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Windham Village Council News


Windham – Windham Village Council met for their regularly scheduled remote Zoom meeting. Anyone interested in attending, contacted the fiscal officer prior to the meeting so she could send out an invitation link to join the meeting.

The meeting was called to order with all but one council member in attendance at the meeting’s start. The one council member who struggled to get logged into Zoom later joined the meeting. The fiscal officer gave the financial report.

Income tax collected so far this year is $289,646.64. the expenditures for the month of July were $147,668.97. All funds reconciled were $1,564,656.97.

In the council president’s report, Terrie Altiere stated that the Dollar General Store was moving right along and she also reported that the landscape at Windbrook Development was being completed and looked great. Altiere stated that she wasn’t sure if all the units were leased yet.

Council approved the police, and fire dispatch report along with the financial report as well.

In the mayor’s report, Scott Garrett said he will focus on promoting the census and get folks to sign up and get it done. He said he would try to get some laptops and do a promotional day at Dixies Diner to help people get their census filled out. Garrett says the village depends on people filling out their census forms because federal funding is determined by the census numbers.
Resolution R-2020-14, a resolution authorizing the village fiscal officer of the Village of Windham under section 735.29 of the Ohio revised code to certify the following sums to the Portage County Auditor to be assessed and collected as delinquent water/sewer rents totaling $2399.51 as set forth herein and declaring an emergency. After a vote to suspend the rules, council then voted to pass the ordinance.

Council also passed Resolution R-2020-14 to discontinue their contract with the Portage County Solid Waste District. Council has had all the recycling dumpsters removed permanently due to misuse. People were abusing them by leaving garbage, mattresses, furniture and other things that were not recyclable.

Council then passed two other resolutions R- 2020-15 and R-2020- 16 that would assess property taxes for the cost of mowing neglected properties and to the owners of rental units who have not paid their licensing fees for rental housing inspections. Resolution 2020-16 brought up a discussion on what to do about the failure to have their buildings licensed and inspected for use, Council decided to send notice to families that rented those units and let them know the owners of the units are in violation of the village code and they should contact their landlord about specifics.

The meeting was adjourned after an executive session to discuss pending litigations and setting the calendar for September.

Denise Bly

Anton Albert Photography