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Tag: James A Garfield Historical Society

G-H Rotary News

Garrettsville-Hiram Rotary meeting on September 9, 2024 covered plenty o’ ground, beginning with the items/documents to be placed in the new ( 80 year) time capsule to be dedicated on September 21, 2024 by the James A. Garfield Historical Society; these include Rotary officers, events and projects across the...

Check Out GCPL’s Free Online Programs

The wintery weather may keep you stuck at home, but that doesn’t mean you’ll be bored. The grey skies, short days, and cold temperatures don’t have to get you down. Not when the Geauga County Public Library has so many online programs to help chase away the winter doldrums.  If...

We’re All Invited

Community Calendar Aspire Programs  Mondays & Wednesdays The Portage County Maplewood Aspire Program will begin offering GED, Adult Diploma and ESOL classes at the Kent Free Library on Wednesday, January 3rd from 9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Classes will be held on Mondays and Wednesdays during this time. Prospective students are required...

JAG Historical Society News

As of January 15, 2024, the position of secretary for the James A. Garfield Historical Society is open; volunteers should contact president Debbie Smith or attend the next meeting on February 15–that’s Presidents' Day–or both. Denise Ellerhorst, of the Time Capsule Event committee reported that one grant applied for was...

Udderly Engaging: JAG Historical Society Hosts Panel Discussion on the Garrettsville...

“Milking History” was the title given to the oral history program presented by the James A. Garfield Historical Society on Sunday, May 21, 2023 at the Garrettsville Village Hall. And, Boy, did they ever! Milk it, I mean. Moderators Jim Vincent and Denise Ellerhorst kept things moving and directed,...

J.A. Garfield Historical Society News

The January 16, 2023 meeting of the James A. Garfield Historical Society opened by greeting Dave and Polly Winchell as new members and noting a request from a Civil War researcher from Kent for assistance and information on veterans of this conflict from Nelson. Dues are due; the JAGHS...

James A Garfield Historical Society News

All Christmas Walk, all of the time. That’s the gist of the September 19, 2022 meeting of the James A. Garfield Historical Society, for the most part. This included :Advertisers for the Christmas Walk program booklet, suggestions of local–and wider–papers for placement of advertising, appointment of an advertising committee (Tim...

Confidence Game Swindled Local Farmers

A man giving the name of Thomas Sexsmith appeared in the vicinity about a week ago, and being a good talker, he succeeded in getting several of our prominent farmers interested in a patent milk cooler. His plan of operation was to leave a cooler with the farmer, with...

J.A. Garfield Historical Society News

The James A. Garfield Historical Society met on July 18, 2022, in the historic Mott Building in downtown Garrettsville to discuss a number of pertinent topics. The JAGHS sign on the Mott Building should possibly be refurbished or replaced. Dave Brent of Willowleaf Studios, who was responsible for the Hat...

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