Home Portage County Windham Township Trustees Get Organized for the New Year

Windham Township Trustees Get Organized for the New Year


Windham Twp. – Windham Township Trustees met for their regularly scheduled meeting on January 3, 2019 with all trustees and fiscal officer in attendance.

The meeting was called to order by the fiscal officer Jayme Neikirk who then opened the floor for nominations for chairman of the board. Rich Gano nominated Danny Burns for chairman of the board, Brian Miller seconded it; the motion carried. Burns then took over running the meeting.

Gano nominated Miller for vice chairman and Burns seconded the motion. The motion carried. The board then filled the following positions: Regional Planning, Rich Gano, Records Retention, Jayme Neikirk, Audit Committee, Jayme Neikirk and Casey Timmons-Blewitt, Brian Miller, head of roads, Rich Gano head of cemetery, and Brian Miller appointed to the fire board.
The board approved the minutes and expenditures for December 2018. They also voted to give employees a $.50/ hour raise.

Guest, Jeff Bluhm from the zoning board, stated that they were working on updating the zoning resolution, and should have something to present to the trustees at the February meeting. Bluhm asked the trustees if there were any additions or changes to the zoning regulations that they would like to see. Gano asked if there was anything that could be done regarding agriculture buildings being turned into event venues. Gano was concerned about safety — fire codes, electric and occupancy numbers. Burns said he has read some information on those types of things and there is a bill being presented at the state level. Burns also stated that they would know more after they attend the Ohio Township Association Risk Management Authority (OTARMA) meeting at the end of the month.

Miller reported that they had a few trees down from the last storm, he took care of the clean-up of one, but was unsure who removed the others from the roadways.. He also reported that the backhoe tire was repaired.
A discussion was held regarding a resident who owns vehicles that leave a huge mud trail on the road, due to the resident’s driveway conditions. There have been several residents who have complained, not only of the mud but of the appearance of the entire property that the mud comes from. One resident was in attendance at the meeting asking the trustees how they would like to live next door to the mess. Currently the trustees are looking at what they can legally do — Miller said he would contact Mike Collins at the county engineer’s office to see what the county does in situations like this.

Burns reported that the roads certification of 9.369 miles has been turned in to the county.

In zoning, Joe Pinti was unable to attend due to a funeral, so the report was given by Burns. Burns reported there were no permits issued. He also reported that the Pinti received notice that the Gotham Road property will be demolished on or around, Monday, January 7, 2019, depending on the weather.

In cemetery news, Gano reported that a cemetery plot has been sold: a headstone was reset to the right grave and the workers have been working to put in a drain. A brief discussion was held regarding cemetery decorations and their removal — the trustees will diligently enforce the current rules to keep the cemetery from looking “junked up”.

Estimates for replacing/ repairing the fence along the south side of the cemetery were reviewed and it was determined they would accept the bid of $1,150 to do the fence. The also board voted that $1,000 would be the maximum amount donated to bury indigent folks. Gano will contact Carlson funeral home and try to get a contract with them. The township would also donate the plot for the burial.

Gano reported that the fire district was rolling along. Currently, they were waiting to hear about a $47,000 grant they applied for to upgrade the communications system. Gano stated that they still need to work out a new agreement with Camp J.A.Garfield for fire and EMS.

In New Business, they decided to use the NOPEC grant for the Community Night Out.

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. The Windham Township trustees meet on the first Thursday of each month at the town hall at 6pm.

Staff Reporter

Anton Albert Photography