeting recently. The rescheduled the meeting was due to the fact that the chief needed to be out of town for his full-time job on the date of the regularly scheduled meeting. The meeting was called to order with all board members, fiscal officer and Chief Rich Gano in...
Hiram’s First Responders Receive Gifts
Hiram - The Hiram Firefighters Association was pleased to receive a grant in the amount of $2,500 from The Monsanto Farmers Grow Committees program earlier this summer. The Association chose to use those funds to purchase SEEK handheld thermal imagers. Jack Groselle of Groselle Farms filed the grant application; Mr. Groselle selected the Hiram Fire Department as the community...
Crestwood High School Students Continue Cuyahoga River Clean-Up
In the middle of June, 1969, the Cuyahoga River burst into flames when a spark from a passing train flew down and ignited debris on the surface of the river. Although fires on the river were common at the time due to industrial waste and high levels of water pollution, it was this event that served as the...
Newton Falls Community Backpack Program Thank You’s & News
Newton Falls - With the help and support of Newton Falls Schools, churches, and the community, the NF Community Backpack Program has continued to serve children of our schools. This project is meant to supplement a child’s meals and snacks. We are ready to begin again for the new school year. We would first like to thank our...
Training Session at Old Baptist Cemetery
Garrettsville - The Garrettsville Cemetery Association is sponsoring a training session on cleaning old gravestones at the historic Baptist Cemetery on Maple Ave from 10 am to 4 pm Saturday, Oct. 5. Tim Foor, who has been working on repairing the broken and tipped stones and obelisks at the cemetery for several months, will be teaching the correct and safe...
Burton Public Library October Events
The following events will take place at the Burton Public Library, 14588 West Park Street, Burton, OH 44021. Please call the Burton Public Library at (440) 834-4466 or visit for more information. Kids Storytimes - For children 0 to 5 with a caregiver September 9 through November 22. Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday mornings. No registration. See website for...
Ravenna On Display
Ravenna - What a day of community representation is being planned for you to come out and experience all Ravenna on the Rise has to offer! So much festive Fall fun will be on Saturday, October 12 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Annual Ravenna On Display. The event will be held indoors at the High School...