2021 Sportmen’s Dinner benefits Haven of Portage County
The ninth annual Sportsmen’s Dinner will be held Jan. 30 at Portage Community Chapel, 6490 S.R. 14, Ravenna. This year’s event will be a hybrid event—both an in-person and virtual experience. We want everyone to experience the event in a way that works best for them. This event, for anyone who loves the outdoors, is an evening full fun with...
COVID-19 Vaccine distribution for Phase 1B populations to begin in Portage County
In conjunction with Ohio’s statewide efforts to distribute COVID-19 vaccines to Ohioans in Phase 1B starting the week of January 19, Portage County Health District and Portage County Emergency Management Agency are partnering to lead the vaccination efforts. The combined knowledge and decades of planning and training will allow us to continue to serve our community as we work...
Portage United Way Accepting Grant Applications for Income Focused Programs
Ravenna - United Way of Portage County (UWPC) invests funds raised during its annual campaign through a volunteer led review and recommendation process. Grant Review Volunteers engage in a process that matches community needs with evidence based best practices and program interventions. Volunteers review applications and make COVID-19 compliant site visits. They meet to select the most effective programs...
News From Mantua Village
Mantua - At their last meeting in 2020, Council approved Ordinance 2020-54, which amended Ordinance 2019-49, the “Mantua Village, County of Portage Water and Sanitary Sewer Systems Transfer Agreement” that was struck down by voters last year. This agreement has been amended, and “overwhelmingly approved by residents,” according to Councilman Matt Rosolowski. Council also approved Resolution 2020-55 a resolution authorizing...
Windham Trustees Select Burns as Chairman
Windham Twp. - Windham Township Trustees met recently with all trustees, fiscal officer and zoning inspector in attendance. The meeting was called to order by Fiscal Officer Casey Timmons, because the chairman of the board had not been determined before the new year. Brian Miller nominated Danny Burns as chairman of the board, with Rich Gano seconding the motion....
Crestwood School Board News
Mantua - At their recent organizational meeting, the Crestwood School Board elected Karen Schulz to serve as Board President and Kristen Cavanaugh to serve as Vice President in 2021. They determined that the board would continue the pattern of meeting monthly at the Crestwood Primary School building at 7 pm. In their first regular meeting of 2021, which was held...
January is National Mentoring Month
At its most basic level, mentoring helps because it guarantees a young person that there is someone who cares about them. (Mentoring.org) What a simple statement. And this basic level is where each one of our match relationships begins. Building a friendship. The volunteer showing that the youth can depend on him; that he will be there when needed; that...
2021 Wild Hikes Challenge: Celebrating 30 years as Portage Park District
The Portage Park District is pleased to present the Wild Hikes Challenge, a program designed to encourage healthy recreation in our parks and trails while showcasing Portage County’s rich natural heritage that we are working to conserve. In 2021, we challenge you to complete either 30 hikes or 30 miles in our parks to celebrate our 30th anniversary as...
Local Man Competes at National Level
Kent - Recently, Jack Edwards from Martial Arts Ohio competed in the International Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Federation (IBJJF) World Masters competition in Orlando, Florida. Edwards explained that despite many setbacks that could have easily derailed his plans, he persevered, and it made all the difference. He came to jiu-jitsu as an adult, setting aside the fear of trying something new or...
Hiram Township Trustee News
Hiram Twp. - At a recent meeting, it was determined that Fiscal Officer Diane Rodhe would submit proof of purchase for safety uniforms, road safety signs, fire safety equipment, and registration fees for the OTA conference to the MORE Grant, which was due by the end of 2020. In other news, a copy of the State Employee Rights for...
Crestwood Distributes Food and Holiday Cheer
Mantua - A week or so before the final meal distribution before the Christmas, Jennifer Bujak-Hirsch, Director of Nutrition Services at the Crestwood Local School District had an idea. The Crestwood Local School District has provided over 300,000 meals since the pandemic began in March. And while local families have appreciated receiving breakfasts and lunches, she thought, after a...
Who Will Be The Villager of The Year?
The Weekly Villager, in conjunction with the Garrettsville Area Chamber of Commerce, is looking for “The Villager of The Year”. As we all dealt with the ever changing world of Covid in 2020, we saw the best (and sadly, sometimes worst) of people. Some just dealt with things, moved on and waited to see what was coming next, while...
Local Man Shares UFO Experience – Part II
You’ll recall from the first part of Joe’s story, which appeared in the December 25th issue, where he shared what he experienced one night on Shanks Downes Road on his way home from work. You’ll remember that Joe set the phone aside, and didn’t think about them again until he sat down to remove old contacts and download photos...
Portage County DD Board Honors Hattie Larlham Employee with Community Service Award
Mantua – Hattie Larlham employee Maggie Wooten has been selected as a recipient of the Earl and Mary Lohr Community Service Award presented by the Portage County Board of Developmental Disabilities. This award recognizes high-performing professionals and engaged citizens in the developmental disabilities services field. Award recipients have a known reputation for providing exemplary advocacy, services or supports to individuals...
PARTA Awarded $40,000 Grant
Kent – Thursday, December 17, 2020 – PARTA has been awarded a $40,000 grant to study needed improvements along State Route 59 in Franklin Township, between Horning Road and State Route 261, to benefit transit, pedestrian, and bicycle traffic. The grant was unanimously approved by the Akron Metropolitan Area Transportation Study (AMATS) Policy Committee during its last virtual meeting...
Mantua Township Trustee News
Mantua Twp. - At a recent meeting, Township Fiscal Officer Susan Skrovan noted that CARES Act funds must be used by 12/31/20, necessitating the need to have another meeting prior to the end of the year in order that invoices for applicable products and services could be gathered and checks issued prior to year’s end. Trustee Matt Benner noted that...
People Tree Sharing Program Gives Thanks!
What a year 2020 has been. The needs in our community have never been greater and the generosity of our community rose to meet the challenge. Wednesday, Dec 9 saw a drive thru distribution of Christmas gifts, food, personal items and coats at the Faith Free Evangelical Church on Windham Parkman Road. With the help of the Church, Sky Plaza...
Giving Thanks from NGCC
This holiday season, amidst the vast uncertainty of the COVID-19 pandemic, NGCC has a great deal to be thankful for. Our community is a generous and special place, our volunteers give unconditionally and our patrons always demonstrate a genuine thanks for the services they utilize. We would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who has helped NGCC...
Windham School Board News
Windham - Windham Board of Education (BOE) held their most recent meeting via Zoom due to the high COVID-19 numbers. They had all board members in attendance, along with the superintendent and the treasurer. A discussion was held on an Ohio house bill that looks good initially, but when delved into, it takes more money from already financially strapped...
Hiram Village News
Hiram - At the last meeting with Police Chief Brian Gregory, Village Council noted that the number of traffic stops is lower than average, with fewer motorists due to Covid-19. He added that although this year’s Shop with a Cop program looked different. The Hiram and Garrettsville Police Departments were still able to grant Christmas wishes by shopping for...
Supporting each other in grief
Our community recently suffered a tragic loss of young life. The board extends sympathy to the families and friends of those involved in this incident. We also recognize that many other people in our community have experienced loss throughout the year and wish to offer support and comfort to all. It’s always hard for families to know how to talk...
Main Street Ravenna Announces a Virtual Winter Writing Festival for 2021
Ravenna - If you love to write or think you might like to write, join us Saturdays in February for a virtual version of the “Winter Writing Festival’’! Due to the pandemic, Main Street Ravenna and Reed Memorial Library have had to make changes to this fun event for writing in all its forms and decided to go virtual...
Treasurer Announces Portage Property Tax Collection Processes For Winter 2021
Ravenna – With winter property tax collection season fast approaching, Portage County Treasurer Brad Cromes provided an update today to his office’s pandemic operations plan. As has been the case since the COVID-19 outbreak began, the Treasurer’s Office will not accept in-person tax payments this winter. “While we are excited about recent progress toward vaccine distribution, health experts continue to...
Local Man Shares UFO Experience
At the close of this year, even the most positive among us has had trouble dealing with 2020. With a global pandemic changing the way we live, political upheaval, racial divides, and an election fraught with venom and strife, even the threat of murder hornets don’t faze us after all that 2020 has dumped on our doorsteps. So learning...
Rebuilding The Freedom Honor Roll / War Memorial
The Committee to Restore the Freedom Soldiers Honor Roll is made up of concerned Freedom residents, veterans, and members of the Freedom Community Park Boosters & Freedom Township Historical Society. Our group is now in the process of seeking donations of materials and monies to help in the rebuilding of the damaged honor roll/war memorial. A new design has...
New Year, New Yard: Geauga SWCD’s 2021 Spring Tree Sale!
Start off the new year by making a sound investment for your future… plant a tree! There are countless ways trees positively affect us, our homes, and our communities. Whether replacing a tree lost to pest or storm damage or adding new species for beauty and diversity, the simple act of planting trees reduces stormwater runoff while improving water...
Haven of Portage County’s Warming Center Will be Open During Winter Months
Ravenna - Those experiencing homelessness will have a place in our community to come in out of the cold this winter. The Haven of Portage County’s Warming Center, with the support of the Immaculate Conception Catholic Church and Portage Community Chapel, will be serving those experiencing homelessness with dignity and respect by providing a safe and warm place to...
Those in Need Deserve Hope Indeed
The food drive will benefit the Amelia DiGirolamo Center of Hope whose goal is committed to elevating the nutritional level of low-income citizens in Portage County where food pantries are not present. They offer hot meals at no cost 5 days a week and “typically serve 75-100 individuals per day.”
What sets this food drive apart from traditional ones is that instead of stopping at Thanksgiving or Christmas time, it will continue the collection of donations through the new year. People do not just eat during holiday times, they eat 365 days a year. Institutions like the Center of Hope can function thanks to charitable donations and funds to help those who have none.
Shop with a Cop: 2020 Style
“We hold this is a very special program dear to our hearts,” explained Hiram Police Chief Brian Gregory. He explained that former Hiram Police Chief Ed Samec began the program eight years ago in an effort to build bonds between local officers and some of the children and families they serve. “’Shop with a Cop’ builds a bond that is essential to community policing; the program also provides much needed holiday cheer for deserving families experiencing hardship,” Chief Gregory continued. “There should be no child that feels the sense of confusion and the feeling of going without during the holiday season,” he added.
Portage County Reaches Level 4 Purple Status on Ohio Public Health Advisory System: Residents and Businesses Urged to Take Precautions
As of 12/03/2020, according to the Ohio Public Health Advisory System, Portage County is at Level 4 Status with HIGH Incidence for sustained activity related to the Indicators. Portage County has now triggered 6 out of the 7 key indicators: Indicator 1- New Cases per Capita (High Incidence 648/100k population)Indicator 2- New Cases IncreaseIndicator 3- Non-Congregate CasesIndicator 4 -ED VisitsIndicator...