
JAG Kindergarten Registration

Kindergarten registration for the 2019/20 school year will be held on March 21, 22, and 25. To be eligible to attend, students entering kindergarten must be five (5) years old on or before August 1st of the coming school year. If your child is eligible to enroll, please call 330-527-2184 for a registration appointment. If you are preparing to transition...

Candlelight Christmas Service Invitation

This year will be my wife, Pastor Janie and my ninth year celebrating Christmas with the First Congregational Church of Freedom. This will be our final Christmas services with them as we are being called by our Lord into retirement at the end of the year. Please join us on December 23 at 6:30 pm for the Candlelight...

Freedom Township News

Freedom Twp. - The November 18 meeting began with a presentation by Mr. Ratliff, Lease Acquisitions, Kenyon Energy, who presented a revised lease agreement based on discussions with Mr. Zizka and Attorney Dann Timmons. Added were a water testing clause before and after drilling and a water damage clause. The water testing would be done at the oil company’s...

Freedom Township News

Freedom Township - A large portion of the November 4 Trustee Meeting was a presentation by Mr. Ratiff of Western Reserve Farm Co-Op regarding changes being made in diesel oil used for equipment requiring its use. These changes include cleaning out or replacing storage tanks as well as potential price increases for the fuel. A group of residents attended the...


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