
James A. Garfield Class of 1968 Celebrates their 50th Class Reunion

On September 29, 2018, the James A. Garfield class of 1968 celebrated their 50th class reunion with a gathering at Roby Lee’s Party Center, Newton Falls. There were 46 in attendance which included 27 classmates. A fun time was had remembering old times at Garfield High and catching up with friends not seen for many years. Attendees came from...

JAG Sixth Graders “Walk the Walk”

Garrettsville - Members of the sixth grade class at Garfield Elementary recently participated in a Walk-A-Thon to help fund their three-day field trip to Washington DC. In its second year, the DC Walk-A-Thon is proving to be a very successful and beneficial way for these students to earn the money needed for the trip. Trip coordinator, sixth grade Social Studies...

GHS Launches Seniors in the School Program

Attention Seniors/Older Adults: Ever wish you could go back to High School? You’re invited to the new Seniors in the School program at James A. Garfield High School. Once a month, a different program will be offered to welcome seniors back into school for socialization, enrichment, discussion and snacks. Ours first one will be Wednesday, October 24th from 9:45-10:30....

Five Hiram Faculty Were Recently Appointed To Lead The College’s New Schools

Hiram - Romeva Prcela, CPA, assistant professor of accounting will lead the Scarborough School of Business & Communication. Prcela came to Hiram in 2017 from Fairmount Santrol, where she was the Director of Tax, overseeing the preparation of tax-related disclosures, documentation and SEC filings. She was also a lecturer at Baldwin Wallace College in 2011. Prcela, a certified public...

And The Marching Pride Winner Is…

Garrettsville - The most recent fundraising event from JAG Marching Pride was a huge success. Band Boosters recently raised $700.00, toward the construction of a new concession stand, by raffling off the band. Supporters purchased tickets for a chance to win a private performance by the marching band. Caroline Lawrence, of Lyndhurst, was the winner of the contest. She...

September News From Crestwood High School

Mantua - Freshman Mentoring - The annual freshman mentoring retreat day at Camp Asbury in Hiram took place on September 20 and 21. This year’s mentoring program consists of 22 mentors (students in grades 10-12). The freshmen are divided into 12 groups of approximately 10 freshmen each, with one or two mentors who guide them through their mentoring activities,...

Lady G-Men Win Championship

Recently a group of our own Lady G-Men participated in the Rootstown fall softball season. The girls not only placed first in their age group for the season but also brought home the CHAMPIONSHIP win!! The team consisted of Mikayla Swigonski, Elizabeth Moore, Madison Moncoviesh, Riley Swigonski, Sophia Scott, Allie Runewicz, Cici Porter, Julianna Genovese, Reagan Eisenmann,...

J.A. Garfield School District Shares Contingency Plan

The James A. Garfield school district recently shared their contingency plan, should Issue 8 fail in November. The district’s need to eliminate $1.4M annually from their budget could require drastic cuts and reductions that would negatively impact the community.

Crestwood Kindergarteners Learn to Stay Safe

Mantua - Each September, new kindergarten students at Crestwood Primary School spend a week of their brand new school year learning the best ways to stay safe in a variety of situations and circumstances. From how to safely board, ride on, and exit a school bus, to how to eat healthy, what to do to help reduce the risk...

Get The Facts About Issue 8

J.A. Garfield district residents are encouraged to attend the public information session for the Earned Income Tax Issue on Sunday, September 16 at 4 pm in the Iva L. Walker Auditorium at the high school. Attendees will receive information about the upcoming Earned Income Tax Issue, and have the opportunity to have their questions answered. A live stream of the session...

The Boogeyman Exists!

Garrettsville - On Tuesday, September 25, the James A. Garfield Schools will host Jesse Weinberger, nationally-known internet safety expert in the Iva L. Walker Auditorium. Ms. Weinberger has previously presented to our fourth-through-eighth grade students about being safe on their devices. Drawing on her experiences as a former software programmer, and adding bits of data that she collected while...

Purchase Your Spot on “G-Men Way”

Garrettsville - GHS Art Club and Prom are working together to paint Gs on the driveway next to the football field. G’s can be purchased and individualized to honor a relative, alumni, or upcoming graduate. They can also be purchased in honor of sports teams or to ask someone to homecoming! Purchase a G to advertise your small business and...

Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein Complements Students’ Common Reading Theme: Ethics and Technology Community Reading Program Engages Local Residents Through Event Series

Hiram - Hiram College’s Committee on Ethics and Values has selected “Ethics and Technology” as the interdisciplinary ethics theme for the upcoming 2018-19 school year. Each year, the committee pairs a common reading with the theme, to be read by all new incoming students. The common reading for the incoming class will be Frankenstein by Mary Shelley. The ethics...

James A. Garfield Local Schools Earned Income Tax Issue Frequently Asked Questions

On November 6, 2018 the James A. Garfield Local Schools will be placing a 10-year, 1.5% Earned Income Tax on the ballot. With the passage of this issue, the district intends to let the 5.25 Mill Emergency Levy expire in 2019. This issue will generate operating funds to sustain current educational programming. Listed below are the answers to the questions...

Question & Answer: Why doesn’t Garfield save money by closing the buildings at the end of the academic day?

Since discussion of a levy began, the school district and the G-Men Unite committee have received numerous suggestions about how to decrease expenses. One of the common suggestions we've heard is "Just close the schools at the end of the school day." Superintendent Ted Lysiak explains how the schools function as a cornerstone for our community and provide opportunities for...

Crestwood School Board News

Mantua - At their last meeting, Superintendent David Toth and the School Board, welcomed several new employees (pictured) to the district. Among them were Sherry Peters, hired as the new Director of Pupil Services, Director of Athletics & Dean of Students Brett Koch, Guidance Counselor Emily Smith, School Psychologist Brianne Collura, French Teacher Lisbeth Wills, Intervention Specialist Thomas Henderson,...

Meet Officer Ahrens, Garfield’s School Resource Officer

Garrettsville - This year the James A. Garfield Schools will have a full-time School Resource Officer (SRO) on campus each day students are in session. The position is being paid for in party by the Village of Garrettsville. The Village will be paying for 32% of the cost of the SRO. The School Resource Officer will be responsible for...

James A. Garfield Local School District – 2019 Bus Routes

Bus #1 HS/MS ES LEAVE BUS GARAGE 7:00 AM 8:00 AM Freedom St.- West of 88 7:05 8:05 Village Green 7:10 8:10 Vanderslice 7:12 8:12 Meadow Run 7:15 8:15 Clover Lane 7:20 8:20 South St. 7:25 8:25 Crestwood 7:28 8:40 Zupancic 7:28 8:42 South St. Apts. 7:29 8:45 Southwood Apts. 7:30 8:46   Bus #2- Victor Fackler LEAVE BUS GARAGE 6:30 AM 7:30 AM Brosius Rd- North of Center St. 6:35 7:35 SR 305 - East of Brosius 6:38 7:38 Prentiss 6:39 7:39 Pritchard 6:40 7:40 Nelson Parkman 6:45 7:45 SR 305- E. of Nelson Circle to SR. 282 6:48 7:48 SR. 282 6:50 7:50 Nelson Trailer Park 6:55 7:55 Bancroft 7:00 8:00 Herner South 7:02 8:02 Reynolds 7:03 8:03 Hobart 7:05 8:05 SR.422- Main Market 7:10 8:10 Fenstermaker 7:12 8:12 Kennedy Ledge 7:15 8:15 SR 305 west of 282 7:20 8:20   Bus #3- Shelly Pemberton LEAVE BUS GARAGE 6:30...

Question & Answer: What has the James A. Garfield school district done to reduce operating expenses?

Garrettsville - One of the most common questions the G-Men Unite committee has received is, "What has the district done to reduce operating costs?" JAG Superintendent Ted Lysiak explains how the district has saved over six-million dollars over the last five years.

Angus McDougall Named 2018 Ohio History Teacher of the Year

Mantua - Angus McDougall, a teacher at Crestwood High School, has been named the 2018 Ohio History Teacher of the Year, an award presented annually by the Gilder Lehrman Institute of American History, the nation’s leading organization dedicated to K-12 American history education. Inaugurated in 2004, the History Teacher of the Year Award highlights the crucial importance of history education...

Garfield Athletes Succeed at the Ohio State Fair

James A Garfield athletes Trinity Williamson, Julia McGrew and Makayla Gough dominate at the Ohio State Fair Junior Horse Show July 23 – 27, 2018. Trinity Williamson took champion Saddle Seat Equitation as well as 3rd in Saddle Seat Pleasure and 7th in Hunt Seat Equitation, Julia McGrew took 9th in Western Horsemanship and Makayla Gough took first...

Garrettsville Family YMCA Before & After Care Registration Now Open

Garrettsville - The Garrettsville Family YMCA is excited to announce the Before and After school program, which will be held at James A Garfield Elementary School, is now registering students for the 2018/19 school year. Nicole Thompson of Garrettsville will be the site administrator for this program. Nicole graduated from James A. Garfield High School and the Maplewood Career...

Hiram College announces record-breaking fundraising year with more than $9.8 million in cash gifts in fiscal year 2018

Hiram - Generous Hiram College donors provided cash gifts totaling $9,835,743 to the College in fiscal year 2018 (July 1, 2017 – June 30, 2018) making this the largest fundraising year in Hiram’s 168-year history. “We are thrilled to report that this is the third consecutive year that Hiram College has hit top fundraising levels. No three-year period in the...

Area Youth Give Back in Hiram Rapids During Summer Break

Hiram Rapids - Recently, 200-year-old Riverside Cemetery in Hiram Rapids hosted a handful of unlikely visitors. With a desire to give back locally, a handful of high-schoolers, not typical cemetery visitors, are giving up part of their summer break to help paint the 100-year-old iron fence that was in dire need of an update. The project gained headway when Debra...

J.A. Garfield Seeking Levy In November

Garrettsville – Forced by cuts from the state, the James A. Garfield school district will be seeking a 1.5% Earned Income Tax levy this November. Superintendent Ted Lysiak shared the district’s current financial situation with village council last week. The district’s current finances show a significant decline even with the existing emergency levy in place. How Did The District Land on...

GHS Class of 1973 Celebrates at Reunion

The James A. Garfield High School class of ’73 recently got together at Sugar Bush Golf Club for the 45th anniversary of their graduation and had a fine time comparing wrinkles, hair colors…or loss of same…pictures of grandchildren and such. The class officers, headed up by Barb Bailey, put together a fine evening of good eats and great memories...

ASPIRE Celebrates HSE Graduation

Approximately 250 guests attended the ASPIRE HSE Recognition that was hosted by The Portage County Literacy Coalition on Thursday, June 7, 2018, held at Maplewood Career Center. Laure Gauntner, ASPIRE Coordinator and Portage County Literacy Coalition President, welcomed HSE graduates, guests, and friends. She also introduced special speakers: Christy Elliott, ASPIRE Program Manager; Mike Kerrigan, Portage County Commissioner, Sasha...

A Garfield Teacher And An American Hero

As baby boomers most of us hardly paid attention to the heroes around us. They may have been our parents, aunts, uncles , mailmen steelworkers or teachers. More than likely we chose our heroes from the bulky box in the family room that flickered black and white images across the screen. John Wayne, Davey Crockett, The Lone Ranger, were...

Crestwood District Shares 5-Year Forecast

Mantua - When news of the recent reductions was made public in recent months, many in the community expressed surprise at the state of their school District’s financial situation. It’s important to note that two times each year, the District Treasurer shares the District’s Five-Year Forecast publically, at the monthly School Board meetings. As is the common practice, the...

CHS’s American Experience II Class speaks to the Mantua Village Garden Club

Andy Brown, teacher of the American Experience Academy II class at CHS, brought 5 of his students to a recent Mantua Village Garden Club meeting. The students shared their knowledge and stories relating to the Aquaponics Program, and also spoke about learning to write grants to fund this amazing new project at CHS - the Aquaponic Research Center. Aquaponics is...


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