Home Garrettsville J.A. Garfield Historical Society News

J.A. Garfield Historical Society News


The October 21, 2019 meeting of the James A. Garfield Historical Society recorded a generous donation toward the restoration project at the Old Baptist Cemetery and a favorable report on the annual visit by third graders from the James A. Garfield Elementary School as well as an affirmation on the part of the Garrettsville United Methodist Church to be a feature of the 2020 Christmas Walk.  Further news about the Walk indicated that one house has been definitely confirmed, while three more are needed; interested homeowners should contact Debbie Smith, president, or Kit Semplak, selection committee chairperson. 

The annual Christmas Party will be held on December 16 or 17; Lynn Fry will be searching out particulars.   There are 30-some booklets about local cemeteries from this summer’s tours still available; the price is $5.  The JAGHS has received an introductory offer of membership from the Ohio Museums Association.  The updating and refurbishment of the upstairs areas of the Mott Building continue unabated, adding to the successful tours; kudos to Lynn Fry and Sarah Carley.  The financial situation continues to be stable , despite declining interest rates.  The cellar doors have been secured by Gene Semplak.  Scott Miller completed some touch-up paint work.  Some consideration is being given to having local church tours, similar to the successful cemetery tours, more news later. 

There was a question about the relationship of the Garrettsville Cemetery Association to the James A. Garfield Historical Society.  The GCA is designated as a standing committee of the JAGHS, which will allow certain tax considerations.  It was noted that grants may thus be sought more easily.  The next regular meeting is scheduled for November 18, beginning at 7:00 p.m.

Iva Walker

Anton Albert Photography