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Tag: Christmas Walk

Walk On!

Yes, indeed. Another Christmas Walk has come and not yet gone. You’ve got time to finish it off in fine style if you hit the second weekend (November 15, 16, 17). Pray for the kind of weather the first weekend had…not counting Sunday, which was a tad damp, but...

JAG Historical Society News

Crafters are still being added to the roster at the Craft Market during the Christmas Walk; slots are available. Other preparations are proceeding. All systems are GO, including the candlelight version on Thursday evening. Tickets are being sold right now. The October 21, 2024 meeting of the James A. Garfield...

Well That’s That

And “that” was the 20222 Christmas Walk…an adventure from start to finish, just about.First off, there was the withdrawal of one of the original four houses from the list of designated residences, which necessitated a search for another home in town with easy access and adequate parking possibilities. That...

Well… That Was Fun

No, Really. I enjoyed myself immensely. Not everyone would enjoy having people–some known, some unknown–coming through their home for seven hours a day, looking around, commenting on everything in sight, wondering about what’s not in sight, asking questions about stuff that had been answered back when they hadn’t been...

Folly? Did Someone Say Folly?

Oh, “Fa La La La La !” you said. My bad…or worse, maybe. “Christmas is coming, the goose is getting fat, Please to put a penny in the old man’s hat.” Or more like it, at my place, “Christmas is coming. The Walk is on its way. There are way,...

The History of The Garrettsville Christmas Walk

Garrettsville - While most people have put their Christmas decorations away, disposed of their Christmas trees, and pretty much haven’t thought of Christmas since New Year’s day, such is simply not the case with the James A. Garfield Historical Society. This year marks a very monumental date, they celebrate...

J.A. Garfield Historical Society News

The James A. Garfield Historical Society met on July 18, 2022, in the historic Mott Building in downtown Garrettsville to discuss a number of pertinent topics. The JAGHS sign on the Mott Building should possibly be refurbished or replaced. Dave Brent of Willowleaf Studios, who was responsible for the Hat...

Alea jacta est

Or “Alea iacta est,”, if you are a Latin purist (I know you’re out there somewhere.). Mrs. Grissinger, my Latin teacher in 9th and 10th grades, probably wasn’t up on the latest translation/ third person singular/imperative and all that, or any other notions of what Suetonius said that Caesar...

Thank You from the JAG Historical Society

The James A Garfield Historical Society would like to thank everyone who helped with our Christmas Walk 2018. It takes a village of volunteers to have such a successful event. We are most grateful to the homeowners who generously opened up their homes. Some decorating by themselves, some allowing our...

Garrettsville Village Piecemaker’s Quilt Raffle

Members of the Village Piecemakers Quilt Guild have been working on a 2-year project to create this quilt which will be raffled off at this year’s Christmas Walk. Each block of the queen-sized quilt was made by a member of the Piecemakers. The quilt can be seen, and tickets may...

Christmas Walk Finale

The Christmas Walk must be over; a cat just upchucked on the carpet. They’ve been ticked off for two week-ends now at being shut down in the basement. The saying is that “revenge is sweet” but that’s not quite how I’d describe this ( I’ll spare you how I...

One Down!

Whew!  Do you remember a TV program from ages ago called TW3 (That Was The Week That Was)? Well, tweak it just a little to That Was the Week-end That Was and you’ve got November 4th, 5th , 6th and 7th , 2010 at this establishment.  It was --literally...

The Area’s Original Christmas Walk Returns To Garrettsville

The James A. Garfield Historical Society’s Christmas Walk takes place Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, November 5th, 6th, & 7th, and 12th, 13th, & 14th.  Hours are 10am to 5pm on Fridays and Saturdays, and 12:30pm to 5pm on Sundays.  Your first stop is the Historical Society at 8107 Main...

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