Home Other Areas Rainbow Girls Busy With Spring Term

Rainbow Girls Busy With Spring Term


West Farmington Assembly #116 of the International Order of the Rainbow for Girls has been hard at work this spring with several activities and service projects, under the direction of their Worthy Advisor, Miss Haley Spangler, of W. Farmington.
Service projects for the term included marching in the Memorial Day parade and having a team in the Warren Relay for Life where the girls raised $1328.68.  They received a plaque for 2nd place for the most luminaries sold and 3rd place best educational topic as well as a 2nd place ribbon for our team t-shirt. We also donated to Hospice House, the Make a Splash Foundation, and Wounded Warrior as our charity projects. Social activities included:  holding the  annual valentine party, attending the District #5 roller skating party & sleepover, participating in the Tri-Youth Day and Grotto Dance in Cleveland, participating in an Easter Egg Hunt and go-to-church Sunday, having a hair and beauty tips day, selling doughnuts and sub sandwiches for Grand Assembly, having a car wash and selling Daffin’s candy.
The girls attended statewide initiation, our District Grand Reception, Leadership Day, and visited DeMolay chapters, Job’s Daughters bethels and other Rainbow Assemblies. We were also honored to have three Grand Officers serving Ohio this year: Miss Katie Nevison, Grand Recorder, Caraline Nelson – Grand American Flag Tribute, and Haley Spangler – Grand Representative to Indiana and Massachusetts.  These girls along with Rachael Bickford – Grand Escort and Kathryn Ricco-Lee – Honor Court will be representing our assembly at Ohio Grand Assembly (state convention) to be held June 28th – July 1st, 2012 at Kenyon College in Gambier, Ohio.  For more information on this leadership and character building organization focusing on public speaking and community service for all girls ages 7-20 please visit our website at: www.mastermason.com/WFarmington116 or call our Mother Advisor, Roxanne York, at (330) 240-5116.

Staff Reporter

Anton Albert Photography