Home Other Areas Windham Fire Board Purchases Ambulance

Windham Fire Board Purchases Ambulance


Windham – The Windham Volunteer Fire Department (W.V.F.D) Joint Fire District board met for their regularly-scheduled meeting with four of the five board members. The board’s first action was to approve the fiscal report and expenditures. After a month of research and review, the board has approved the purchase of a new ambulance. The board goal is to try to purchase a new ambulance every five years so that they have an ambulance that is no older than 10 years in service. The oldest ambulance will be marketed and if it isn’t sold before the new one arrives they will trade it in on the new one. The new ambulance will not arrive for about 120 or so days after it is ordered.

Fire  Chief   Iwanyckyj reported that he had a fire fighter who needed to take  the 36- hour fire class and he had two who wanted to take the 84-hour transition class at Maplewood the cost for the classes are, 36 hour class is $335 and the  84 hour class is $635 per person.  Both classes qualify for the state reimbursement program. The board agreed to pay for the classes. The chief also requested that the board consider paying extra staff to be on call for the weekends. He stated that the department is loosing money because they have to have Community Ambulance cover for them when they are out on another call. He stated that since there are two ambulances available, having enough people on call to staff the second squad would allow the department to recoup the cost of the runs now going to outside organizations. After some discussion the board agreed to  additional manpower to be on call over the weekends and review the new policy in six month to determine if it is cost effective. Iwanyckyj appointed Justin Martin, Nate Bushek, and himself to a grant committee. The committee will look for grants and apply for them as they become available.

Len Polichena gave the maintenance updates and reported that most of the trucks were in good shape except engine 2811. This truck is at Kepich Ford for ball joints, brakes and other issues. He also reported that engine 2815 is waiting on parts but is able to make runs while waiting.  Other maintenance issues, seat belts for the jeep have been ordered and will be installed as soon as they arrive, trucks are being put on an oil change schedule, and the van will eventually need tires but for now it is ok.
In other news, the board accepted the resignation of Don West and hired Kevin Kulesa as a medic. Mr. Kulesa was recommended by the chief. The fire board meets on the second Thursday of each month at the fire station at 7 pm. All meetings are opened to the public.

Staff Reporter

Anton Albert Photography