Home Mantua MSFD Renewal on May Ballot

MSFD Renewal on May Ballot


At their last meeting, Fire Board members witnessed the swearing in of two new firefighters to the Mantua-Shalersville Fire Department. Kyle Dobies, a former Marine Captain, and Justin Croucher. Both gentlemen live in Bainbridge and have joined the MSFD on a part-time basis.

In other news, the department is asking residents of Shalersville, Mantua Village, and Mantua Township to approve a replacement operating levy at the election on May 2nd.

Issue 10 is a 2.99 EMS replacement operating levy. If passed by voters, all monies generated would continue to support fire department operations, including the purchase of lifesaving and firefighting equipment as well as EMS supplies. “Most importantly,” Chief Roosa noted, “the levy would help the department add much-needed Full-time personnel to the department’s staff.”

Roosa noted that the levy would increase resident’s taxes an additional annual average of $21.67 per $100,000 of valuation, according to the Portage County Auditor’s Office. To learn what the increase would mean to your property, visit the auditor’s website https://beacon.schneidercorp.com/Application.aspx… to research your property.

Roosa continued, “Passage of this levy is imperative to continue the outstanding and dedicated services that we provide to our residents, community members and businesses we protect on a daily basis.” For any questions on the levy, call Chief Roosa at (330) 274-3535.

The next Fire Board meeting will be held at the MSFD station on Monday, May 8th at 6 pm; residents are encouraged to attend.

Stacy Turner

Anton Albert Photography