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Heart of Doll Country


The June meeting of the Heart of Doll Country was held at the home of Carolyn Englert.  We have had no response to our query about the girls who participated in a 1999 Doll Tea Party jointly sponsored by Waterfall Antiques and Lee Middleton Dolls.  If you were one of those girls, please contact either Jean Lawrence, 330-546-5810 or Carolyn Englert, 330-527-4888.  We’d love to have a reunion!

Co-President Pat Dutchman said that she had spoken with a neighbor who was a Girl Scout leader about inviting the girls to one of our meetings.  The girls can earn a badge for participating.  Each member will give a brief talk about an area of doll collecting or doll making.

There was a brief discussion about the Luncheon as plans are finalized.  A Doll’s Christmas in July, with guest speaker Sandy Pelphrey will be held at the Kirtlander Party Center on July 15th.  Tickets are $25 for adults, and $15 for children 5-15.  There will be lots of fun events, prizes, and auction items.

The meeting was adjourned while members did a Show and Tell.  Pat had her travel doll dressed in party attire, including a tiara. She also had a reproduction Googly Doll, a boy dressed as a WWII Soldier Boy.   Kerin showed a birthday present of a tin with a horse-themed cover, and lots of little dolls inside.  Carolyn said that the dolls currently on display for this meeting were her antique ones, including one that belonged to her mother and another that belonged to her grandmother.  Jeanne showed the doll she had made for her other club’s Gala, a cloth doll dressed as an eccentric wedding guest.

We all enjoyed the refreshments of assorted cookies, a fruit platter and lemonade.  Jean Lawrence won the door prize, a china head and arms set for making a little doll, and a book on dressing old-fashioned dolls.

The next meeting will be at Pat Dutchman’s house in Burton, on July 3rd at 7 PM.  For any information on the club or its upcoming meetings, call Carolyn Englert at the above phone number.

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Staff Reporter

Anton Albert Photography