29.6 F
Thursday, February 6, 2025

Mantua Rotary To Hold Third-Annual Poker Paddle Event

Rotary Club of Mantua announces their Third Annual Poker Paddle event for Saturday September 16. Kayakers and even canoers can participate by paddling from Camp Hi in Hiram to Buchert Park in Mantua Village, while along the way paddlers are collecting a five card poker hand. The three top hands win cash prizes: $500 for first place, $250 for...

Crestwood Cheer Squad to Perform at 2024 Citrus Bowl with Help From Maggie’s & More

The Crestwood Varsity Cheer squad has been invited to perform at the Citrus Bowl in Orlando, Florida in January 2024. According to Jessica Irvine, Head Cheer Coach, the squad earned this honor in a Universal Cheerleaders Association (UCA) competition at Bowling Green State University during the summer. “Each day, the girls were evaluated on what they learned,” Irvine explained....

Clothing Collection & Free Clothing Giveaway

Mantua - St. Joseph Cares of St. Joseph Church in Mantua will be holding their next Clothing Collection the weeks of August 20 & 27. Donations of diapers (especially size 4, 5 & 6), baby wipes, clothing, shoes, accessories, and bedding for all ages in good condition will be accepted (no pillows or furniture please). Donations may be placed...

Portage County Soap Box Derby

Mantua - As the dust clears from one of the most exciting Derby races in the 20 years of racing at Buchert Park in Mantua, June 17. Four racers are getting ready to challenge the Derby Downs hill in Akron, with a goal to win the world championships on July 24. Car inspections start Monday July 17, and racing...

Art on the Hill Returns to Mantua on July 8th

Mantua - The annual art festival and wine tasting returns to Mantua on Saturday, July 8th. At this year’s festival, organizers once again expect thousands of visitors to the sleepy village during the festival hours of 10 am to 6 pm. This summer street festival boasts over 80 artisans selling and displaying their handmade works of art as well...

Crestwood Recognizes Retireesat May School Board Meeting

At the May Board meeting, the following Crestwood staff members were recognized for their retirement by the district. They included Patricia Briggs, who served the district for 30 years, Doyle Hogue who served 7 years. Grover Vaught has been at Crestwood for 34 years, while David Wesley was an educator at Crestwood for 33 years. Next, Kathryn Hoffmeister Treasurer/CFO presented...

Mantua-Shalersville Chamber Elects New Officers

Mantua - The Mantua-Shalersville Chamber of Commerce invites you to a social hour to meet the new officers on June 14 at 5:00 at Jake’s Eats. Randy Ellis, of Bibury & Co, will serve as President, Jodie Fiala, of Jake’s Eats, will be the Vice-President, Patrick Yackmack, of Crooked River Florists will be the Treasurer and Carrie Leister, of...

Mantua Hosting Triple Trail Fest This Weekend

Mantua - How did it happen? This life-time resident of Portage County was clueless. She hopes that rest of the county isn’t. But just in case…did you know that three wonderful trails merge in Mantua? The trails are Buckeye Trail, Headwaters Trail and the Cuyahoga River Trail. The Buckeye Trail, all 1400 miles of it, loops around the state of...

Ox Roast Fair Plans Well Underway

Mantua - St. Joseph Church in Mantua is hitting the ground running with the Ox Roast Fair, which is being held on July 21st, 22nd & 23rd. The 2023 St. Joseph Church Ox Roast Fair, now in its 59th year, promises to be more exciting than ever. The Main Raffle is offering some great prizes in 2023. Grand prize is...

MSFD Rescues Kayakers on Cuyahoga River

Mantua - At the last Fire Board meeting, Chief Matt Roosa noted that on Sunday May 7th, the MSFD team responded quickly, rescuing two stranded kayakers from the Cuyahoga River. The team was called out to the river after three kayakers capsized and were after trees across the river (referred to as a large “strainer”) separated them from their...

Soap Box Derby Hill Improved in Mantua

Mantua - This week in Mantua, another paving project is underway, removing the potholes and uneven surface left behind by winter’s freeze and thaw. And while area drivers and their vehicles will appreciate the smooth new surface on High Street in the Village, the project was completed with another set of drivers in mind. “In the 20 years since the...

Mantua Police Department Investigation Concludes

Mantua - The final report was generated by Dean DePietro, who served as outside counsel for the Village. DePietro noted that while Mantua Village handbook does not prohibit personal relationships among village employees, there are certain restrictions that apply. The policy notes that personal relationships between employees may present a real or perceived conflict of interest in that an...

Mantua to hold Soap Box Derby Event May 10th

Mantua - Across the country, would-be racers of all ages work together to build gravity-powered and STEM-driven cars to compete in local Soap Box Derby races and rallies. “The Soap Box Derby is rooted in family and community,” shared Portage County Soap Box Derby organizer Dean Olsen. And on Wednesday, May 10th beginning at 5:30 pm, past and potential...

Crestwood Schools Seeks Bus Drivers

At a recent board meeting, Superintendent Dr. David Toth noted the district’s pressing need for bus drivers. Crestwood isn’t alone in this need, as schools across the state are in the same situation. Several factors contribute to this issue, according to WOSU public media. Bus drivers are required to earn a commercial license, and competition from companies like Amazon...

MSFD Renewal on May Ballot

At their last meeting, Fire Board members witnessed the swearing in of two new firefighters to the Mantua-Shalersville Fire Department. Kyle Dobies, a former Marine Captain, and Justin Croucher. Both gentlemen live in Bainbridge and have joined the MSFD on a part-time basis. In other news, the department is asking residents of Shalersville, Mantua Village, and Mantua Township to approve...

Candance Academy Closes Out Successful Competition Season

Mantua - Candance Dance Academy’s Competition Team closed out an exciting and successful competition season the weekend of April 15th. The team, consisting of students ages 8 to 18, began training in Mantua last July. This season the team competed in multiple categories and genres at four nationally recognized competitions: FLY, the weekend of February 17th in Cuyahoga Falls;...

Triple Trail Fest Coming Soon

Mantua - On Friday and Saturday, June 2nd and 3rd, folks from near and far will gather to explore and enjoy the three major trails that converge in Mantua: the Buckeye Trail, Headwaters Trail, and the Cuyahoga River Water Trail. As Mantua has been designated Ohio’s 10th Buckeye Trail Town, the small town with many outdoor recreation opportunities will...

Mantua Village Seeks OPWC Funding for Storm Sewer Replacement

Mantua - At the start of the March Mantua Village meeting at 6:30 pm, Mayor Clark and Council convened an executive session to discuss the ongoing Police Department investigation. Roughly 30 people were in attendance waiting in the gallery, including three publications, Chief Urso, Patrolman Brothers, and their legal representative. The executive session ended, with Mayor Clark re-convening the...

Crestwood Schools Receive Security Grant

Mantua - At the last meeting, Superintendent Dr. David Toth congratulated Jeff Woolard and his team for facilitating a $157,000 grant from the Ohio Facilities Commission. The funds will be used for security cameras, door access and hold alarms. Other planned improvements include upgrades to the district’s communications devices, including bus radios and hand held walkie talkies. In addition,...

Upcoming Events In Mantua

Mantua - Saturday, April 1st Crestwood High School is hosting breakfast and an egg hunt with the Easter Bunny. Breakfast and photos with the Easter Bunny take place from 9 – 10 am at Crestwood Intermediate School. Egg hunts will take place by age group, with children three and under hunting at 10 am, four and five-year-olds hunting at...

Mantua-Shalersville Fire Board News

Mantua - At their last meeting, Chief Matt Roosa informed the board that yard signs are now available for the 2.99 EMS replacement levy that will be on the May 2nd ballot. He noted that the levy was passed by voters four years ago and urged voters to support the MSFD once again. Residents can find out exactly what...

Mantua Village News

Mantua - At the last meeting, Mayor Clark shared that the applicant for the part-time administrative assistant position has picked up paperwork. According to Fiscal Clerk MaryAnn Fabian, the new administrative assistant may also be trained to help with payroll administration. It was noted that Council agreed to fill three service department positions; two positions have been filled. In...

Crestwood School Board News

Mantua - In early February, Crestwood High School classroom aide Heidi Duke was nominated for the 2022-23 National LifeChanger of the Year award. Duke was nominated by Superintendent Dr. David Toth for being instrumental in leading the credit recovery program at Crestwood High School. In this capacity, Duke works with students who are at the most risk of not...

New Four-Way Stop On SR82 Effective March 14th

Mantua - At the February meeting, Fire Chief Matt Roosa informed the board that Brian Summerlin has officially retired. Summerlin served the MSFD for over 40 years, according to Roosa and Assistant Fire Chief Chris Mullins. Roosa noted that Summerlin’s final day of service was January 31st. Moving forward, the board approved the expenditure of no more than $13,000 to...

Raising Funds to Revitalize Mantua

Mantua - It’s no joke -- on April Food’s Day -- Saturday, April 1st, the Downtown Mantua Revitalization Corporation (DMRC) will host its annual event fundraiser. The harlequin-themed reverse raffle will be held at Hughes Hall at Saint Joseph’s church. Tickets are now on sale online at revitalizemantua.org or in person at Jake’s Eats or from any DMRC member...

Mantua Village Council News

Mantua - In Village Council’s first meeting of the year, council re-elected Tammy Meyer as Council President. Council member Heather Paisley tendered Meyer’s nomination, noting that with ongoing situations in the village, she does not feel comfortable with another change. The majority of council concurred seemed to concur, as Tammy Meyer received the majority of votes as council president...

Mantua-Shalersville Fire District News

Mantua - At their first meeting of 2023, Fire Chief Matt Roosa shared that due to staffing shortages, the Department paid out over $56,000 in overtime during 2022. He informed board members that they had to dip into the General Fund in order to cover employee matching funds. He noted that with limited staff, employees picked up open shifts...

Crestwood School Board News

Mantua - At the first Board meeting of 2023, the Board elected Karen Schulz School Board President and Kristen Cavanaugh as Board Vice President for 2023. During the meeting, the board adopted the budget for Fiscal Year 2023 and established the dates for regular meetings. (Visit https://go.boarddocs.com/oh/cwlsdoh/Board.nsf/Public to see the complete list of meeting dates.) In their regular board meeting...

Mantua Rotary Honors Virginia Goodell

Mantua - The Mantua Rotary is delighted to honor their long-time member, Virginia Goodell, for her service to Rotary for her 100th Birthday. Virginia Goodell, a longtime member of Mantua Rotary, celebrated her 100th birthday at the end of 2022. Virginia’s involvement in Mantua Rotary spans seven decades. In 1946 Virginia’s husband, the late Frank Goodell, became a charter member...

Mantua Village Council News

Mantua - In her Mayor’s Report, Linda Clark noted vacant seats on several committees, including Landmarks, Parks, Shade Tree, and the BZA. She asked that interested parties contact her to express their intent to get involved. Moving ahead, Clark noted that a request was filed to receive itemized reporting of license fee tax data from the state. She noted that...


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