
Volunteers Needed for Windham Girls on the Run program

Windham - The United Way of Portage County is excited to team up with our fabulous partners at Girls on the Run to provide a program at the Windham Renaissance Center. GOTR is a non-profit organization dedicated to creating a world where every girl knows and activates her limitless potential and is free to boldly pursue her dreams. In...

Amazing Job By Windham Students

To help those needing additional food for Thanksgiving dinner, the Windham District students held a four day food drive. Total items collected were over 1200, but Mrs. Johnston’s Jr. High class of only 15 students collected 263 food items and Mr. Stump’s high school class of 8 collected 188 items. The food give away was held at the Windham Church...

Brownie Troop Helps With Thanksgiving

Brownie Troop 80827, from Bristolville, collected 88 food items to help with the Thanksgiving food give-away that was held at the Windham Church of Christ on November 26th. Their hard work was appreciated by the 102 families who received food boxes to help with their Thanksgiving dinner. Pictured above (left to right) are: (front row) Emerald Mena, Faith Pitcher, Jazzmin...

Heart of a Helper: Salon NeXt hosts 5th Charity Open House

If we all give a little, we can all gain a lot. Whether it's to help feed the less fortunate or to put a warm jacket on child it gives a sense of accomplishment to our community to know our business owners find ways to help support local non-profits. Tina Reynolds, owner of Salon NeXt, recently hosted her 5th...

Crestwood Lion’s Club Presents Check To 4C’s Food Bank

Past District Governor Harold Ullman and Crestwood King Lion Rick Fredrick presented a check in the amount of $2,250 to Phyllis Bolen from the 4C’s Food Bank. These funds represent the profit from the Lions November craft show as well as donations from local businesses. The Lions Club has several fund raisers to continue to raise money to help...

Middlefield Shop with Cops

Middlefield - Each year, the Middlefield Police Department identifies families in the area who need some extra support at Christmas time. This year, the MPD officers volunteered several hours using donated funds to shop with children from 11 local families thereby giving the kids the ability to purchase gifts for others in their families. The time spent shopping, “cops...

Fall & Stebbins Automotive, Inc. Earns Trust Award

Mantua - Dean Stebbins Sr. from Fall & Stebbins Automotive, Inc. of Mantua, OH received the American Towman Trust Award in Atlantic City on December 61h, 2019 at the world’s largest trade show for towing professionals, the American Towman Exposition. A towing company that receives the award was nominated by a third party organization in the towing trade who...

Aveni Promoted in Middlefield

Middlefield - On Dec. 12 at the Village of Middlefield regular Council meeting, Officer Julie Aveni was recognized by Mayor Ben Garlich for her commitment and hard work for the Middlefield Police Department. At that time, she was promoted to Sergeant.

Windham Township Trustee News

Windham Township Trustees met for their first meeting of the year with all trustees and fiscal officer in attendance. The trustees chose Danny Burns as their chairman and Brian Miller as the vice chairman. The trustees approved the minutes, expenditures, and the allowed mileage reimbursement of $.57.5/ mile. They then, certified the road mileage of the township which is...

Over 450 Christmas Gifts Delivered To Seniors of Portage County

Portage County - More than 450 Seniors in Portage County received a visit and a special present through, Home Instead Senior Care’s Community Outreach Program – Be A Santa To A Senior. Through this program, the local Home Instead Senior Care office identified seniors all over the county who would not receive a visit this Holiday Season and, with...

Mantua-Shalersville Fire District News

Mantua - At their last meeting, Fire Board members unanimously passed a Resolution of Necessity, allowing Fiscal Officer Ashlee Hawkins to submit the required paperwork to the Board of Elections in time to permit a Fire Levy Replacement on the ballot for voters within the Fire District as early as March 2020. According to Fire Chief Matt Roosa, the levy...

Crafting with Marian’s “Personalized Reusable Water Bottle”

You’re invited to attend Crafting with Marian’s “Personalized Reusable Water Bottle” program at the Garrettsville Library on Saturday, January 18 from 1:00 pm to 3:30 pm. Participants will use glass paint, sponges and brushes to upcycle a glass bottle. It is a fabulous way to repurpose to help save the planet from excess discarded materials as well as provide...

Mantua’s St. Joseph Cares to Host “Unplanned” Movie Night

Mantua - In thanksgiving for the precious gift of life, St. Joseph Cares of St. Joseph Church in Mantua will be offering opportunities throughout the year to recognize and defend the most fundamental right that we all possess, the right to life. Our first opportunity will be the weekend before the national March for Life. On Saturday, January 18,...

Ring in the New Year with Free Classes in Portage County

Start your new year out right with the Aspire Program, a non-profit that has served adults in Portage County for over 30 years. Aspire has sites available throughout Portage County in the morning, afternoon, or evening, which provides:• HSE/GED Prep – Earn your high school equivalency at your own pace. Attend class with a certified instructor who will guide...

Curtains Up Theater Presents “Distance”

Garrettsville - Reading the cover of the play “Distance” by Jerre Dye immediately draws the reader into the drama. Alzheimer’s is taking Irene Radford further and further away from the people in her ever-devolving world. It’s a shifting world where the past becomes the present, the present becomes the past, and the future remains a terrifying mystery. Meanwhile, life...

JAG Schools Earn Elite Academic Award

James A. Garfield Local School District was recently awarded what may be one of the most highly regarded academic awards in school history. The District has been named to the 10th Annual AP District Honor Roll. This achievement for Garfield is due to expanding opportunities and improving performance for Advanced Placement students. The AP District Honor Roll recognizes school districts...

J.A. Garfield Historical Society News

The January 20, 2020 meeting of the James A. Garfield Historical Society opened with the acceptance of a donation from Mallory-DeHaven-Carlson Funeral Homes & Cremation Services: a 1910 cemetery deed (#517) for the late Julius Betow--most interesting, following the recent Cemetery Series presented by the society. Many thanks. Other business included mention of dues for the Intermuseum Council and coming...

Geauga SWCD Offering 2020 Camp Canopy Scholarship

The Geauga Soil and Water Conservation District (SWCD) is pleased to offer scholarship funding for the 2020 Camp Canopy, held Sunday, June 7th - Friday, June 12th at FFA Camp Muskingum in Carroll County.  Founded in 1950 and formerly known as Ohio Forestry & Wildlife Conservation Camp, Camp Canopy is where high school students go to discover forestry, wildlife,...

XPlor Residents Enrich Community

Once again, four young adults with a heart for service have traveled to the area to lend a hand. The young ladies, all part of the XPlor program, through the Disciples of Christ Church’s National Benevolent Association, is a faith-based, 10-month residency program designed for young adults aged 21- to 30-, who are looking to explore lives of care...

Breakfast with Santa In Windham Draws Many Kids

Windham - Windham United Methodist Church held their Annual Breakfast with Santa earlier this month at the Renaissance Family Center (RFC). According to Judy Blewitt, they have been doing the breakfast with Santa for more than 20 years. The “elves” began Friday night setting up the cafeteria room at RFC. They decorated the room, getting it all Christmassy for...

WVFD Joint Fire Board Report

Windham - The WVFD Joint Fire District met for their regularly-scheduled meeting recently with all board members and fiscal officer in attendance. The meeting was called to order and the board approved the following: the minutes, expenditures and bank reconciliation for the month of November. The board then approved the temporary appropriations of $600,000 and set the meeting date...

Local Seniors Make Film Debut

Troy Twp. - Recently, residents at the Inn at the Pines assisted living center in Troy Township were treated to a mini-film festival that featured some of their very own residents. While the short documentaries won’t be shown at any major film festivals, they received many accolades from the residents and their families who attended the special showing last...

Windham Township Trustee News

Windham Twp. - Windham Township Trustees met for their regularly scheduled meeting recently. The regular fiscal officer was ill, but Casey Timmons-Blewitt stepped in a month early to her position and took over the fiscal officer’s duties.  The trustees set the meeting day and time for 2020. They are going to meet at 6pm on the first Thursday of the...

Brosius Road Park Just Got Safer With AED Donation

Garrettsville - A life-saving donation was made during the December Village Council meeting last week when an AED (Automated External Defibrillator) was presented to Community EMS by the Garrettsville Youth Softball/Baseball League for installation at the Brosius Road Park. This device was furnished by the Kenny Evans Foundation, which raises money to purchase and distribute AEDs throughout Portage County. League...

Shop with A Cop is Heart-Warming Success

This past weekend, the Hiram and Garrettsville Police Departments held their 8th annual “Shop with a Cop” Christmas Program. This worthy program enabled the a dozen families from both the Crestwood and J.A. Garfield School District make the holidays a little brighter. On Saturday morning, children brought their Christmas lists to Target in Streetsboro where they were pair up...

Women in STEM Events Serve as Appetizers for Knowledge-Hungry Students

Nearly 150 area high school students with an insatiable hunger for science, technology, engineering, and mathematics enjoyed a banquet of ‘small bites’ during two Women in STEM Day events hosted by the Kent State University Geauga and the Twinsburg Academic Center this fall. The first Women in STEM Day attracted 108 high schoolers to the Kent State Geauga Campus in...

NGCC Food Pantry Celebrates a Season for Giving Thanks

Garrettsville - As we say good-bye to another year the Nelson Garrettsville Community Cupboard (NGCC) would like to take the opportunity to thank all of our volunteers and community partners for their support in 2019. Your financial gifts, food drives, campaigns and volunteering enables us to provide food to our friends and neighbors in the Garfield school district that...

Vote For Your Favorite Display

‘Tis the season for holiday lights!  Many homes located throughout the area have entered the first annual ‘Light Up Garrettsville’ contest sponsored by Lauren Patrick of  VP Realty.   Participating houses have been listed on a  map for people to follow through town and then vote for their favorite lighting display. The house with the most votes will win a...

Garrettsville Village Council News

Garrettsville – Village officials present at the village council meeting on December 11th were Village Solicitor Michele Stuck, Fiscal Officer Deb (Glass) Wordell, Mayor Rick Patrick, and Councilpersons Tom Hardesty, John Chambers, Jeff Kaiser, Larry Beatty and Tom Collins. Councilperson Chris Knop was absent. Minutes from the November 13 meeting were reviewed, and approved with an amendment correcting a paragraph...

The Head Cold that would NOT End

You know that song Lambchop used to sing on TV? It is one of my favorites. “This is the song that doesn’t end. Yes, it goes on and on my friend.” Well this is the story of the head cold that would NOT end.  You know there’s no point in going to the doctor because they’re just going to tell...


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