Home Mantua Rotary Club of Mantua Holds June Business Meeting

Rotary Club of Mantua Holds June Business Meeting


Mantua – The Rotary Club of Mantua held their monthly dinner business meeting on June 3 at Jake’s Eats in Mantua.
Discussed was the upcoming June 24 meeting when A.J. Almy Is scheduled to speak about his work filming shows like Naked and Afraid. Members agreed that that they would open this meeting to the public and a location is being sought.

Mantua Rotary is planning a fund raiser/charity event for September. A Poker and Paddle event on the Cuyahoga River is set for September 18 where for a fee, participants and rent a kayak or canoe and paddle from Camp Hi to Buchert Park in Mantua Village collecting cards for their hand along the way. Presently, details are being worked out and information will be forth coming.

President Dean Olson discussed his desire to hold a Crestwood Volunteer Celebration Party to honor the people who have volunteered within Crestwood Schools. Calling them “unsung heroes,” he wanted the Rotary Club of Mantua to recognize those who unselfishly donate their time to the children of the Crestwood community. The volunteers and their families and guests are being invited to a celebratory picnic at Buchert Park on August 22.

Due to the fallout from the Covid quarantine, there will be no Rotary Christmas Tour of Homes this year. The event will resume in 2023.

The Rotary Club of Mantua, established in 1946, is currently encouraging new membership in their service club organization. Additional Rotary information can be found on their Facebook page.


Anton Albert Photography