Home Schools Crestwood School Board News – April

Crestwood School Board News – April


At the start of this month’s School Board meeting, High School Principal Arden Sommers spoke about the value of Professional Learning Communities (PLCs) within the District. District-wide, PLCs are formal times when teachers collaborate to develop shared missions, discuss student outcomes, create action plans, and develop continuous improvements within the various schools within the District. At the Primary and Intermediate Schools, the 25 minutes of student recess time can be used without impacting instruction time. At the High School, this isn’t an option. To provide CHS teachers with this necessary time, Crestwood will implement a delayed start to the school day on alternating Wednesdays starting next fall.

Instead of starting the day at 7:40 am, on alternating Wednesdays, CHS classes will start at 8:30 am. Freshmen, as well as students in grades 10 thru 12 who are missing assignments, or students using District busing will arrive at the usual time. Freshman will have access to orientation, tutoring, or time to make-up work, with assistance provided by Leadership Workshop students.

In addition, the Board approved the adoption of a calamity day make-up plan. The plan utilizes Blizzard Bags, an option presented by the Ohio Department of Education, to help offset school days missed during the winter.  Blizzard Bags are available online or as take-home lessons that students complete to make up a missed day of school. The first assignment was due Friday, April 25.   The second assignment was assigned on April 28 and will be due on Friday, May 9.  The third assignments will be assigned on Monday, May 12 and will be due on Friday, May 23. Blizzard Bags will make three instructional days, allowing Crestwood to make up only one day at the end of this school year. Please note that failure to turn in a Blizzard Bag will result in a day of absence.

Lastly, congratulations are in order for third grade teacher Rosemary Krupar and fourth grade teacher Kristen Patton. Krupar was nominated for the Presidential Academic Excellence in Science, Math and Technology (PAESMT) Award, and was also selected as Conservation Educator of the Year by League of Ohio Sportsman. Patton is a Greater Cleveland Council of Teachers of Mathematics Outstanding Mathematics Professional award winner for 2013-2014.  Excellent work, ladies!

The Board has scheduled a special meeting on Monday, May 19th at 6 pm in the High School library. The purpose of the meeting is to discuss certified and administrative contracts.

The next regularly scheduled School Board meeting will be held on Monday, May 5th at 7 pm in the High School Library. Prior to the meeting, at 6:30 pm, retiring teachers and staff will be honored for their years of service to Crestwood Schools. Those individuals are Mary Lou Bernotas (Secretary, 29 years), Pamela Braden (Speech Pathologist, 35 years), Theresa Duesing (MS Teacher, 35 years), Patricia Eskridge (MS Teacher, 23 years),  Rick Hall (Custodian, 30 years), Edward Nichols (MS Teacher, 30 years),  Eileen Shahan (CIS Teacher, 18 years),  Janet Wilkins (CIS Teacher, 21 years), and Gerrie Zimcosky (CIS Teacher, 34 years). The public is encouraged to attend.


*Please note: The April meeting was recorded and posted online. To view the video, visit the District website at crestwoodschools.org.


Stacy Turner

Anton Albert Photography