
Ravenna High School Students Awarded Scholarships by Area Chamber of Commerce

Ravenna - On the evening of Wednesday, May 22, 2019 about 120 family members, teachers and friends gathered to see some of Ravenna’s brightest rising stars be awarded scholarships from many local area organizations. This included three awards given by the Ravenna Area Chamber of Commerce which was a surprise because they usually only give two; due to extra...

Students Explore Careers at JA Garfield High School

Garrettsville - For the second year in a row, students in grades nine through twelve had the opportunity to learn about a variety of careers from local professionals and tradespeople. Those careers included over 40 individuals, with jobs ranging from an architect and an attorney to a mason and marketing manager, a statistician to a stylist, and careers ranging...

James A. Garfield Elementary “Green Team” on the GO!

Garrettsville - If you are wondering what the Green team is, here it is!  Mrs. Blakeman and Mrs. Beck, fourth grade teachers decided to form a club called the “Green Team.”  Two kids were selected from each grade (K-6).  We met once a month on a Friday. We had 24 members participate over the school year.   Our first project was...

Crestwood HS Class Shows 1800’s Frontier Life in 2019 Mantua

Mantua - For those who’ve ever wondered about how Ohio looked back in the 1800s, a trip back in time is as close as Crestwood High School, at least during Frontier Days in May. That’s when students from the American Experience Academy class showcase what they’ve learned all year in a replica of a colonial settlement constructed on school...

JAG Elementary Sharpens the Saw

Garrettsville - On a recent afternoon, all 700+ students at JAG Elementary School took part in a multitude of afternoon activities aimed to sharpen the saw. Although it sounds like something done with power tools during shop class, the program has more to do with helping shape students into well-rounded individuals. “Successful leadership requires many traits, including respectful interaction, responsibility,...

Mother-Daughter Duo Go Through Kent State Geauga Nursing Program Together

Geauga County - Ronda McCaskey and Caitlyn Horvath are best friends who went through the nursing program together and graduated one year apart with Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) degrees from Kent State University’s Geauga Campus. Now they are both intensive care nurses. But they also happen to be mother and daughter. For mom Ronda, nursing was a life...

Crestwood Middle School Receives Security Vestibule

Mantua - At a recent School Board meeting, Superintendent Toth reported that the District received a grant for PAX training for teachers Pre-K through eighth grade. PAX is an evidence-based intervention used in the classroom with students to create an environment that is conducive to learning. It is is designed to reduce off-task behavior; increase attentiveness; decrease aggressive and...

What’s Trending: Parent Conference on Hot Topics

Join Portage County organizations for an informational workshop on all the “hot topics” for parents and guardians. Topics include Vaping, Suicide, Teen Dating/Violence, Anxiety, Trauma Informed Care, Positive Parenting Techniques, and Positive Presence on Social Media. The United Way of Portage County will be providing pizza and there will be a chance to win gift baskets donated by local...

Grand Jury returns Indictments Against Amero

Windham - The entire community of Windham was disappointed that someone they entrusted their children to has allegedly betrayed them. On Monday, April 22, 2019, the Portage County Grand Jury indicted Superintendent Laura Amero on six charges involving students. Amero was charged with two counts of sexual battery, two counts of attempted sexual battery and two counts of intimidation...

Crestwood High School Student Council Arts and Crafts Show

Mantua - On May 4th, 2019, Crestwood High School is welcoming the community to join us in an Arts & Crafts Show from 9 AM until 2 PM. The entrance fee is $2 per person at the door, and will be hosted in the gym. Not only is this event open to the public to enjoy and purchase creative...

Girls Who Code Explore Technology at JAG Elementary

Garrettsville - With the rise of technology, mobile devices, and online applications, it’s easy to believe estimates that by 2020, there will be 1.4 million jobs in computing. Unfortunately, it’s estimated that girls are on track to fill only 4% of those jobs. Today, fewer than 1 in 5 computer scientists are women, and that needs to change. That’s exactly...

2019 Winners of Annual Juried Student Art Show at Hiram College Announced

Hiram - The 2019 Annual Juried Student Art Show recently debuted in the Hiram College Gelbke Art Gallery featuring the work of students from diverse art disciplines, including painting, sculpture, jewelry, photography, and video. The jurors for the show consisted of established professional artists and educators, Annie and A.D. Peters. In judging, the jurors looked for work that...

Crestwood Hosts Career Café

Mantua - It’s lunchtime on a Thursday, and just like any other weekday, you find Crestwood Intermediate students filing in with their packed lunched, or lining up to buy tacos, that day’s special. But instead of the usual lunchtime banter among the fifth graders, in walks 20-year-old US Airman First Class Devon McDivitt, of the Air National Guard, ready...

14th Annual JAG Alumni Banquet to Be Held in September

The 14th annual James A. Garfield Alumni Banquet will take place on Sept. 21, 2019, at James A. Garfield Elementary School. Doors will open at 5 p.m. followed by a delicious dinner from Guido’s of Ravenna at 6 p.m. The event is open to graduates and anyone who attended Freedom, Garrettsville, James A. Garfield, and Nelson schools. The following...

Jukebox Jam! Includes FREE matinee for senior citizens and more!

Streetsboro - THRIVE, a non-profit (501c3) performing arts troupe operating in Streetsboro High School’s beautiful, 800-seat auditorium, will be staging the musical theatre production, “Jukebox Jam!” on Friday, May 17th at 7 p.m.; Saturday, May 18th at 7 p.m. and an encore, FREE matinee performance for senior citizens (60+) on Sunday, May 19th at 2 p.m. It’s...

JA Garfield Students Enjoy City Day

Recently, a group of nearly 30 students from James A. Garfield High School traveled to Cleveland for the opportunity to be tourists for the day. The program, dubbed, “City Day” by adventure organizer and James A. Garfield art teacher Libby Frato-Sweeney, began as an idea to take students on a big trip to a far-away destination. “I really enjoy...

“Little Shop Of Horrors”

Mantua - The Crestwood High School Drama Club proudly presents “Little Shop of Horrors”,  a deviously delicious Broadway and Hollywood sci-fi smash musical.  Shows are Friday, April 12th and Saturday, April 13th  at 7 pm and Sunday, April 14th at 2 pm. Tickets are $8 pre-sale through April 5th and $10 at the door.  For tickets or any questions contact

Area Students Participate in Skill USA Competition

James A. Garfield students that recently participated at the SkillsUSA Regional competition included Joshua McCullough, Travis Synnestvedt, Gillian Grantz and Karsyn Reider.  Travis took 1st place in the Electrical Motor Controls and will be going to the Skills USA State  Competition in Columbus on April 16th & 17th. Karysn Reider took 3rd place in the Regionals Welding. Congratulations and good luck at...

Creativity Springs Forward at Crestwood

Mantua - The second weekend of March meant more than just the opportunity to spring forward for a group of Crestwood students this year. That’s because 57 students from the Primary, Intermediate and Middle Schools participated in the Destination Imagination Regional Competition at Barberton Middle School that Saturday. Nine teams comprised of students represented the highest participation number since...

Save the Date for Garfield High School’s Production of Cinderella

Garrettsville - James A. Garfield theatre group, under the direction of Mr. Joel Logan, proudly presents Rodgers and Hammerstein’s “Cinderella”. The musical will be taking place at JAG high school on April 4th, 5th, and 6th at 7:00 p.m. There is also a matinee performance at 2:00 p.m. on April 6th. Tickets are already...

Dancing with Ohio’s Stars

Garrettsville - Maria Wheeler and Alyenendrov Tsorokean, Ohio Star Ball winners in Cabaret, performed for the High School as part of stress-reduction event organized by the Student Council. Students were treated to three dance performances, introducing them to styles ranging from cabaret to tango, and learned about the physical and mental health benefits of dancing. Attendees were also able to...

Eight Students Inducted Into National Honor Society

Windham - Congratulations to the 2019 Windham National Honor Society! There were eight students inducted into NHS this year. Students were recognized and inducted on Friday, March 8 at 8:30 AM with the Windham student body and families. Sportswriter, Jonah Rosenblum, was the guest speaker for the event. Rosenblum spoke about the importance of choosing a direction in life,...

Ginert Wins Power Of The Arts Contest

Windham - Congratulations to Windham art teacher, Lauryn Gintert, for winning the Power of the Arts Contest! The contest was open to artists who reside in Mahoning or Trumbull counties in an effort to make city buses a canvas for art. Gintert’s piece, “Changing History,” was one of 18 works of art selected and will remain displayed on a Western...

“One School, One Book” is Underway at JAG Elementary

Every Garfield Elementary student in grades K-6 is taking part in a reading program aimed at promoting family literacy. “One School, One Book” is a program sponsored through Read to Them, a non-profit organization whose mission is to create a culture of literacy in every home. On March 1st, a kick-off event took place that included all students and...

Crestwood Primary Celebrates Works of Eric Carle

Mantua - Each year, Crestwood Primary School teachers Monica Grebb and Jennifer Gilles get together to select a special book that will be featured in the school’s annual One Book One School program. Over the following months, they work with CPS teachers from preschool through second grade to incorporate that special book into math and language arts lesson plans,...

Hiram College Partners with Say Yes to Education

Hiram - Hiram College recently pledged its support to Say Yes to Education, a national nonprofit organization committed to making a college degree affordable and attainable for public high school graduates. The college also joined the Say Yes to Education National Higher Education Compact, agreeing to cover the cost of full tuition and mandatory fees for a select number...

Windham BOE Discusses Aging Bus Fleet and HVAC System

Windham - The Windham Board of Education (BOE) met for their regularly scheduled meeting with all members in attendance. The members are Darryl McGuire, President, Melissa Roubic, Maurina Collins, Elaine Grant, and Mandy Berardinelli, Vice President. Others serving with the board are the district Treasurer and Foodservice Supervisor Samantha Pochedly and Superintendent Laura Amero. The meeting was called to order...

Maplewood Preschool Now Enrolling for the 2019-2020 School Year

Ravenna - Maplewood Preschool in now accepting registrations for the upcoming school year. The state-licensed school operates two preschool classes, Tuesday through Friday. The Pre-K class for children 4- and 5- years of age, who will be attending Kindergarten the following year, runs from 8:40-10:40. The preschool class, for 3- and 4- year olds, runs from 12:00-2:00. The registration...

JAG Kindergarten Registration

Kindergarten registration for the 2019/20 school year will be held on March 21, 22, and 25. To be eligible to attend, students entering kindergarten must be five (5) years old on or before August 1st of the coming school year. If your child is eligible to enroll, please call 330-527-2184 for a registration appointment. If you are preparing to transition...

Aurora Hosts State of the City Event

Aurora - Last Wednesday, over 160 people attended Aurora’s annual State of the City event at the Bertram Hotel & Conference Center, including area business people, law enforcement and safety officials, county commissioners, and representatives from county and state offices, as well. That day, Aurora City School District Superintendent Pat Ciccantelli shared information about the district, which he referred to...


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