Friends of Melana Continue the Search for a Cure for Children’s Brain Cancers
Garrettsville - Every year for the past nine years, Friends of Melana (FOM) has held a 5K race to help fund research on childhood glioma treatment. The race is run annually at Garrettsville Summerfest and this year was the 9th year for the race. The group was originally a support group for Melana’s family while she was living...
Purging of Voters
As most people already know, the Ohio Secretary of State’s office has compiled a list of thousands of voters to be purged. Some of those individuals have responded to forms sent by that office, but many have not. If you wish to find out if you are on that list, you can go to the website, reset, which...
Sajar Plastics and Kraft Maid Cabinetry Receive Proclamation from Mayor and Council
Middlefield - On Thursday, Sept. 12 during the regular Middlefield Council meeting, Mayor Ben Garlich and Council members took time to recognize two exemplary Middlefield-based companies for many years of providing world-class products, service, employment opportunities and community support. For more than 70 years, Middlefield-based Sajar Plastics has shown steady growth while expanding its manufacturing capabilities and facility, a direct...
Kent State Geauga Geology Professor Makes Observations at Welton’s Gorge
Renowned scientist Stephen W. Hawking once said, “A lot of prizes have been awarded for showing the universe is not as simple as we might have thought.” Prizes aside, Kent State Geauga Associate Professor of Geology Dr. Sue Clement has made observations in the bedrock of Welton’s Gorge in Geauga County that may change assumptions about the geological age of...
Portage Park District Expands its Programs for the benefit of Patrons
Portage County - What do a Monarch chrysalis, New England Purple Aster wildflowers, and Woolly Bear caterpillars all have in common? Stop scratching your head tryin’ to figure it out! You know I’m going to tell you! They are found in the great outdoors where you can go for a stroll and reaffirm your soul in the peaceful parks...
AARP Chapter #4527 Meeting News
The Bainbridge/Chagrin AARP, Chapter #4527, will meet on Tuesday, October 1st, 2019, 1 pm, at the Bainbridge Town Hall, 17826 Chillicothe Road, Bainbridge Twp., Ohio. (Behind the Fire Station). We will have Francie Dunlop speaking on Health Insurance. She is an advisor on Life, Medicare, etc., giving us some helpful advise on what we should have to protect ourselves. Autumn...
Grant Opportunity Available in Geauga County
The Geauga County Sunshine Shop Board is now accepting grant requests from Geauga County Not-for-Profit organizations who serve individuals and families in crisis or in need. An eight-member board governs The Sunshine Shop, which has been in operation for over 30 years. The mission of The Sunshine Shop is to provide assistance to low income individuals and families residing...
Nominees Sought For “John Murray Commitment To Families and Children” Award
The Geauga Family First Council is seeking nominees for the tenth “John Murray Commitment to Families and Children Award.” The award is presented on a bi-annual basis to individuals in Geauga County who have exhibited a continuous commitment to Geauga’s families and children, coupled with a special passion for their work. The Family First Council is seeking nominees who go...
Hiram Responders Train College RA’s
Hiram - Hiram College resident advisors (RAs) met with local first responders prior to the start of the school year to find out how to handle common situations, and when to call on professionals for help. First, the RA’s visited the Police Department to meet with Hiram Police Chief Brian Gregory. Topics discussed included how and when to call Hiram...
1st Annual Pastoral Care Conference Set for September 25, 2019
Even pastors need a helping hand from time to time. It is no mystery that pastors are called on at all hours of the day. “So many times throughout my childhood, I would see my dad rush to be by someone’s side or be there as a confidant at all hours of the day,” says Paula Baughman, Director of...
New tuition model at Hiram College offers financial, educational, and career benefits
Hiram - In recent years, Hiram College has been a front-runner in designing and implementing bold academic changes under a model aptly known as the New Liberal Arts™. The College is now taking steps to make its New Liberal Arts more accessible through a new tuition model that will reduce the published tuition and mandatory fees by 35 percent,...
Windham Township Trustees News
Windham Twp. - The trustees met for their regularly scheduled meeting with all trustees in attendance. They opened with the Pledge of Allegiance and did the usual housekeeping. The floor was opened up for guests to speak. Windham Village Administrator Deborah Blewitt was at the meeting to ask for donations for the Octoberfest fireworks. After some discussion, the trustees decided they...
Freedom Hosts its 2nd Annual Craft and Vendor Show/Fall Festival
Freedom Twp. - The Freedom Township Historical Society and the Freedom Community & Park Boosters are hosting the second annual Craft and Vendor Show on Saturday, September 28. The festival will offer community members free, fun fall activities for the whole family, good local entertainment to enjoy, autumn produce and beautiful handmade crafts to purchase, says organizer Jennifer Derthick. The...
The Old Church on Silica is Demolished
A piece of history in Windham Township was demolished earlier this month as the church known to locals as the Old Church on Silica, was demolished. The Old Church on Silica was rich in local history and was and icon in the community at one time, but in the last 10 or so years, the building had become an...
Community Resource Connect Event
Ravenna - On Thursday, September 12, 2019 Portage County Housing Services Council is proud to present its first annual Community Resource Connect event. The event planning is a collaboration of staff from numerous agencies such as Portage Metropolitan Housing Authority, United Way, The Haven of Portage County, City of Kent, Coleman Professional Services, Department of Veterans Affairs, Family and...
Casino Trip To Benefit Area Families
The Sisterhood of St. Joseph Church (formerly the Women’s Auxiliary of the Mantua Knights of Columbus #3766) is sponsoring a casino bus trip to Presque Isle in Erie, PA on Monday, October 14th (Columbus Day). Cost is $40 per person and will include $30 free play. Contact Mary Ann Feddor at 330-842-0505 to reserve your seat; please provide your...
Storytimes at Windham Library
Join us at the Windham Library for both fall and winter storytime sessions. We will meet on Fridays beginning September 20 from 10:30 am to 11:30 am until November 8th. Each week will bring something new and interactive for the children to learn. They should come ready to play and explore. Call 330-326-3145 for registration or for more information. The...
United Way of Portage County Plans Campaign Kickoff Event at NEOMED
Rootstown -Kent State University football coach Sean Lewis, along with the cheerleading team and Flash, will be joined by former Cleveland Crunch star goalie Otto Orf, the Ben Curtis Family Foundation and other athletes will be among the crowd helping the United Way of Portage County kick off its annual campaign at the NEOMED Education and Wellness (NEW) Center....
Be An Educated Hunter With Classes from Geauga Park District
Hunter education is for everyone – individuals, families, new and experienced hunters – which is why Geauga Park District’s Ranger Department is offering an Ohio Hunter Education course two Saturdays next month, September 21 and 28, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. at Big Creek Park’s Donald W. Meyer Center. Registration is required at or 1-800-WILDLIFE. Coursework will include hunter responsibility,...
Cow Chip Bingo
Freedom Twp. - Come one come ALL and see where Daisy the cow will land her chip at the Fall Festival and Craft and Vendor Show hosted by the Freedom Township Historical Society and the Freedom Community and Park Boosters on Saturday, September 28, 2019 from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Tickets are on sale now!! $10.00 per ticket. The...
Moore Earns Medals At AAU Gymnastics Nationals
Top Floor Gymnastics and Dance Center, located in Ravenna, took part in the Orlando AAU Gymnastics Nationals this summer. The event had over 2,500 gymnasts from across the United States who competed at the ESPN Wide World of Sports. Bringing home Silver Medals were Taylor Brown - Vault, Ella Hayn - Vault & Floor, and Avonlea Jefferson - Balance Beam. Bronze Medal...
Cops & Kids Enjoy Fun, & Fishing
Hiram - Recently many of Hiram’s law enforcement officers spent their free time fishing together, and they invited kids in the community to join them. The fun-filled day was hosted at scenic Camp Asbury in Hiram, included fishing equipment, bait, and instruction, as well as refreshments and a picnic lunch provided by Haylett’s Corner Store and BP. According to Hiram...
Ingenuity Bears Fruit As One Family’s Venture Allows Them To Reap What They Have Sown
Ravenna - “Red Red wine, you make me feel so fine. You keep me rockin’ all of the time!” And, oh man, is the Wade family of West Main Street Winery rockin’ and hoppin’ because their juicy business has burst onto the scene! Jim, DeAnne and A.J. Wade have brought a significant sense of history and community pride to Ravenna...
Crestwood School Board News
Mantua - The new school year brings lots of new faces throughout all the buildings at Crestwood Schools. The district’s new staff includes CHS Assistant Principal Angelina Berilla, Guidance Counselor Casey Vastag, Intervention Specialist Emily Carney, Band Director Angela Adkins, Choir/Band Director Nicole Nero, and CMS Principal Edward Kosek. In addition, the following teachers joined the district as well:...
More Than a Store: Midwestern Roots Tells a Story
Warren - Midwestern Roots is the name of a new home decor and sweet shop opening September 6 at 410 Main Ave. SW in downtown Warren. It’s a labor of love and a source of satisfaction for Stephanie Dietelbach of Braceville. It also represents a return to her roots as a creative, tenacious business owner in the heartland. Dietelbach arrived...
Freedom Township Historical Society News & Notes
Freedom Twp. - The Freedom Township Historical Society was privileged to host Ohio Rep. Diane Grendell and her husband, Judge Tim Grendell, at our one-room schoolhouse on Aug. 21. The Grendells came to learn about our project to restore the former school and church on S.R. 303 for use as a community meeting place and museum, and they were...
Mantua Shalersville FD News
Mantua - At a recent meeting, Fire Chief Matt Roosa conducting a swearing in for two new part-time firefighters: Julie Farley and Robert Barnhart. He asked the board to accept Tyler Hill’s letter of resignation; Hill is working more hours at another department in an effort to secure a full-time position there. Similarly, Chief Roosa noted that Haley Martin,...
Garrettsville Local Named Finalist in Nationwide Coca-Cola® Contest
This summer, Coca-Cola Freestyle invited Americans to concoct their own signature beverage recipes – and potentially win $10,000 – through the first ever “Make Your Mix” contest. In June, fans entered by mixing two or three of Coca-Cola Freestyle’s nearly 200 drink choices and sharing photos or videos of their mixes on Twitter or Instagram with the hashtag #MakeYourMixContest. ...
Bird Tornados Hit Geauga County
See something you’ll never forget, then notice it for years to come – guaranteed! Witness the annual phenomenon of hundreds of Chimney Swifts swirling tornado-like, then plummeting into an old chimney en route to South America – an unforgettable spectacle by all accounts. Geauga Park District will host its annual Chimney Swift Tornado Strikes Again! viewing experiences on Wednesday, September 11,...
Garrettsville-Hiram Rotary Report
The Rotary Club of Garrettsville-Hiram met on August 26, 2019 for a smorgasbord of business topics after having enjoyed a festive steak fry on August 21. The items under discussion included the following : Disposition and location of the picnic tables from the Euclid Y, edging for the landscaping of the Headwaters Trailhead--moving rocks, the recurring Dictionary Project coming up, ...