
Tab Collection Benefits RMH

Garrettsville - Anna Brigham is a freshman at James A. Garfield Schools who is not a typical teenager. She is active in her church, on the Garfield bowling team, bowls youth bowling, merit roll student, a contestant in Garrettsville Idol and collects pop and beer can tabs.  She loves kids and would do anything to help a child. Anna...

Crestwood Local Schools Refinances Bonds, Saves $550,000

Mantua – The Ides of March were very kind to Crestwood Local Schools and its taxpayers. Looking for ways to save money, Crestwood Local Schools refinanced their bonds on March 15 for their two elementary schools and will see a $550,000 savings over the remaining life of the bonds. “We’ve been keeping an eye on the rates for quite some...

Balloon Launch in Burton for Autism Awareness

Burton – UN declarations and Presidential proclamations have made April 2 World Autism Awareness Day. According to President Obama’s proclamation, autism spectrum disorders or ASDs currently affect nearly one percent of children in the US; the statistics vary, but some numbers say that 1 in 110 children are affected. This effect can be felt rippling...

Windham May RIF Twenty Plus Employees

Windham - RIF (Reduction in Force) has become the buzzword of the community and throughout the school district as the administration of Windham School looks to reduce staff as they wait on the impending governor’s proposed budget. The anticipated cuts are expected to be deep and in the small district, the cuts are also being felt at the heart...

J.A. Garfield Historical Society

Garrettsville - The James A. Garfield Historical Society looked ahead  to:  possible future programs, attendance at the Portage County Historical Society local history societies forum on March 26, a committee to  make costume selections for the vintage pix opportunity to be offered at the SummerFest, a backdrop for said photos, checking out available Jaguar yearbooks at Garfield H.S., the...

Br. James Peter Visits PSR Classes

Mantua - On Thursday, March 3, lifetime St. Joseph, Mantua, parishioner, Br. James Peter Trares visited the Parish School of Religion students and thanked them for the statue of St. Joseph and the cards which were recently sent to him. He also spoke about his novitiate year experience in Denver, CO, with the Dominican Central Province and answered questions...

KSU Nursing Health & Wellness Fair

Burton - The senior nursing students in Community Health Nursing at Kent State University at Geauga planned and implemented a community health and wellness fair on Wednesday, March 16th at the Geauga Campus in Burton. Several community agencies participated, including:  the Department on Aging with a balance screening, Visiting Angels, River of Life, WIC, MRC, Briar Hill, Mental Health...


Windham - Windham Library is proud to announce the winner of our “Guess the Number of Tootsie Rolls” contest.  Jonathan Clark is our lucky winner and, along with the tootsie rolls, he gets a big Irish mug to fill with whatever he wants. Congratulations Jonathan Clark. For more information, call the Windham Library at 330-326-3145.  The library, located at 9005...

Boots ‘n’ Suits…Suits ‘n’ Boots

Windham - The weather was pure northeast Ohio in springtime--damp, cold, windy, gray--but the mood was upbeat as a dozen-plus Ohio Army National Guard personnel and a near-equal number of interested civilians gathered at Camp Ravenna (known to most of the locals as “The Arsenal”) for a ceremonial ground-breaking and dedication of the first phase of the Tactical...

20th Century Club

Twentieth Century Club has had two meetings in March with the programs switched from one to the other. Confused?, we were not!. On March 3rd we were at Mary Furillo’s home (as nice as always) with Margaret Clapp co-hosting. Does everyone remembers Margaret’s carrot cake from the club cook book? Well she showed us again, how it is done!. Our roll call for...

Mayor’s Spring Update For The Village of Garrettsville

Garrettsville - The Portage County Engineer’s office is responsible for safety and maintenance for the two bridges on Liberty Street. The County Engineers have closed the Liberty Street Bridge between Center St and Park Ave. and the sidewalk/bridge near Water St and Liberty St. after their annual bridge inspection on Friday last week. Drivers on Liberty Street should use caution when...

Nelson To Lead Rainbow Assembly

West Farmington - Caraline Nelson, daughter of John & Diane Nelson, of Burton, Ohio, was installed to lead the W. Farmington Rainbow Assembly #116 of the International Order of the Rainbow for Girls during its spring term as Worthy Advisor.  Cara has chosen “Veggie Tales” as her theme for the term; her motto is “God is bigger than the...

Hiram Village News

Hiram - The Planning and Zoning Commission met on March 1st  at 7 p.m. A motion to support Village Council’s Amendment of Ordinance # 2011-01 was offered and passed by the Commission. Village Zoning Inspector Dominic Gualtieri was asked to inspect and notify in writing all owners of dumpsters that are in violation of Hiram Zoning ordinances. For any...

Newton Falls Village Council

Newton Falls - On the first day of spring, council members gathered briefly at the community center for the second regular meeting of March. All officials were present with the exception of Councilwoman Johnson and Councilman Luonuonsuu who were excused for the evening. After the Pledge of Allegiance, Mayor Waddell announced the donation for this meeting would be given to...

Platinum Chef Ohio, Battle for the Buckeye State

Hiram - AVI Fresh and Hiram College are excited to announce the inaugural Platinum Chef Ohio, Battle for the Buckeye State.  Five colleges and universities; Hiram College, Kenyon College, Malone University, Tiffin University and the University of Mount Union; will battle it out in the kitchen for the title of   Platinum Chef Ohio and the cash prize of $2500! ...

Freedom Township News

Freedom Township - Items of interest and importance discussed and acted upon at the March 3, 2011 meeting: Mr. VanSteenberg spoke of flooding that occurred in the township. A culvert on Hewins Road collapsed. They put in a new plastic culvert and the road is now  open . He is keeping track of materials, equipment and labor on this project...

Nelson Promotes Two Employees

Nelson Township - Nelson Township Trustees met for their regularly scheduled meeting recently with all trustees and  the fiscal officer present. The fiscal officer presented bills and wages; he also gave a funds status report along with real estate tax money from the estate of Robert W Norris.  The trustees approved the expenditures and the minutes from the last...

Second Annual St. Patrick’s Day A Success!

Garrettsville put on its best green last week as folks were determined to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day with style during the Second Annual St. Patrick’s Day Celebration sponsored by the Garrettsville Area Chamber of Commerce. The event brought everyone out of winter’s hibernation to celebrate the holiday that has everyone claiming be Irish, even if it is only for...

A “High Flying” Thank You

Middlefield - On February 26 the Middlefield Police Department and CWE Championship Wrestling Experience teamed up for fun filled night of “High Flying”, “Hard Knocks” and “Total Excitement”. The wrestling event was a fund raiser for the Middlefield Police Department’s “Shop with a Cop” program. CWE promoter  Kyle Terreri and Chief Ed Samec discussed the event as a fund...

Fowl Topic Open To Public Discussion

Garrettsville – Village Council met on Wednesday March 10 for their monthly meeting.  The minutes of February’s meeting were approved without correction.  The Mayor reported that the equipment for the new canine police vehicle has arrived, but the vehicle will not be here until the end of April to early May.  He also mentioned that spending had exceeded revenue...

Windham Fire Board Purchases Ambulance

Windham - The Windham Volunteer Fire Department (W.V.F.D) Joint Fire District board met for their regularly-scheduled meeting with four of the five board members. The board’s first action was to approve the fiscal report and expenditures. After a month of research and review, the board has approved the purchase of a new ambulance. The board goal is to try...

Windham Historical Society News

Windham - The Windham Historical Society continues their busy 2011 schedule on Monday, March 21, at 7 PM in the Brick Chapel on North Main Street in Windham. The program for this meeting will be presentations by two Windham High School seniors, Jeremy Isler and Jarrod Davis, as the final step in their pursuit of Windham Historical Society scholarships. These scholarships...

Newton Falls Planning For July 4th

Newton Falls - Newton Falls 4th of July Festivities Committee is in the final planning stage.  We are so excited this year because it is our 25th Annual Car Show. That’s right. Can you believe 25 years?  We are going to start this year’s car show with a Street Dance on Friday, June 24, at 7:00 to 11:00 in...

Garfield Historical Society News

Garrettsville - The James A. Garfield Historical Society trudges past boring stuff like maintenance and repair concerns and into the future with plans for a festivity on March 17, St. Patrick’s Day, possibly tying in with the local green-tinged activities by offering Irish genealogy searches for any suspected Hibernians in town for corned beef and cabbage or green beer...

Windham Township Gets Grant Approval

Windham Twp. - Windham Township Trustees met for their regularly-scheduled meeting last week with all trustees and the fiscal officer present. Trustee Dann Timmons announced that the NOPEC Grant has been approved and the first payment should be received soon. New lighting on “the Green” will be the first project slated to begin soon so it can be  ready...

Freedom Township News

Freedom Twp. - Highlights of the February 17 meeting of the Freedom Township Trustees were: A representative of the Ohio Plan (insurance agency) presented information on a plan similar to the OTARMA plan which has been used for some time. This will be considered at the March 3 meeting. Zoning Inspector Derthick said a letter was sent to the business at...

Hiram Township Trustee News

Hiram Twp. - The March 1st meeting of the Hiram Township Trustees was opened by Mr. Brewer with the reading of the minutes from the February 15th meeting. Highlights from the gathering include the announcement that the new fire truck has been picked up and “is ready to go.” Firemen are being trained on driving the truck both during the...

Brew Basket Hosts Ladies’ Night

Newton Falls - Recently, a café that usually tantalizes customers with its breakfast and lunchtime offerings opened its doors after hours to treat local ladies to a special evening of food, fun, and fashion. In celebration of women in business, the Brew Basket in Newton Falls hosted a Ladies’ Night complete with opportunities for socialization, relaxation, and some retail therapy...

Wait, Wait…

Did anybody see the animals lining up two-by-two down by the bridge?  Holy Cow! (Bull and cow, if you want to get technical.)  What wild weather!  March, acting like a typical cat, couldn’t wait to “come in like a lion” and pounced on the last day of February.  What a crazy Monday.  Flood warnings were posted all over northeast...

Amish Countryside Bakery

Burton – Do you long for the taste of real homemade baked goods made with fresh ingredients from scratch?  If so, Countryside Home Bakery located at 17075 Mumford Road is the place to go.  Countryside Home Bakery offers many different types of baked goods such as breads, dinner rolls, pies, cookies, pecan rolls and their specialty cinnamon rolls.  You...


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