
Area Eighth-Grade Students Invited to Apply to MEDCAMP

Portage County - Area eighth-grade students have the opportunity to experience life as health professions students during MEDCAMP, a three-day intensive immersion experience for eighth graders who have demonstrated achievement in science and an interest in a health professions career. Applicants are currently being sought to fill 50 openings for this year’s program, which will be held at Northeast Ohio...

Apple Tree Trike-A-Thon

Garrettsville - On Tuesday, May 6th, Apple Tree Preschool held our annual Trike-a-Thon fundraiser to help raise money for St. Jude Children's Research Hospital. Students collected money and then rode their trikes or bikes in the parking lot for 30 minutes.  The fundraiser is also an educational tool to help teach our students about the importance of bike safety. ...

One Book, One School Takes Students ‘On the Wings of Heroes’

Mantua - For the fourth year in a row, lively literacy takes Crestwood Intermediate students well beyond the pages of a book. At least as far as Canton, Ohio, to the Military Aviation Preservation Society (MAPS) museum. That’s where students and staff recently visited, as a part of the fourth annual One Book, One School program, and thanks to...

Program Highlights Choices & Consequences

Hiram - Recently, roughly 2,000 high school seniors from 16 area schools arrived on the Hiram College campus. The students weren’t there en masse for a college visit or orientation opportunity, but for a serious lesson to guide them in making good decisions during the upcoming prom and graduation season. As students arrived, they encountered a mock crash scene in...

They did it again!

Garrettsville - The James A. Garfield Marching Pride has been having a spring banquet since the year 2000 and this year was no exception, a great evening of awards and recognition…and some pretty fair food, prepared by Guido’s Catering and presented through the good offices of Marianne Norris and Dorothy Sheller.  And it was another occasion where rank has...

Beautify Your Home and Support GHS Cheer Program

Garrettsville - The Garfield Cheerleaders are kicking off their upcoming cheer season with a mulch fundraiser. 100% of the proceeds go to the cheer program to help support competition fees, camp costs, and spirit supplies. Purchase quality bulk mulch for your landscaping needs from your local GHS Cheerleader or call Coach Shannon Gallagher at 330-842-0015 to pre-order your mulch. Choose from...

Whooo Knows Earth Day Better than CPS?

Mantua - For the 10th consecutive year, the Crestwood Outdoor Education Committee held an Earth Day festival at the Crestwood Primary School. While Mother Nature made it difficult to hold the festivities outside, holding the event indoors didn’t hamper the success of the evening’s event. Aided by parent volunteers, as well as those from Crestwood Middle and High Schools, the...

A ground-breaking!

Garrettsville - Six shiny, brand-new TRUPER shovels.  Hard hats.  A pile of dirt brought in and lined up especially for the occasion.  Students, educators &  administrators, township trustees, construction officials dignitaries interested citizens.  Photo opportunities—with or without dirt—of all sorts.  A backdrop of soil on the move, big machines, flagged stakes, safety fencing, a changing façade of the elementary...

Freedom Township 96th Alumni Gathering

Freedom Twp. - The 96th annual banquet for Freedom Township Alumni Association and James A Garfield School District, was held April 26th at Maplewood Career Center in Ravenna Township. The 74 members attending represented the alumni of the classes of 1931 thru 1975. The students from 1952 thru 1975 became part of the consolidation of the Garfield School system...

CIS Visits CMA

Mantua - For the second year in a row, fifth grade students and parents from Crestwood Intermediate School toured the Cleveland Museum of Art during two special Saturday field trips in early spring. Crestwood Intermediate Art teacher Patty Timbrook received the grants, which funded the trips, from the Hiram Community Trust. Each grant covered the cost to transport two groups...

Crestwood Students Receive Gift

Mantua - Recently, students at the Crestwood Intermediate School received a surprise gift of technology to help them with their studies. According to Crestwood Intermediate Principal Michelle Gerbrick, the school recently received an anonymous donation of over $10,000. The donation was earmarked to purchase a computer cart and thirty laptops for student use. The cart also serves as a...

Bowl SMART-er

Garrettsville - SkyLane Bowling Alley recently held their 3rd Annual SMART Scholarship Tournament.  All of the Youth bowlers competed on  April 19th for a chance to win $800 in scholarship money.   Collin McGurer was the runaway winner by rolling an all-time 719 series.  Pictured from left to right are Ryan Ambler – 3rd Place ($100), Collin McGurer –Champion...

JA Garfield High School Honor Roll

12th Grade All A's - Morgan Aebischer, Ziad Al-Noubani, Simeon Brown, Holly Deyoung*, Michael Ebie, Tessa Flattum, Candace Glinski, Andrew Lininger, Savannah Lorinchack, Sarah Perkins, Nathan Pratt, Jonathan Seaman, Kaitlyn Siracki*, Brittany Thornton, Laura Wilburn   3.2 & Above - Kyle Angermeier, Shelby Baughman, Marilyn Brunton, Trevor Chambers, Jared Damko, Seth Duvall, Caitlynn Gilles, Travis Gorby, Courtney Hood*, Erica King, Thomas Learn,...

Crestwood High / Middle School Honor Roll

3.5+ SENIORS - George Baran, Landis Grant Bates, Tod Bevilacqua*, Lauren Bissell, Charles Blankenship, Mikayla Blankenship, Sarah Bridgman, Samantha Canepa, Olivia Cobb, Damon Daugherty, Kayla Diroll, Morgan Engelhart, Jessica Felker, Michael Fletcher, Amanda Fosnight, Cheyenna Frederick, Angela Goodrich, Nathan Green, Mackenzie Gregoire, Sierra Hobbs, Summer Hurd*, Alyssa Jaehn, Taylor Jenkins, John Kilbourne, Victoria Krause, Samantha Kulish, Elizabeth LaMarca, Allison...

Crestwood School Board News – April

At the start of this month’s School Board meeting, High School Principal Arden Sommers spoke about the value of Professional Learning Communities (PLCs) within the District. District-wide, PLCs are formal times when teachers collaborate to develop shared missions, discuss student outcomes, create action plans, and develop continuous improvements within the various schools within the District. At the Primary and...

Ken Fox to Retire at End of School Year

“Twelve years, 36 concerts and over 20,000 attendees” is how James A. Garfield Superintendent Ted Lysiak introduced elementary school music teacher Mr. Ken Fox for his farewell concert last week.  Fox, who will be retiring from teaching at the end of this school year, said he will miss his students and is very appreciative of the opportunity he has...

A Look at the Upcoming Campus of Excellence

Garrettsville – Last December the James A. Garfield Local School District was awarded a $5 Million State of Ohio Straight A Fund Grant. The funds from this grant have been used to create a “Campus of Excellence” our community can be proud of for generations to come enhancing education for local school children, and expanding opportunities within our community. As...

J.A. Garfield Hall of Fame Inducts Class of 2014

Garrettsville - A select but cheerful crowd was in attendance at the James A. Garfield Schools Hall of Fame celebration on Saturday, April 26, 2014.  The Middle School Jazz Band and the High School Jazz Band provided preprandial (Look it up; it means “before a meal”) musical selections for everyone’s listening pleasure and a number of high school...

Elementary Students Thank Garfield PTO

Garrettsville – Gym Teacher Mark Rado and his students expressed their appreciation to the James A. Garfield PTO, which recently donated a rock-climbing wall to the Elementary School for use during gym classes. Spanning the width the gymnasium, this multicolored climbing wall will provide Garfield students fun new opportunities to be physically active while having a great time.

Garrettsville was Feastin’ and Groovin’ for #GarrettsvilleStrong

Garrettsville - It has been  30 days since the historic Buckeye Block of Garrettsville was engulfed in flames and reduced to a pile of rubble. The tragic event birthed #GarrettsvilleStrong which is raising funds to ensure the historic block is rebuilt.  Weekly, there have been various groups that have registered and are holding events to raise money to rebuild...

Grant Projects Are “On Schedule”

Garrettsville - The Straight A Grant from the state provided the James A. Garfield Schools with some exceptional opportunities.  With these exceptional opportunities came exceptional challenges.  The district remains on a very tight timeline required by the grant.  All funds must be committed by June 30, 2014 and spent by September 30, 2014. Those funds not spent must be...

James A Garfield Honor Rolls – 3rd Nine Weeks

5th Grade – “All A” Honor Roll Noah Baker, Jacob Baczkowski, Cody Leasure, Austin Lysiak, Faith Mills, Sierra Savitts, Jack Norris, Grace Edwards, Mycah Pinson, Lilia Hornbeck, Emma Evitts, Carissa Lininger, Logan Sedivy, Leah Trask, Trinity Williamson, Theodore Ridenbaugh, Grace Czeciuk, Trystan Gedeon, Ashley Smith, Hailey Davis, Sydney Woolard, Elizabeth Edic, Jacob Fergis, Grace Mills   5th Grade - Honor Roll Sarah Glenn, Sommer Bourne, Sarah...

Windham High School Honor Roll

9th Grade *Cali Apthorpe, Ja’Mario Brown, Alexis Knight, *Benjamin Knight, *Elizabeth Richmond, *Kathlyn Richmond, Erik Roche, Paige Simpson, Mahlia Smith, Cassandra Snyder, Sara Taylor, Holly Thompson, Jordan Wildman   10th Grade *JosephBarnes, Chandler Bee, SamanthaDean, *Tristan Hankins, Logan Hershberger, *Nicole James, *Brittany Knight, *Brooke Lissy, *Jasmine Nevarez, Joseph Prasky, Alexia  Rushnok, *Lauren Simmons, Adam Tanner, Brianna Workman   11th Grade Zachary Cottrill, Alexis Fabry, Daisy Fleming,...

Newton Falls High School Honor Roll 3rd Nine Weeks

Freshmen 4.0 Jordyn Bryner *, Vincent Dragich *, Sidney Drake *, Danielle Garces *, Hannah Harnichar *, Olivia Hedge *, Lillian Hoffaker *, David Hukari *, Matthew Joines *, Brittany Lowe *, Madison Pelyak *, Emma Rader *, Samantha Reul *, Ashley Sembach *, Ben Simpson *, Joseph Urso *, Makenna Willyard *   3.5 – 3.99 Kayla Barreca, Jordan Malavong, Nicholas Boyce, Brianna...

Retiring Hiram College President Tom Chema to deliver institution’s 164th Commencement Address

Hiram  – Retiring Hiram College President Tom Chema will deliver  the institution’s 164th Commencement address at graduation ceremonies planned for Saturday, May 17.  A total of 299 graduates will be awarded degrees. Chema has served as president for 11 years. During his presidency, undergraduate enrollment has grown by more than 40%; the Hiram campus has been transformed, with more than...


Seventh Grade Honor Roll Ky Bowman, Stephen Chase, Josiah Cheung*, Robert Czekaj, Emily Dingman*, Alexander Eggleston, Lauren Evans, Clark Jackson, Hannah Keough*, Hayley Kumher, Dominic Mann*, Hayden McCartney, Kaitlin McFadden, Jessica McKinney, Nicholas Misconin, Katrina Ostrander*, James Patterson, Benjamin Pelletier, Spencer Price, Shannon Valerio   Merit Roll Sara Bongivonni, Madelyn Carver, Madison Chapman, Teagan Farley, Olivia Freiling, Lindsey Hill, Jillian Humes, Bella Jones,...

Hiram Students, Community Relay for a Cure on April 25

Hiram -  The Hiram community will unite in the fight against cancer at Relay for Life, April 25-26, 2014, at Charles A. Henry Field. The celebration begins at 6 p.m. on April 25, and continues for 18 hours, until noon the next day. In case of inclement weather, the event will move to the nearby Les and Kathy Coleman Sports...

GIS Invention Convention

Garrettsville -  The 1st Annual Invention Convention was held at Garfield Intermediate School on  March 21st for any 5th or 6th grader who wanted to submit an invention that would "make life easier" We had eighteen  6th graders and 26 5th graders participate. Using a rubric, Mr. Matt Sorrick (Hiram College), Mr. Larry Kuhlman (retired teacher), Mr. Ted Lysiak (superintedent),...

Garfield Hall of Fame

It’s that time again.  The Garfield Hall of Fame is coming up on April 26 and the Class of 2014 is being announced.   Ticket for the dinner and awards ceremony are available to the public.  Call Sheri Johnson 330-527-5384. The honorees for 2014 are : *Faber A. (Rusty) Kearney, ’76 –Varsity letter winner in football, student coach of girls’ softball,...

“Peter Pan” Captivates Crestwood Crowd

Mantua - This past weekend, there was no need to travel as far as, “second star to the right and straight on till morning,” to visit Neverland, Captain Hook’s pirate ship, or the Darling children’s nursery.  Audiences were easily transported there on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday as the Crestwood High School Drama Club presented a musical adaptation of “Peter...


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