
Ron Stoner: A Glass Act

Newton Falls - “Take your passion and make it happen.” We Older-Than-Millennials remember that as a line from a song popular in the 80s, What a Feeling from Flash Dance. This line comes to mind when one meets Ron Stoner, who is opening a stained-glass studio, The Glass Act. Ron truly embodies that line.Ron is a long-time member of...

Grand Re-Opening Held For Newton Falls McDonald’s

Newton Falls - If you drove past the Newton Falls McDonald’s recently, you noticed that something was up. While the drive-thru remained open, the dining room was closed. For quite a while. Well, on Saturday November 19, the dining room officially reopened. New owner John Perdue was on hand to greet guests. Members of the Newton Falls Fire Department were...

Holidays In The Falls

Newton Falls - The weather has changed, likely for the duration. The leaves have fallen. The skies have become gray and every day is a bit shorter. Yep, welcome to late autumn in Ohio, where we are on a crash course with winter. We know it is coming, we even have dug out The Big Coat, but don’t despair!...

Back To The 40’s

Have you ever wanted to go back in time? Well, Heritage Accord is giving you that chance. As you may know, Heritage Accord is working to restore the Newton Falls Community Center. There have been many fundraising functions for this purpose. This past year has seen the community and both local and national organizations rise to the challenge. The...

Citizens of Newton Falls Invited to Provide Input to Community Center Project Architects

Newton Falls - Citizens of Newton Falls are invited and welcomed to provide their input to the Community Center project architects, the Perspectus Architecture Team,on Wednesday, October 19, 2022 from 3:30 pm to 7 pm. Formal presentations will be made at 4pm and 6 pm. Attendees will be able to tour the building and submit their ideas on the...

Newton Falls Youth Essay & Art ContestOpen to all Youth Grades K through 12

Heritage Accord Inc is partnering with the Newton Falls Public Library to sponsor a “Youth Essay and Art Contest.” The contest is open to all students grades kindergarten through 12th grade. Public School, home school and virtual school students are invited to participate. The theme for both the essay and the art contest is “My Hometown.” Two Grand Prizes...

80th Anniversary of Newton Falls Community Center Planning Underway

Newton Falls - Eighty years ago, in 1942, the Newton Falls Community Center, located at 52 East Quarry Street, was originally dedicated as a United Services Organization (U.S.O.) facility. The Newton Falls U.S.O. was the first facility in the country specifically designed and constructed to serve not only the military personnel but also the civilian defense workers. Plans are underway...

Heritage Accord Receives Jeffris Family Foundation Grant to Fund Next Phase of the Restoration and Renovation of the Newton Falls Community Center

Newton Falls - Heritage Accord today announced the receipt of a matching grant in the amount of $24,575.00 from the Jeffris Family Foundation Ltd. The Jeffris Family Foundation grant will be combined with an equal amount of funds on-hand at Heritage Accord to fully cover the cost of a critically required Historical Structure Report (HSR) of the Newton Falls...

Newton Township Spring Clean-up

Newton Township will hold its annual Spring Clean-Up, E-Waste & Scrap Tire Collection on Saturday and Sunday, May 14 & 15, 2022 from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Township Administration Building, 4410 Newton Falls-Bailey Rd., Newton Falls, OH, This is a service for residents of unincorporated Newton Township; ID required for proof of residency. There will be a...

Newton Falls’ Heritage Accord Prepares to Celebrate 80 Years

T’was the day after Duck Plucking and all through the Community Center,Not a creature was stirring…Who am I kidding? Everyone was stirring. The Center was again cleaned, tallies made, thank yous extended…Heritage Accord had a big day in November, and the Newton Falls Community really came out and showed their support. Now HA is moving on to its next...

AMVETS Make Donation To Heritage Accord

This past Wednesday, Heritage Accord received quite the shot in the arm.  This came in the form of a check, for $10,000! This generous donation was given by the AMVETS.  The ceremony was held at high noon, at the Newton Falls Community Center. Connie Smith Talcott was on hand to receive it on behalf of Heritage Accord, it was...

95 Years of Halloween Fun… and Counting

Newton Falls -  “I could do this every year!” exclaims first-time judge Susan Holub.  Those of us in Kiwanis were delighted with comments like this from the crowd, since this was the 95th year for the Kiwanis annual event, though this was not quite a cakewalk.  Because of covid-19 concerns, Kiwanis had to re-think what to do for the...

History In A Phone Call

Newton Falls - How much history can you fit into one half-hour phone call?  If you are talking with Dr. Everard Smith of Wilmington, NC-consider it a challenge accepted!  Dr. Smith informally serves as historian and advisor, especially of the USO buildings, to Heritage Accord.  You may recall, Heritage Accord is the association raising money to renovate the Newton...

News From The Newton Falls Area Commerce Association

Newton Falls - Hmmm. Many years ago, if one asked most people about Newton Falls, one might get something to the effect that it is a small town somewhere east of Ravenna, or west of Warren. Very little detail.  Very little enthusiasm. Some out-of-towners might have heard of the area for two reasons; the 44444 zip code, and the...

One Ohio Health / Falls Family Care In Newton Falls

Newton Falls - I must have driven by it a hundred times.  I’m not sure what it is. Have you ever caught yourself describing a business this way? That was on my mind when I got the call from a friend. “They are donating money for the Community Center.  Can you come and take some pictures? Maybe write something...

Buildings Can Teach Us History

How does the average person get involved in preserving history? If you talk to local architect and history enthusiast Doug Fuller, you are asked by a friend.  His friend, Joyce, who is head of Heritage Ohio, asked him to look at the old USO building in Newton Falls.  That was all it took - reel him in because he...

Suzelis Holistic Health Brings The Best Of Holistic Health And Natural Health Therapies To Newton Falls

Newton Falls - Newton Falls has it all, and more! With unique businesses lining Broad Street, fun festivals for all, plans for a revitalized Community Center, it makes one’s head spin trying to do everything there is to offer. Perhaps Suzelis Holistic Health is for you. Suzelis Holistic Health brings the best of holistic health and natural health therapies to...

Newton Falls Dicker Days set for August 20-22nd

Mark your calendars!!! Saturday, August 21st is Dicker Day in historic downtown Newton Falls!  Store owners and Newton Falls businesses will be set up on the sidewalks as well as the four corner parks selling their wares from 9 am to 4 pm. This is also the same weekend for the Newton Falls  Community garage sale. (August 20th, 21st and...

“A GIFT OF LOVE” Benefit/Event for Synthia Suzelis

Newton Falls - On Friday April 2nd, Synthia Suzelis had a massive hemorrhagic stroke. She spent a week at University Hospitals in Cleveland, then went to Hillside Hospital in Warren.  She is now at home. The stroke has left her with total left sided paralysis, along with various mental deficits. She will be out of work and not receiving a...

Heritage Accord Working To Save Historic Newton Falls Building

Newton Falls - It has been claimed that Newton Falls has it all. That is untrue. Newton Falls has it all, and plans for more! The one-of-a-kind zip-code, the unique businesses, the beautiful falls, the covered bridge, the historical Community Center. If you are unfamiliar with the latter, you are not alone. The Newton Falls Community Center was finished in...

Broad Street Station Has It All — From Antiques to Tasty Treats!

Newton Falls - If you haven’t yet been convinced to stop in/shop in Newton Falls, Ohio, let’s check out another unique business. Located in a historic train station, the Broad Street Station Café is the quintessential Mom and Pop business.  The exterior of the building is quaint; with antique signs, an outside seating nook, and old-fashioned tiles. It whispers nostalgia...

Newton Falls Kiwanis Presents Books

Newton Falls -  To promote reading, the Kiwanis Club of Newton Falls donated  new books to all second graders this year since school closed early last year.  Their teachers are Brenda Hibbard, Linda McIntosh, and Robyn Minkewicz. Kiwanis also presented books to each first grader to encourage summer reading.  The teachers who handled the distribution are Lisa Gregory, Anne Mingus,...

NF Kiwanis Club Awards Scholarships

Newton Falls - The Kiwanis Club of Newton Falls was pleased to select five deserving NFHS seniors for scholarships this year. These students have shown academic excellence and participated in numerous volunteer activities both in and outside of school. Kiwanis wishes to thank the community for its support of our geranium sale, which enabled us to provide the two...

Newton Falls American Legion Post 236 Officers 2021-2022

Newton Falls - Darlene Freer, 2nd Vice Commander, American Legion 9th District issued the oath of office to the new officers of Newton Falls American Legion Post 236 at the posts monthly meeting held Monday, May 10, 2021.Pictured above from from left to right are: Gary Ruel, 1yr. Trustee, Walt Snyder, 2nd Vice Commander, Darlene Freer, 2nd Vice Commander...

In a challenging year, Newton Falls school leaders are helping students with ‘trauma-informed education;” lauded with award

Newton Falls - In a year where students, teachers, and staff were faced with unprecedented obstacles, Newton Falls is striving to rise above the struggles by increasing positivity among students - and prepare for more help for students this coming summer.Many schools throughout the nation realized the importance of ‘trauma-informed’ education - a type of education that includes training...

“Thank You” From The Newton Falls Community Backpack Program

With the help and support of Newton Falls Schools, the NF Community Backpack Program has packed and distributed weekend bags of food to area children during the weeks that the schools were open during first semester. We appreciate the support of Supt. Rocco Adduci, Maintenance Supervisor Jo Seidner, and the employees of Newton Falls Exempted Village Schools. We would...


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