
NOTICE OF SPECIAL BOARD MEETING – Crestwood Local School District Board of Education –Wednesday, November 20, 2019, 7:30 a.m.

In accordance with R.C. 121.22, R.C. 3313.16, and applicable laws, the Treasurer of the Crestwood Local School District Board of Education (“Board”) hereby serves written notice that a special meeting of the Board is hereby called for Wednesday, November 20, 2019, 7:30 a.m., at the Crestwood Intermediate School, which is located at 11260 Bowen Road, Mantua, Ohio 44255. The...

CHS Breaks Ground on Groundbreaking Project

Mantua - “This is a big day,” shared American Experience Academy teacher Angus McDougell at the recent groundbreaking ceremony on the site of the soon-to-be-built aquaponics greenhouse at the Crestwood High School campus. “It’s been five years in the making.” As administrators and school board members looked on, current students donned hard hats and safety vests, posed in front of...

Music Therapy Builds a Bridge over Troubled Water for Patients at UH Geauga and Portage Medical Centers

Geauga & Portage Counties -- Most people know that listening to music or playing an instrument can make them feel calm, happy or even inspired. At University Hospitals Connor Integrative Health Network, board-certified music therapist Forrest Paquin taps into that power to make a difference in patients’ emotional and physical wellbeing.  Paquin, who holds a bachelor’s degree in music therapy...

Mantua-Shalersville Fire District News

Mantua - Since the first full week of October is designated as Fire Prevention Week, the Mantua-Shalersville Fire Department visited Crestwood Primary School to share some fire safety information. They visited 264 first and second graders, sharing fire safety tips with students to help keep themselves and their families safe. Among the lessons that day, they learned the importance of...

The Portage County Literacy Coalition Family Feud for Literacy Event

And the survey says…On Saturday, October 19, 2019, from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. the Portage County Literacy Coalition held the very first Family Feud for Literacy Event at the Eagles’ Club located at 812 Cleveland Road, Ravenna, Ohio.  Guests were served a light dinner of pizza, cookies, and refreshments while three big ticket items were raffled off, which included: ...

Revisit Yesteryear with New Collection of Old News Clippings

Garrettsville - Local history buffs, this one’s for you! Did you know that Garrettsville was the prime cheese-producing center of Ohio in 1877? Or that the best maple syrup in the world came from here in 1893? Or that Garrettsville had the most secret societies statewide in 1899? Or that James A. Garfield once engaged in a shooting match...

Events At The Portage Senior Center

The Portage Senior Center is offering various arts & craft classes throughout the month and all seniors aged 60 and up are welcome to attend.  There is no cost, but sign-up will be required.  For more information on upcoming classes, dates and times, they can be reached at 330-297-3456.  They are located at 705 Oakwood St. (Floor G) in...

Giving Tuesday Comes To KSU Geauga & Regional Academic Center

Burton – For the first time ever, Kent State Geauga and Regional Academic Center will have a Featured Fund for the annual Giving Tuesday event for Kent State University. Giving Tuesday has become a tradition for many non-profits around the country.  It started in 2012 as a response to the over-commercialization of Black Friday and Cyber Monday. This year,...

Friends of the Garrettsville Library Book Sale

Garrettsville - The Friends of the Garrettsville Library will hold their quarterly book sale November 13-16. There will be a “Special Friends Preview Sale” on Wednesday, November 13 from 10:00 am to 12:00 pm (you can join the Friends for $5.00 at the door) and then the public sale continues as follows: Wednesday, November 13 from 12:00 pm to...

Savory & Sweet in the County Seat showcased locally owned restaurants in Ravenna and Portage County

Ravenna - Main Street Ravenna would like to thank all of the locally owned and operated restaurants from Ravenna and around Portage County who participated in the first annual Savory & Sweet in the County Seat Event on October 10th. The event, held at the Immaculate Conception Hall in downtown Ravenna, was a showcase of the special, locally owned...

Garrettsville Summerfest Announces Date Change for 2020

Garrettsville - Many of us are getting ready for winter to arrive in Ohio, however the Garrettsville Summerfest Committee has been busy planning for next year’s summer event. The committee will travel to Sandusky this weekend for workshops, meetings, seminars and to look at entertainment options for the Summerfest 2020 event. 2020 will mark the 16th year for Garrettsville Summerfest...

Free Storm Spotter Training In Portage County On November 12, 2019

Ravenna—Portage County Board of Commissioners and the Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Management are sponsoring a free Skywarn® training on Tuesday, Nov. 12, 2019, for residents interested in becoming storm spotters. Residents will register when they come for the class starting at 6 p.m. in Conference Room A at Maplewood Career Center, 7075 State Route 88, Ravenna. Pre-registration is...

Freedom Historical Society News and Notes

Freedom Twp. - Our volunteers have taken advantage of the beautiful October weather to continue the renovation work at our one-room schoolhouse on S.R. 303. Two windows were installed on the east side of the building and a historic outhouse was moved from the Malotte residence on Streeter to the schoolhouse. Thanks to our great volunteer team that includes...

Mantua Village Garden Club News

Mantua - The members of the Mantua Village Garden Club said their goodbyes to current president, Carol Fenrich, as she prepares to relocate to North Carolina, to be near her son and his family. Carol has lived in Mantua for 40 years and has been a member of the garden club for 30 years. She has served as president...

2019 Inductees Into Garfield Hall of Fame

Congratulations goes out to the J.A. Garfield 2019 Hall of Fame inductees.  David Mottice graduated with the class of 1988 and was  recognized  for his academic and athletic achievements in golf, basketball and baseball. In golf, he was a four year letterman and a two time participant at the state championships. He was a 2 time All PCL performer and...

From the Dust Bowl to Diamonds… Geauga SWCD Celebrates 75 Years of Conservation at their Annual Meeting!

The Geauga Soil and Water Conservation District (SWCD) celebrated its 75th year at the Annual Dinner Meeting held on Thursday, October 10th at the Claridon Woodlands Lodge.  With approximately 63 people in attendance, the Annual Meeting began with the election of two members to the Geauga SWCD five-member Board of Supervisors.  Tracy Engle of Auburn Township, Jeffrey Huntsberger of...

J.A. Garfield Historical Society News

The October 21, 2019 meeting of the James A. Garfield Historical Society recorded a generous donation toward the restoration project at the Old Baptist Cemetery and a favorable report on the annual visit by third graders from the James A. Garfield Elementary School as well as an affirmation on the part of the Garrettsville United Methodist Church to be...

Rotary Tour of Homes in Mantua

Mantua - Although fall is in full swing, several area homeowners have decided to deck their halls a little early to help support a treasured community tradition and support a worthwhile organization. The Rotary Club of Mantua’s Tour of Homes will take place the second and third weekends in November.  “This is our major fundraiser of the year,” shared Rotary...

Know! To Practice Good Sportsmanship

The benefits of participating in sports are vast. Sports help build character, boost self-confidence, strengthen perseverance, promote discipline, enhance physical and emotional health, develop teamwork skills, and promote healthy competition. Sports also provide children with additional supervision and additional mentors to help guide them as they grow, which is monumental. In fact, a study by Big Brothers Big Sisters...

Garrettsville-Hiram Rotary Report

The October 28, 2019 meeting of the Garrettsville-Hiram Rotary was focused on final details of the upcoming Reverse Raffle.  Accounting for tickets still out, tickets sold and specifics of steak or chicken for dinners (Thursday deadline), last-minute arrangements and supplies--all small but important items were being addressed.  The regular Wednesday meeting will go on as usual.  Tickets are still...

Windham Village Council News

Windham - Windham Village Council met recently, with all but one council member in attendance. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Scott Garrett. Council approved the minutes then moved on to the financial report.  Fiscal Officer Cheree Taylor presented the following: Income tax collected year to date 09/30/19, is $401,917.06. The expenditures for the month of September were...

Cromes Receives Young Alumni Achievement Award from Ohio State

Portage County Treasurer Brad Cromes was  named the recipient of the Young Alumni Achievment Award today by the John Glenn College of Public Affairs at The Ohio State University. The award recognizes early career achievements and commitment to public service. In a statement, Cromes said “I was honored today to receive the Young Alumni Achievement Award from the John Glenn...

Planting Begins at the JAG Prairie

Garrettsville - When Garfield students returned to school this fall, they noticed a large patch of grass on the hillside that borders State Route 88 had turned brown. Soon, the community learned that the site had been prepped to create a native plant-filled prairie -- a green space to be used as a land lab for learning during the...

Jammin’ In Mantua

What actually goes on at an old-time country music jam session?  What do they really play? It is held in a local church—maybe it’s all church music and gospel?  Then again, what if you’re not a church goer, maybe  not even a Christian?  Maybe you’re Jewish or some Eastern religion, or maybe not religious at all.  What if you...

Ravenna’s Halloween Walk 2019

Ravenna - Woody from Toy Story, pieces of Candy Corn with legs, Iron Man, Dinosaurs and Elves all roamed the streets of Ravenna looking for treats. They braved all the tricks of wind and rain that Mother Nature blew our direction. Jumping spiders, flying spirits and evil clowns lurked all  over, setting off mixed shouts of joy and fear...

Teen Develops World-Wide Hearing-Impaired Pen Pal Program

School can be difficult for many kids but those who are hearing impaired have a difficult road to travel in order to have a successful school career and beyond. Even though hearing loss is one of the biggest disabilities, it often comes with bullying in school and the feeling of isolation due to the communication barrier.  Recently I met a...

Crestwood Kids Explore Nature at Local Park

Mantua - Mantua Village Park was the site of a very special field trip recently, when the entire first grade class -- all 137 of them -- ventured out on a sunny autumn afternoon. Once the excited pupils exited the buses, 21 high school students -- all members of Crestwood High School’s American Experience Academy Class, greeted the youngsters. For...

Crestwood Students Hold Cruise-In for a Cause

Mantua - On a crisp October Sunday morning, the day following Homecoming at Crestwood High School (CHS), the parking lot was full of vehicles of all kinds. No, these were not cars belonging to students who danced the night away; they were those of car lovers and collectors of all kinds attending the Crestwood Cruise-In for a Cause, a...

Garrettsville-Hiram Rotary Report

The October 21, 2019 meeting of the Garrettsville-Hiram Rotary Club was a fairly free-form activity presided over by Amy Crawford and largely focused on the upcoming Reverse Raffle, as well as a visit by SummerFest organizer Aaron King.  As regards the Reverse Raffle : Sponsorships are coming in and are still available (There are never too many.).  The staff at...

Windham Board of Education News

Windham - Windham Board of Education (BOE) met recently with all but one member in attendance. The school announced the students of the month and presented them their awards. They also awarded two students who demonstrated safety and positive behavior while riding the bus. They gave one award  to a high school student and one for an elementary student....


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