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Mantua Village News


Mantua – At their last meeting, Village Council heard from representatives from the Historic Landmarks Commission. In a special hearing prior to the regular council meeting, the group met to ascertain whether to dissolve the commission. Speaking on behalf of the commission, Clark Magdych noted that since 2013 when the Commission was formed, no business or property owners have completed the process to have their homes or businesses on the historic registry. 

Edie Benner and Sue Steinberg, speaking on behalf of the DMRC, noted that their organization has been aided in their solicitation of grants for projects in the village, due to the fact that the village has a Historic Landmark Commission in place. Mantua resident Ellie Stamm noted that nothing in her hometown happens quickly. She added, “just because something hasn’t happened yet, that’ doesn’t mean it won’t happen. After much discussion, council determined that the Commission would remain in existence to maintain the historic property index and to send letters to property owners to encourage participation in the registry program. 

In other news, Mayor Clark noted that Councilman Chuck Peterson tendered a letter or resignation due to increased work obligations, which leave him unable to attend village meetings and activities. Anyone interested in serving on council is encouraged to contact Mayor Linda Clark. The village is also looking for residents interested in filling open seats on committees. One seat is available on each of the Records Retention Committee, the Board of Zoning Appeals, and Shade Tree Commission. Multiple seats are open on the Historic La ndmarks Committee, although members are not required to reside in the village. Anyone interested in any of these positions can contact Mayor Clark at (330) 274-8776 ext. 155.

Lastly, in legislation, council approved an ordinance authorizing the Mayor to execute an economic development transfer form to James Mocny to transfer a D-1, 2, and 3 liquor license. Mocny plans to offer wine tastings, appetizers, and sell bottles of wine at a new establishment in a lower level storefront on East Prospect Street in the village.

The next regularly scheduled meeting of Village Council will take place on Tuesday, March 15th at 6:30 pm.

Stacy Turner

Anton Albert Photography