Home Other Areas Windham Township Gets Grant Approval

Windham Township Gets Grant Approval


Windham Twp. – Windham Township Trustees met for their regularly-scheduled meeting last week with all trustees and the fiscal officer present. Trustee Dann Timmons announced that the NOPEC Grant has been approved and the first payment should be received soon. New lighting on “the Green” will be the first project slated to begin soon so it can be  ready for the Bicentennial celebration this summer. Other projects will be started as the weather breaks.
The chairman Dann Timmons recognized guest Bill Isler Sr. from Islerscaping. Islerscaping has handled all the mowing, fertilizing and flower bed maintenance for the township. Mr. Isler presented the new contract for mowing as $164 per each mowing not to exceed 25 mowings for 2011, for a maximum cost of $4,100 per year. The annual cost may be lower because price is determined by how many times they need to mow, with mowing to be done after grass exceeds 3 3?4”. Other expected landscape costs are $125 for edging, $400 for pruning small trees, $534 for mulch ( this cost has risen sharply due to skyrocketing cost of mulch and Islerscaping has had to increase the cost this year to cover their costs), $50 for fertilizer and $25 for each plaque that they install on the memorial trees. The memorial trees are planted free as a public service with the $25 cost covering the purchase of the plaques and hardware. After some discussion, the board approved the contract with Islerscaping.
Brian Miller stated that he invited Todd Teets, a representative from Regional Planning to the meeting to help resolve zoning questions about the new proposed zoning changes.
Many residents felt some of the new proposed changes would infringe on their rights as property owners and felt the folks on the committee were not in touch with what they want for Windham. The representative stated that it was the residents’ community and they should eliminate items that don’t reflect the desires of the community. Zoning sets the minimum standard for the township and by not having a standard anyone could do anything to their property with little or no regard to their neighbor’s property or property values.  Timmons stated that they have sent the proposed zoning changes the public has problems with back to the zoning commission and they will revisit the areas in question and re-present it to the trustees. The trustees will then schedule another public meeting on the issue. In other zoning issues Zoning Inspector Rich Gano stated that Horners are starting to gather more junk on their property. He said he counted 90 tires and caught a roofing company dumping shingles there earlier in the week. Last year the township removed 8000 tires and assisted the Horners in cleaning-up the property after years of legal battles with them over multiple zoning violations. Trustee Timmons stated that he will look at the court documents and contact the prosecutor about the violation.
Road Supervisor Rich Gano said he had to repair two culvert wash outs, one on Gotham Road and one on Frazier Road from the heavy rains. He stated that he also purchased three ton of limestone from Lakeside Gravel for the repairs.
The township trustees meet at the township hall on the first Thursday of each month at 7pm.

Staff Reporter

Anton Albert Photography