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Staff Reporter

Thank you Garrettsville Chamber

Garrettsville - The Garrettsville Area Chamber of Commerce has replaced the information kiosk, which stood the test of time  at the intersection of SR 82 & 88, with a digital sign and beautiful brick enclosure.   This project was made possible with a portion of the proceeds received from the...

Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor,The family of Margaret Paul would like to thank the community for their kind outpouring of sympathy, notes, cards and shared memories.At 96, hers is cetainly a life to be celebrated but it”s still hard for us to lose Mom, Grandma, Grams and Great Gram.She touched so many...

J.A. Garfield Student Top Performer In National Online Quiz Competition

The move to social distancing caused many changes for students, but the changes also brought about new opportunities to shine on an international stage. Jack Rado, a rising 10th-grader from James A. Garfield High School, was one of 178 high school students competing online in Buzzword this season. But...

Let’s bring $25k to your neighborhood – Neighborhood Assist is back!

Shannan Jursa, Agent for State Farm is happy to announce that State Farm Neighborhood Assist® is back for its ninth year in 2020. As in the past, the top 40 causes with the most votes will each receive a $25,000 grant from State Farm. As a company, we continue the...

Say What?!? Garrettsville Used to Hold Record for Largest Red Oak

Garrettsville - Most people who have grown up in the Garrettsville area know that the Lifesaver was invented here.  We were known for producing the most maple syrup in the world and the great train robbery of 1935, but few people are aware that Garrettsville had the largest Red...

Hiram Township Trustee News

Hiram Twp. - At a recent meeting, Fiscal Officer Diane Rodhe reported that she had met with Ohio Health Benefits to finalize the change from Anthem to United Health Care, which became effective on March 1st of this year. Next, the Hiram Fire Association notified township trustees that the...

Portage Park District Permanently Conserves 89 Acres in Portage County

Ravenna– Portage Park District has conserved over 89 acres in Kent and Streetsboro, bringing the park district’s total conserved acreage to over 2,100. The newly conserved land consists of four unique properties adjacent to existing park properties and includes high quality wetlands, forests and open space. Creating larger tracts...

Foundation For Geauga Parks Seeks Sponsors For 2020 Twilight Soiree

The Foundation for Geauga Parks’ signature fundraising event, Twilight Soiree, is set to take place on Saturday, August 22, 2020 at Veterans Legacy Woods in Newbury Township. This event, now in its third year, has quickly become a can’t-miss party of the summer.  The growing success of the event is...

Alan McLeish Donley of Hiram

Alan McLeish Donley was born January 21, 1937 in Cleveland, Ohio, the third child of Donald McLeish Donley and Alice Reeve Gwendolyn Skidmore (Gwen) Donley, Al grew up in Cleveland Heights, Ohio and graduated from Hiram College, majoring in math and physics. He met his future wife, Carol Cram, at...

J.A. Garfield Historical Society News

The January 20, 2020 meeting of the James A. Garfield Historical Society opened with the acceptance of a donation from Mallory-DeHaven-Carlson Funeral Homes & Cremation Services: a 1910 cemetery deed (#517) for the late Julius Betow--most interesting, following the recent Cemetery Series presented by the society. Many thanks. Other business...

Hiram College receives Apple Distinguished School Recognition

Hiram College has recently been named an Apple Distinguished School for 2019-2022 for the leadership and educational excellence it has demonstrated in using technology to enhance teaching and learning. The College was recognized for Tech and Trek™, a mobile 1:1 technology program that guides students in using 21st-century technology...

Garfield G-Men 7-0 in Season

Congratulations G-Men on your continued winning streak. Tonight the boys crushed the Rootstown Rovers with a final score of 38-25. This year's team is the first to go 7-0 in 30 years!

iNaturalist Training Workshop

Portage Park District hit a big milestone this summer! We surpassed 1,000 documented species listed in iNaturalist. What’s iNaturalist, you ask? It’s a smartphone nature app that connects over 750,000 scientists and naturalists worldwide to record and share plants and animals around us.  Join us in September to learn how...

Maxine McCumber of Windham, OH

Maxine McCumber, 89, of Windham, passed away on Sunday April 7, 2019 with her loving family at her side. She was born June 28, 1929 in Calhoun County, West Virginia to Peter and Mary (Metz) Helmick. She loved to go camping, travel and work in her garden. Her...

G’ville Safety Forces Craft Show & Easter Egg Hunt This Weekend

Garrettsville - On Saturday, April 13, the 4th Annual Safety Forces Fundraiser will be held at the GFN Fire Station located at 8035 Elm Street from 11 am - 4 pm. This is a fundraiser for the Associations of both the Garrettsville-Freedom-Nelson Fire Department and Community EMS. There will...

The Firsts of Spring

In walking outside this morning I heard my FOY red-wing blackbird singing. Saw the FOY turkey vulture, and read that the FOY blue herons have returned to their nesting colonies around north east Ohio. The term FOY has many meanings, but in this article FOY will be used to...

Garrettsville-Hiram Rotary Report

The  Rotary Club of Garrettsville-Hiram met at noon on February 18, 2019, in Cal’s II, Sky Plaza, Garrettsville to encounter the following :  Notice that dues are due.  The treasurer-transition meeting will be held on Wednesday.  Delores McCumbers will be attending the Cavs game with exchange student Natalie.  Other activities’ opportunities...

The Amazing Woodpecker

One of the most common birds that are seen at the feeders during the winter in Northeast Ohio are woodpeckers. Ohio is home to seven species of woodpeckers, the Downy being the most common. The largest is the Pileated with a wingspan of almost 30 inches. The most majestic,...

Windham Trustees Approve Thumb Attachment for Bobcat

Windham Twp. - Windham Township Trustees met recently for their regularly scheduled meeting. They opened the meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance before moving on to the usual housekeeping items. The trustees approved the minutes, the expenditures and the appropriations for 2019. The next item on the agenda was to...

Ronald A. Rabatin, 77, of Nelson Twp., OH

Ronald A. Rabatin 77 years of age passed away January 16, 2019 at Longmeadow Care Center. Ron was born to the late Andy and Wilma Rabatin on September 18, 1941. He was a lifetime Nelson Township resident. In his youth he enjoyed hunting fishing and tinkering with anything that had...


Windham - The WVFD Joint Fire District met for their regularly scheduled meeting recently with all board members in attendance. Jayme Neikirk opened the meeting with nominations for the chairman. Brian Miller nominated Ron Kilgore as chairman and Cheryl Taylor second the motion, the motion carried. Kilgore took...

Raymond Dewey Davis, 83, of Garrettsville, OH

Raymond Dewey Davis, 83, of Garrettsville, went home as a result of a stroke on Tuesday January 1, 2019 surrounded by his loving family. He was the 3rd child of Lawrence and Dora (Johnson) Davis, born January 15, 1935 in Prosperity WV. Ray married the love of...

Windham Township Trustees Get Organized for the New Year

Windham Twp. - Windham Township Trustees met for their regularly scheduled meeting on January 3, 2019 with all trustees and fiscal officer in attendance. The meeting was called to order by the fiscal officer Jayme Neikirk who then opened the floor for nominations for chairman of the board. Rich...

Wacky Weather

The first frost of the fall occurred in the middle of October at my house which was not unusual. However, since then the weather HAS been very unusual…or maybe the new normal? Even though the days are getting longer since December 21, we should be gripped by much colder...


Windham - The WVFD Board met for their regularly scheduled meeting with all board members and fiscal officer in attendance. The board approved the November minutes, expenditures and bank reconciliation. They also approved the temporary appropriations of $600,000 for 2019. Chief Rich Gano reported that they had 539 calls...

Santa Pub Crawl Sets Record

Garrettsville - The Garrettsville Summerfest Santa Pub Crawl was a smashing success with a record-breaking number of participants. December 8th’s crawl drew 115 participants ready to get their Christmas on and raise money for Garrettsville Summerfest. The pub crawl is quite a simple affair. Everyone dons their...

Windham Holds the Fourth Annual Christmas Celebration

Windham - The Fourth Annual Parade of Lights and Polar Express, Christmas Celebration was held in Windham this past weekend. Although the weather was quite chilly, it didn’t keep folks from coming out to celebrate the season. The parade stepped off at 6:00pm from the Dollar General Store and...

New Adventures donates 150 canned food items to the 4C’s Food...

Mantua - For the month of November, the New Adventures Early Learning Center students participated in a canned food drive to be donated to Mantua’s 4C’s Food Cupboard. The students learned about the importance of giving back to others in their community and to people in need. The...

Diskin Enterprises Welcomes J.A. Garfield Students

Recently, the James A. Garfield College & Career Planning class took a field trip to a nearby manufacturing facility to learn about the many careers available within one organization. Located on Industrial Drive in Garrettsville, this plastic extrusion manufacturer is actually three divisions under one roof (DCA...

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