
Nelson LMC News

Nelson Twp. - Literary Musical Club (LMC) held their monthly meeting on July 11. We had eleven member present, sorry to report a couple of members are seriously ill. Our prayers for a speedy recovery are sento to them. Our speaker-Jean Mackenzie from the “Mackenzie Creamery” in Hiram, the women enjoyed samples of goat cheese and her presentation. The hostesses...

Newton Township Cemetery Association

Newton Twp. - The cemetery association held their monthly meeting on July 19, 2012, Thursday, at 6 o’clock at the Township Building. Twelve people attended including two new members; one new member   was  not in attendance. It is great to see the interest of the community in becoming involved! There is so much history in the seven township...

Rotarian Roundup

On July 16th, the Garrettsville-Hiram Rotary club was treated to a travelogue and a performance by Tyler Brady, a member of the Cleveland Youth Wind Symphony, just returned from a tour of Hungary and Poland.   He described the logistics of the tour and many of the experiences shared by the ninety-some students on the trip, which had enjoyable...

Church Hosts Christmas in July Dinner

Covenant Bible Fellowship celebrated Christmas in July this month at their monthly Loaves and Fishes Meal. Earlier in the year the ladies’ group from the church thought it would be cool to do a Christmas in July themed meal for their monthly free meal. The group had the Christmas tree set-up, decorated the hall in a Christmas motif, along with...

J.A. Garfield Historical Society News

The James A. Garfield Historical Society, meeting in the historic Mott Building, Main Street, Garrettsville on July 16, 2012, began their proceedings by accepting several donations to their collection of documents and artifacts. From former resident, Virginia Quale, an Underwood portable typewriter (Remember those?),  a Garrettsville H.S. graduation cap with  classmates’ signatures, postcards and a mystery object which will require...

Author Sets New Novel in Garrettsville: Scott Starkey to Appear at The Village Bookstore

It’s been an exciting year for Hiram alumnus Scott Starkey.  In January, Simon & Schuster published his new novel, How to Beat the Bully Without Really Trying.  Geared to middle grade readers, this humorous “boy meets bully” tale has enjoyed strong appeal with parents and kids alike.  But for Starkey, one of the year’s highlights will come on Saturday,...

Antique Auto Show

The Northern Chapter, Ohio Region, of the Antique Auto Club of America (AACA), a non-profit 501 (c)3 organization, is planning a fun filled family summer event at the Patterson Fruit Farm in Chesterland, Ohio on Sunday August 19, 2012- a Genuine Antique Auto Show! The show, held on the grass at the Farm, at 11414 Caves Rd., 2.5 miles...

Hollywood Comes To Nelson

Nelson Twp - Local movie producer Tyler Davidson and crew were in Nelson Ledges this week filming scenes for his new coming of age movie “Toy’s House”.  The comedy centers around three teenage boys who head to the wilderness to escape conflict with their parents.  They attempt to build a makeshift house and live off the land, then mayhem...

DayBreak Lavender Farm, an Oasis for the Soul

Streetsboro - Just five minutes from the heart of Streetsboro, nestled within soft rolling hills, lies an oasis that few seem to know about, DayBreak Lavender Farm. The 14 acre farm boasts of colorful fields that contain 13 varieties of lavender, a 2 acre pond, woods to explore and an off- premises boutique. The farm is owned by Jody Byrnes...

Hiram School Reunion a Success

The 19th Annual Hiram School Reunion  was held Sunday, July 15, 2012 at the Troy Community House on Route 422 in Welshfield. Ninety classmates and spouses enjoyed a potluck meal and an afternoon of visiting -- twelve came from out of state: Mary (Stanonik) Aultfather from the class of ‘59 of Georgetown, Texas; Kenneth Brigham, Sr. ‘57 of Labella, FL;...

Woodcarvers Show will delight

Kirtland – Discover the many styles and techniques of woodcarving at this free indoor show featuring the art and artistry of the members of The Western Reserve Woodcarvers Guild.  The Woodcarvers Show, July 29 at Penitentiary Glen Nature Center features carvings ranging in size from miniature to life-size. Meet and chat with carvers and watch as they create works...

Seventh Annual Juried Art Show Hosted by the Geauga Council for Arts & Culture

Artists in Northeast Ohio are invited to enter their two and three dimensional art work to the juried art show sponsored by the Geauga Council for Arts & Culture and held at the Geauga West Public Library.  The categories are Oil or Acrylic, Watercolor, Photography, and Other.  Cash prizes will be awarded in each category. Items should be brought to...

135th Chalker Norton Viets Family Reunion

Southington -  On Sunday Aug 5, 2012 the descendants of the first pioneers to settle in Southington, Ohio, will honor their heritage with a family day of fun, games and a picnic at noon. The first pioneers were David Viets, Luke Viets and his wife Hannah, James Chalker and his wife Mercy and their two year old son Orrin, Roderick...

Rotary Report

Garrettsville-Hiram Rotarians continued their planning for the coming year by reviewing program prospects, including a visit from the GSETeam--a feature of a Rotary exchange program for young adults in business careers, Tyler Brady of the Cleveland Youth Woodwind Symphony--lately returned from a European tour, a send-off(July 30) for Jessica Lyons who will be leaving for Norway as part of...

Historical Engine Society Antique Power Exhibition

Burton - The Historical Engine Society will be holding their 42nd Annual Antique Power and Steam Exhibition July 27, 28, 29, 2012, at the Geauga County Historical Society’s Century Village Museum in Burton,Ohio.  On display will be various types of antique machinery, such as steam engines, gas engines, tractors, excavating and construction equipment, cars, and trucks.  There will be...

Flags on the Fourth

Time once again to offer thanks to Century 21 Goldfire Realty for the flags lining Garrettsville’s principal thoroughfares on the Fourth of July--Independence Day.  Whether or not the passer-by is a citizen of the village, it’s more than likely to give a little lift of the heart and spirit to see the waving of the red, white and blue...

Car Cruise This Saturday

Garrettsville Area Chamber of Commerce announces its third car cruise night scheduled for this Saturday July 14, 2012 on Main Street with a rain date of July 15, 2012. The cruise will begin at 5 pm and run until 8pm. the event will feature classic cars music, door prizes and a 50/50 raffle. The featured band for this cruise...

And speaking of post-graduate success….

Garrettsville-Hiram Rotary Club is looking for a few good members.  If you like interacting with other like-minded, convivial, connected community members…if you are interested in making your local community and your world a better, more caring and interconnected place…if you’d like to be involved in projects and programs supporting education, health care issues worldwide as well as national, cultural...

Rainbow Girls Busy With Spring Term

West Farmington Assembly #116 of the International Order of the Rainbow for Girls has been hard at work this spring with several activities and service projects, under the direction of their Worthy Advisor, Miss Haley Spangler, of W. Farmington. Service projects for the term included marching in the Memorial Day parade and having a team in the Warren Relay for...

Newton Falls Car Show

Newton Falls - Fans of Pixar’s “Cars” movies would have been delighted to visit Newton Falls this weekend as the small town’s streets were filled with street rods, convertibles, trucks and all manner of eye-candy on four wheels. Although the automobiles presented were not actually the characters from the films, car lovers of all ages were treated to a...

Adult Basic & Literacy Education Adults Recognized at GED Ceremony

Ravenna - The Adult Basic and Literacy Education Program at Maplewood Career Center recognized GED graduates on Thursday, June 7th at 7 p.m.   The adult GED graduates held their heads high with smiles as they entered the room and the ceremony in their honor began.   Doris Schoning, the Adult Basic and Literacy Education Coordinator and Portage County Literacy Coalition...

Garrettsville SummerFest’s 8th Year, A Smashing Success

Garrettsville SummerFest lived up to all that it was billed to be and more this past weekend as the festival committee put on a smashing event. The weekend kicked off Friday night with record-breaking crowds, as the opening ceremonies paid homage to our Armed Forces. Representatives from the Air Force, Army National Guard and Army were on hand to...

Headwaters Adventure Race Set for July 14 in Mantua

Mantua - Run, pedal and paddle for trails and watershed conservation!  The Portage Park District Foundation is presenting the Headwaters Adventure Race on July 14, 8:00 a.m. in Mantua Village as a fun(d)raiser for supporting trail maintenance and conservation projects.  The event starts at Buchert Park and includes a 2-mile run on the Headwaters Trail, a 10-mile bike ride...

Heart of Doll Country

The June meeting of the Heart of Doll Country was held at the home of Carolyn Englert.  We have had no response to our query about the girls who participated in a 1999 Doll Tea Party jointly sponsored by Waterfall Antiques and Lee Middleton Dolls.  If you were one of those girls, please contact either Jean Lawrence, 330-546-5810 or...

Trustees Approve Plan For US Liquids Site Clean-up

Nelson Twp. - On Wednesday, June 6th the Nelson Township trustees met for their regularly scheduled meeting with all trustees and the fiscal officer in attendance. Prior to the business portion of the meeting, chairman Turos recognized that evening’s guests, including Richard Bonner, Ohio EPA’s Bill Zawiski, Bill Steiner of Portage County Solid Waste District and Health Commissioner DuWayne...

Eagles Club Awards Scholarships

Garrettsville - The Garrettsville Eagles Club (F.O.E.2705) for the seventh year in its 30-plus-years of history awarded three scholarships of $1,000 each to dependents of members. Nick DeJesus is a 2012 graduate of Brunswick High School and is enrolled in Baldwin Wallace College.  He will major in Business Management and Marketing.  In school he participated in football and baseball letter...

Yay, Eagles!

photo by Krista Peterson Garrettsville - Let’s hear it for those high-fliers!  The Garrettsville Aerie #2705 recently purchased the property right next to their facility on Water Street-- a former wood-working shop( and goodness knows what else, over the years)--that had definitely seen better days.  Our fine feathered friends then had the place taken down (giving the GFNVFD a training...

Enter the Summerfest Flower Show

Do you have a green thumb and like to display your work? Well if you do then I have a show for you. This year the SummerFest has added a Flower and Garden Show to the venue. The event is sponsored by the Silver Creek Garden Club and the Bay Window. Exhibitors will need to have entries dropped off at...

Soapbox Derby comes to Mantua

Mantua - The Portage County Soap Box Derby will be celebrating its tenth year in Mantua on Saturday, Preparing for the big day, are (from left), Ron Reed, Dean Olson, Barb Fleming, Becca Fleming, Randy Zigler, Briana Reynolds and Tyler Fleming. The Soap Box Derby race will start at 9 a.m. on June 16, 2012 and will be sporting a...

“Petals & Pearls Boutique” and “Party in a Cup” offering Private Tea Parties

Aurora - An exciting new venture opened June 9, 2012, in the historic 1815 house at 170 S. Chillicothe Rd in Aurora. Petals & Pearls Boutique offers home decor, personal and fashion accessories, antiques, and more. Its partnering business, Party in a Cup, offers private tea parties. It's a unique, delightful and surprisingly distinctive store. A departure from the typical,...


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