Windham has a School Levy on March Ballot
Windham - Windham Board of Education has placed a 1.5 Permanent Improvement (PI) Levy on the March 17th ballot this year. The 1.5 mills PI Levy can only be used for the following: for building repairs and upgrades, buses, bus repair, heating and cooling parts, parking lots and repairs, maintenance grounds equipment and repairs to technology and technology infrastructure....
Local 4-H Club Celebrates Awareness Week
It’s National 4-H Awareness Week and that’s reason to celebrate. 4-H got its start in rural fields, but today it’s everywhere—from city streets and schools, to neighborhoods and universities. That’s why 4-H has stayed important for more than 100 years. Part of 4-H awareness week is that the local clubs ask local businesses if they can paint their windows,...
6th Annual Road Apple Roubaix Rolls Through Garrettsville
Garrettsville - The 6th annual Road Apple Roubaix has come (Boy, did it!) and gone (After a great ride-around covering a scenic slice of Portage & Geauga counties), having pretty much filled the center of town( and rocked Main Street--thanks to DJ Jason Adkins) for a good chunk of the day--a bright, sunny, chilly day, great for a ride. After...
James A. Garfield Elementary School Hosts Talent Show
Garrettsville - Recently the J.A. Garfield Elementary School hosted the their 3rd Annual Talent Show which showcased the talents of many students. The first act was Bella Wright saying all the 50 states in order while jumping on a pogo stick. It was very impressive and looked very hard to do. The second act was Madi Seiler singing the song...
Hiram Village News
Hiram - At the last meeting, Council heard from former Councilman Chris Cobb, a long-time member of the village’s July 4th committee. Cobb notified Council of the need for new volunteers to help ensure that the village’s annual festivities can once again take place. He noted that after many years of service to the community, both he and Dr....
Kent State Trumbull unveils Full-Tuition Scholarship for local highest-achieving students
Warren - This year’s graduating high school seniors with a cumulative GPA of 4.0 or higher will be able to attend Kent State Trumbull this fall, tuition-free! The campus has added the Full-Tuition Scholarship to its list of other automatic freshman scholarships. The scholarship completely covers fees and yearly tuition, which is under $6,500 this year. Students must maintain a...
James A Garfield Historical Society News
The February 17, 2020 meeting of the James A. Garfield Historical Society was presented by four members of the Military Order of the Purple Heart--Leo Connolly, Jr., Kevin Patterson, Paul Brady, Jerry Banyo--all of whom were veterans of the VietNam conflict and served varying lengths of time in the military;all averred that they would do it all again in...
Foundation For Geauga Parks Seeks Sponsors For 2020 Twilight Soiree
The Foundation for Geauga Parks’ signature fundraising event, Twilight Soiree, is set to take place on Saturday, August 22, 2020 at Veterans Legacy Woods in Newbury Township. This event, now in its third year, has quickly become a can’t-miss party of the summer. The growing success of the event is due to business sponsors who have chosen to align their...
Windham Board of Education News
Windham - Windham Board of Education (BOE) met recently with all board members in attendance. BOE President Mia Beradinelli called the meeting to order, gave the president’s report and reported that they had 24 participants in the History Day Competition and 10 of those participants have advanced to compete at Youngstown State in April. She also reported that the...
Mantua Township Historic Cemeteries Restoration Project
Mantua Twp. - Calling all history buffs, archaeologists, cemetery associations, township representatives, and even leprechauns - the young and the older! On Tuesday March 17, 2020, the Mantua Township Historic Cemeteries Restoration Committee is hosting guest speaker, Dr. Jarrod Burks. Dr. Burks works for Ohio Valley Archaeology and is also President of Heartland Earthworks Conservancy, a 501©3 nonprofit organization. His...
Dreams Give Wings to a Flair for Hair and Fashion
Ravenna - The best way I can describe what it is like walking into Downtown Betty’s Salon/Roots and Wings Boutique and seeing the smiles of the shop owners is like Christmas morning or having a great slice of peach pie. A feeling of warmth washes over you as you’re greeted by their positive personalities. Every time I blink another dream...
Crestwood School Board News
Mantua - At their last meeting, Crestwood High School Principal Dave McMahon reviewed the CHS course selection and block scheduling process. McMahon acknowledged that the process began last year in a staff meeting, when he posed several questions to CHS staff. He asked staff to consider who Crestwood is and what the school should be known for. Lastly, the...
Mantua Shalersville Fire Dept News
Mantua - At their last Fire Board meeting, Chief Matt Roosa shared that Jeff Fall turned in his letter of resignation. The Chief noted that Fall had joined the Department in 1983 and expressed gratitude for Fall’s nearly 37 years of dedication to the Mantua-Shalersville Fire District. In other news, Chief Roosa noted that the Department had 10 applicants for...
Windham Village Council News
Windham - Windham Village Council met for their regularly scheduled meeting with everyone on the board, the mayor, the village solicitor and the administrator in attendance. Council approved the minutes, fire, police and rescue report as presented, along with the expenditures, and the bank reconciliation before moving forward. Resolution 2020-3 is a resolution to authorize agreement to the one Ohio...
Cam To Join Buckeye Country Superfest Lineup
Just announced, Cam will be joining the already loaded 2020 Buckeye Country Superfest lineup in place of Gabby Barrett. She will be performing on the main stage along with Kenny Chesney, Florida Georgia Line, Kane Brown, and Brett Young on Saturday, June 20 at Ohio Stadium. When asked about performing Cam replied “For me Ohio means good people – every...
The G-Men’s Greatest Fan
Garrettsville - Sitting in the stands every week at every boys’ basketball game, home or away, one will find the G-Men’s greatest fan. If you have been paying attention and you attend football games or boys’ basketball you would have seen him in the stands cheering on the G-men. He is Jim Gyulai. He loves high school football, and...
Black Boar Builds International Customer Base from Garrettsville Locale
Garrettsville - Black Boar Armory & Coatings has been operating at 10524 Freedom Street since December 2015, quietly building up a clientele of firearms enthusiasts and a wide range of customers seeking customized Cerakote application services. It all began four years ago, when Eric Shafer was bored. Since he had time on his hands, he spray-painted a few of his...
Maplewood Preschool Now Enrolling for the 2020-21 School Year
Ravenna - Maplewood Preschool is now accepting registrations for the upcoming school year. The state-licensed school operates two preschool classes Tuesday through Friday. The Pre-K class runs from 8:40-10:40 and the preschool class runs from 12:00-2:00. The registration fee is $25.00 and tuition is $75.00 a month. Students in Maplewood’s Early Childhood Education program, under the direction of their instructors,...
Bluebird landlord program just in time for spring
Bluebirds are selecting their nest boxes right now, but do you know where to best place your box? Which direction the hole should face? How to deter predators? What other species might move in? Naturalist Tami Gingrich has headed up the bluebird box program at Geauga Park District for 30 years and is prepared to answer all your questions to...
Sunshine Fund Brings Light to Students at CMS
Mantua - “One day I walked outside and the sunset was awesome, so I grabbed the camera and took some photos,” shared CMS eighth-grader Ben Roegiers. The light that day inspired the 13-year-old Crestwood Middle School student with a newfound passion for landscape photography. Since that day six months ago, Roegiers has been trekking to local parks to capture...
Pot O’Gold Poker Walk/Run Planned in Ravenna
Ravenna - Imagine a bunch of leprechauns winding their way throughout Ravenna, collecting cards for a chance to win $500! That’s what is planned for the 16th annual Marlene Watt Memorial Poker Run which will be held on Saturday, March 14, 2020, at Ravenna City Park (165 Oakwood St.). All proceeds from the event go to the Ravenna Parks and...
Burton Middlefield Rotary Donates Lockboxes to Keep Seniors Safe
Geauga County - On Feb. 18, representatives from the Burton-Middlefield Rotary gathered with the leaders from the Geauga County Department on Aging (GDA) to present more than 200 lock boxes to benefit Geauga County seniors. “The Lockboxes donated to the Department on Aging by the Rotary are going to be used for our Home Delivered Meal program (HDM),” said Kristen...
Students Help Home Town Bid for Makeover
Mantua - If you’ve ever seen HGTV’s “Home Town” show, you know that it chronicles the work of Erin and Ben Napier as they revitalize historic properties in their hometown of Laurel, Mississippi. While the talented couple has been on air for four seasons, focused on renovating homes in the South, their latest endeavor has them expanding their focus...
“Know the 10 Signs” Alzheimer’s Program at the Garrettsville Library
The Garrettsville Branch Library is partnering with the Alzheimer’s Association to present its “Know the 10 Signs: Early Detection Matters” program on Tuesday, March 3 from 2:00 pm to 3:00 pm. If you or someone you know is experiencing memory loss or behavioral changes, it’s time to learn the facts. Early detection of Alzheimer’s disease gives you a chance...
Portage Park District Foundation Seeks Nominations For Annual Environmental Awards Dinner
Ravenna - The Portage County Environmental Conservation Awards Dinner steering committee is seeking nominations, due by March 6, for awardees to be honored at the event. Nominations for this year’s awards will be considered based on their contributions to Portage County’s environment through education, green business, green building/development, stewardship or environmental activism. Visit the Portage Park District’s website at
Crestwood School Board News
Mantua - At the last meeting Crestwood School District Treasurer Sarah Palm reviewed district financial forecasts and reviewed potential levy options with board members. She noted the district’s current bond, permanent improvement and operating funds, which are funded through residents’ property tax assessments. She noted that in 1976, Ohio legislature enacted property tax reform known as House Bill 920. Its...
The WVFD Joint Fire District Appoints Jake Bowden to the Board
Windham - The WVFD Joint Fire Board held a special meeting on January 16, 2020 to choose a replacement board member for the retiring Ron Kilgore. The board adjourned to an executive session and after a long discussion, returned to the table and announced they had chosen Jake Bowden. Bowden brings a lot of experience with him. He makes...
Windham Township News
Windham Twp. - Windham Township Trustees met for a “special” meeting as the regularly scheduled meeting date was moved to accommodate the trustees attending the state-wide township meetings in Columbus. The trustees approved the January minutes, expenditures and the permanent appropriations of $805,299 for 2020. Bill Isler Sr. and Bill Isler Jr. from Islerscaping presented their 2020 bid for maintaining...
Garrettsville Village Council News
Garrettsville – Village officials present at the village council meeting on February 12th were Village Solicitor Michele Stuck, Mayor Rick Patrick, and Councilpersons Tom Hardesty, Chris Knop, Jeff Kaiser, Larry Beatty and Tom Collins. Councilperson John Chambers was absent from the meeting. The minutes of the January meeting were reviewed, but due to an omission that will require listening to...
9-Year-Old Julian Zimmerman Joins Hiram College Terriers Roster
Hiram - Roughly 50 men and women, mostly student athletes and coaches at Hiram College, gathered last Saturday morning to welcome another, albeit considerably younger, athlete to their ranks. That’s when Julian Zimmerman of Twinsburg became an official Hiram College Terrier teammate during this special draft day ceremony hosted by Hiram College and national nonprofit Team IMPACT. The team room...