
Portage Treasurer Debuts New Card Payment System

Ravenna – Portage County taxpayers now have a more secure, modern, and lower-cost option for paying their property tax bills with debit and credit cards with the debut of a new system in the office of County Treasurer Brad Cromes. The system, which is supplied by the Treasurer’s payment card vendor Point & Pay, utilizes chip-and-pin technology to ensure transactions...

Cardinal Students earn $4,000 for Veterans

Middlefield - On Jan. 22, more than 30 pieces of patriotic artwork went up for auction at Ohman Family Living at Briar in Middlefield. The majority of the artwork was created and donated by our local Cardinal students. In addition, six professional artists including Chris Whitacre and Phyllis Schehl-Powell donated beautiful expert pieces. Geauga County leaders and citizens rallied...

Local Author’s Book on Gangster ‘Creepy’ Karpis to be Sold at Alcatraz

Ironically, 57 years after this infamous prison closed down, Alcatraz is more populated than ever. Now that it’s a museum operated by the National Park Service, nearly two million visitors enter it annually. Local author Julie Thompson’s book, The Hunt for the Last Public Enemy in Northeastern Ohio, will soon be captive on Alcatraz Island in the museum bookstore,...

In 2020, Take the First Step

Many people find themselves at the beginning of a new year assessing what happened during the previous 12-months and wanting to make changes for a different, better end. Some are motivated to embrace a healthier lifestyle, and begin a diet or exercise regimes to achieve this goal. Others may decide that in order to create the life they want,...

Windham Board of Education News

Windham - The Windham Board of Education (BOE)met for their regularly-scheduled meeting on January 21, 2020. After the pledge of allegiance and moment of silence, Superintendent Aireane Curtis wanted to do something special first. Curtis and Treasurer Sam Pochedly wanted to recognize all the board members, as January is School Board Recognition Month. Curtis and Pochedly presented each board...

AARP Chapter #4527 Meeting News

The Bainbridge/Chagrin AARP #4527 will meet on Tuesday, February 4th, 2020 at 1 pm, at a new venue starting February, 2020. We are excited to be at the ”Lantern of Chagrin Valley” ,  located at 5277 Chillicothe Road,   in South Russell.  They are located just north of East Washington Street, just south of Bell Road. Our program will be the...

Community Generosity Provides Smiles For Orphans

Some Garrettsville area residents may remember in May of 2015-2018 a used clothing drive throughout town focused on donating childrens’ summer clothing and shoes for an orphanage in Liberia.  There were clothing collection containers set up at various locations in town including the Huntington Bank, Faith Evangelical Free Church, E&H Ace Hardware, and St. Ambrose Church.  A local group...

Critical type O blood shortage: Red Cross urgently needs donors

The American Red Cross has extended its urgent call for donors of all blood types to give blood or platelets. With influenza escalating across the country and preventing some donors from giving, and winter weather threatening to cancel blood drives, the Red Cross now has a critical shortage of type O blood and urgently needs donors to restock the...

“Saving a Piece of History”

Premiering Thursday, February 6th at 9pm ET/PT on Food Network.  Chef Robert Irvine tries to save a piece of history in Garrettsville, Ohio, by rescuing a restaurant in a 200-year-old mill. Shelli, the owner of Garrett’s Mill Brewing Co., is in over her head after her husband had to return to his trucking job to keep the business afloat. They...

Protecting the Protectors

Monday, January 13, 2020 Shannan Jursa, State Farm Agent, delivered  Canary Home Security Systems to the Braceville Fire Department of Trumbull County. This followed an earlier delivery of 21 devices to the Windham Fire Department. These devices were provided through the Protect the Protectors Campaign, a partnership with Canary and State Farm. Since the inception of the program over 15,000...

Geauga County Public Library to offer Deterra bags for safe, at-home drug disposal

Geauga County – January 20, 2020 - In order to help manage the amount of excess medication and to help prevent prescription drug abuse, GCPL is collaborating with Lake-Geauga Recovery Centers to make Deterra bags available at all library Branches as a free resource to Geauga County residents.   Deterra is an independently tested, safe, and environmentally sound solution to...

Crestwood Primary School Celebrates Milk

Mantua - In honor of National Milk Day, which commemorates the first time dairy milk was delivered to homes in sterilized glass bottles, Crestwood Primary School welcomed some very special guests to their school. Miss Becca and Farmer Nate (Rebecca and Nathan Goodell), from Goodell’s Family Farms, along with Farmer Larry (Larry Guyette) from Guyette Farms in Mantua came...

Chem Technologies Celebrates!

Middlefield - On Dec. 13, more than 100 employees gathered in Parkman and were treated to the annual Christmas luncheon by the leadership team at Chem Technologies. Chem Technologies, Ltd., is a manufacturer of cutting-edge custom mixing and chemical dispersions and blends located in Middlefield. Every year since inception in 2001, CEO Jim Schill takes this opportunity to share insights,...

Portage County Chapter of the Ohio Genealogical Society To Meet

Ravenna - The Portage County Chapter of the Ohio Genealogical Society will meet Saturday, February 2, 2020 at the Portage County Historical Society at 10:00 a.m. The society is located at 6549 N. Chestnut St., Ravenna, Ohio. After a brief business meeting, the guest speaker, Sunny Morton will be presenting a program on “Finding the Truths in Old Family Stories”....

2nd Annual Winter Writing Festival set for February 22, 2020

Ravenna - Do you love to write? Interested in working with other writers or learning more about writing in all its forms? Main Street Ravenna is hosting the Second Annual “Winter Writing Festival” on Saturday, February 22, 2020, from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. in a variety of locations around downtown Ravenna. Kicking off at 10 a.m. this FREE event...

Renaissance Family Center Celebrates 10 Years

Windham - A little over 10 years ago a church had a vision for the old East Elementary School in Windham, a vision that would take a lot of faith to see come to fruition. Almost from its inception, it was a miracle how it all started to come together. On January 1, 2018 the Renaissance Family Center (RFC)...

Geauga County Job and Family Services Host Foster Parent Meeting

Geauga County has been experiencing an increase in the needs of families and children in the past several years. This has caused the demand for certified foster and adoptive parents to increase as well. There are many families in crisis in our own neighborhoods that require the supportive services of our agency. You and your family could be part...

Equi-Steps Uses Horsemanship to Promote Life Skills

Ravenna - It’s a horse of course. Or is it a course with a horse? Every girl dreams of having her own pony to ride, to spend time with and share a friendship. Karen Downie, owner of Equi-Steps an equine assisted learning program, is the epitome of that wide-eyed little girl all grown up using her passion to help others...

Mantua Village Council News

Mantua - At their November meeting, Council approved an ordinance authorizing an agreement to transfer the ownership and operation of the Village’s Water and Wastewater plants to Portage County. This took place after three readings over as many months, and several meetings and public forums in the months leading up to the introduction of the ordinance at Council meetings....

Garrettsville Chamber Sets 2020 Schedule of Events

Garrettsville - The board of directors for the Garrettsville area chamber of commerce met last week to set the 2020 schedule of events and establish membership rates for the upcoming year. New for this year was the addition of a home-based business category. The board feels that many home-based businesses could find a great benefit from networking with other...

Windham WVFD Joint Fire District Gets Organized for 2020

Windham - Windham Volunteer Joint Fire District Board met for the regularly-scheduled meeting last week. The board kicked off the New Year appointing Brian Miller as the Chairman of the board. They welcomed new member Cindy Cale who was appointed by the village to serve as their representative for the year. Cale takes Cheryl Taylor’s place on the board....

Hiram Township Trustee News

Hiram Twp. - At the last Township Trustee meeting, Fiscal Officer Diane Rodhe noted that the Audit with Charles E Harris is currently underway to clarify Fire and EMS contributions between Hiram Township and Hiram Village. Next, trustees voted unanimously to pay for HVAC Drawings ($95 per hour @ 20 Hours) and to pay $500.00 to Mike’s Electrical for...

Garrettsville-Hiram Rotary Report

The January 13, 2020 meeting of the Rotary Club of Garrettsville-Hiram took place at noon in Cal’s II, Sky Plaza, Garrettsville to deal with the following : Thoughts for the Doneley family. A report on the proceedings of the budget meeting, including a review of regular programs such as the Dictionary Project, scholarships, trash pick-up, RYLA, the bowling league, etc....

Fun Farce takes Flight at Aurora Community Theatre

Aurora Community Theatre continues its 60th anniversary tribute to the 1960s with the delightful farce, “BOEING BOEING”, Fridays and Saturdays at 8 pm Jan. 24 – Feb. 15. The theatre is located at 115 E. Pioneer Trail. Set in a Paris apartment, “BOEING BOEING” by Marc Camoletti, Beverley Cross, and Francis Evans tells the story of Bernard, a playboy architect...

Crestwood School Board News

Mantua - In their first board meeting of 2020, board members Timothy Herron, Bonnie Lovejoy, and Karen Schulz took their oath of office. The group then elected Karen Schulz to serve as school board president and Kristen Cavanaugh to serve as board vice president for 2020.The board then approved a motion to set the calendar for regular meeting dates,...

Portage Park District Launches Winter Programs

It is officially the Year of the Owl for the Portage Park District which recently launched their new Wild Hikes Challenge with a trek around the gorgeous Towner’s Woods. Winter weather has been unseasonably warm this year which has made for comfortable hiking conditions. On January 6, 2020 about 30 people met up to experience all nature has to...

Light Up Garrettsville Winner Announced

Garrettsville - This year VP Realty hosted ‘Light Up Garrettsville’ which was an opportunity for local residents to decorate their property for the holidays and share with the community. By being part of the contest, the homes were listed on a map that was provided online and at local venues for residents and visitors to explore the town of...

Mystery of Snowflakes Book Hike at Library

Garrettsville - Portage County District Library’s Garrettsville location is partnering with Portage Park District to present a program for preschool and early school age children, accompanied by an adult. Please join us for a “Mystery of Snowflakes Book Hike” on Wednesday, January 29 from 4:00 pm to 5:00 pm. Bring your favorite little learners to this “Owlbert- approved” Owlet...

Sara Title III Chemical Reporting Deadline Is March 1

Portage County – The Portage County Local Emergency Planning Committee in conjunction with the Portage County EMA reminds Portage County companies/facilities that the SARA Title III (Emergency Planning Community Right to Know Act) chemical inventory reporting deadline is March 1, 2020. The annual reports (FY 2019) are due to the State Emergency Response Commission c/o Ohio EPA, the Portage...

Garfield PTO Hosts Spaghetti Dinner & Student Art Show

The James A. Garfield Elementary School Parent Teacher Organization is a fully insured, non-profit volunteer organization made up of individuals consisting of parents, teachers and business owners in our community who come together to support and enrich the lives of our students. Over the last 3 years the PTO has provided over $100,000 in financial support to the students...


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