
Geauga County Public Library to offer Deterra bags for safe, at-home drug disposal

Geauga County – January 20, 2020 - In order to help manage the amount of excess medication and to help prevent prescription drug abuse, GCPL is collaborating with Lake-Geauga Recovery Centers to make Deterra bags available at all library Branches as a free resource to Geauga County residents.   Deterra is an independently tested, safe, and environmentally sound solution to...

Chem Technologies Celebrates!

Middlefield - On Dec. 13, more than 100 employees gathered in Parkman and were treated to the annual Christmas luncheon by the leadership team at Chem Technologies. Chem Technologies, Ltd., is a manufacturer of cutting-edge custom mixing and chemical dispersions and blends located in Middlefield. Every year since inception in 2001, CEO Jim Schill takes this opportunity to share insights,...

Geauga County Job and Family Services Host Foster Parent Meeting

Geauga County has been experiencing an increase in the needs of families and children in the past several years. This has caused the demand for certified foster and adoptive parents to increase as well. There are many families in crisis in our own neighborhoods that require the supportive services of our agency. You and your family could be part...

Middlefield Shop with Cops

Middlefield - Each year, the Middlefield Police Department identifies families in the area who need some extra support at Christmas time. This year, the MPD officers volunteered several hours using donated funds to shop with children from 11 local families thereby giving the kids the ability to purchase gifts for others in their families. The time spent shopping, “cops...

Aveni Promoted in Middlefield

Middlefield - On Dec. 12 at the Village of Middlefield regular Council meeting, Officer Julie Aveni was recognized by Mayor Ben Garlich for her commitment and hard work for the Middlefield Police Department. At that time, she was promoted to Sergeant.

Geauga SWCD Offering 2020 Camp Canopy Scholarship

The Geauga Soil and Water Conservation District (SWCD) is pleased to offer scholarship funding for the 2020 Camp Canopy, held Sunday, June 7th - Friday, June 12th at FFA Camp Muskingum in Carroll County.  Founded in 1950 and formerly known as Ohio Forestry & Wildlife Conservation Camp, Camp Canopy is where high school students go to discover forestry, wildlife,...

Women in STEM Events Serve as Appetizers for Knowledge-Hungry Students

Nearly 150 area high school students with an insatiable hunger for science, technology, engineering, and mathematics enjoyed a banquet of ‘small bites’ during two Women in STEM Day events hosted by the Kent State University Geauga and the Twinsburg Academic Center this fall. The first Women in STEM Day attracted 108 high schoolers to the Kent State Geauga Campus in...

Celebrate The Longest Night

Make the most out of the longest night of your year during Geauga Park District’s annual Winter Solstice Celebration!  On Saturday, December 21, 7:30 to 9:30 p.m., a visit to The West Woods and its nature center will include fun, family-friendly exploration of the roots of our modern holiday celebrations.  Indoors, take in cookies and hot cider while listening to festive...

Net Zero, Here & Now

Troy Twp. - Naysayers warned her that it couldn’t be done in Geauga County. But Jacqueline Samuel persisted. After a year of construction, she now lives in the first net-zero house in the region. Despite its location in cloudy northeast Ohio, this solar-powered house is producing more energy than it consumes, without burning fossil fuels. A group of students in...

Shop Small in Chardon

Did you know that if you spend $100 at a local business, roughly $68 stays in your local economy? Spending that same amount at a large business, according to the Civic Economics Study in Michigan, keeps only $43 in the local economy. And did you know that small businesses donate 250% more than larger businesses to non-profits and community...

AARP Chapter #4527 Meeting News

The Bainbridge/Chagrin AARP #4527 will host our Holiday Party on Tuesday, December 3rd, 1 pm, at Mangia Mangia Italian Restaurant, 11081 Kinsman Road , (Rt. 87) Newbury, Ohio. Members should call Betty Scholz, @440-338-8321 for reservations.  Now that Summer is over, we are starting off with some wild weather, and if Kenston School System is closed due to weather, we will...

Newton Falls Student Council Members take the America Recycles Day Pledge.

Geauga-Trumbull Solid Waste Management District’s Planner, Stacee Stinedurf, visited Newton Falls Elementary/Middle School to teach the 4th and 5th grade student council officers the importance of recycling. The student council officers will then teach their 170 fellow students about the importance of reducing, reusing, and recycling. This educational program was held in honor of “America Recycles Day” which is...

Music Therapy Builds a Bridge over Troubled Water for Patients at UH Geauga and Portage Medical Centers

Geauga & Portage Counties -- Most people know that listening to music or playing an instrument can make them feel calm, happy or even inspired. At University Hospitals Connor Integrative Health Network, board-certified music therapist Forrest Paquin taps into that power to make a difference in patients’ emotional and physical wellbeing.  Paquin, who holds a bachelor’s degree in music therapy...

Giving Tuesday Comes To KSU Geauga & Regional Academic Center

Burton – For the first time ever, Kent State Geauga and Regional Academic Center will have a Featured Fund for the annual Giving Tuesday event for Kent State University. Giving Tuesday has become a tradition for many non-profits around the country.  It started in 2012 as a response to the over-commercialization of Black Friday and Cyber Monday. This year,...

From the Dust Bowl to Diamonds… Geauga SWCD Celebrates 75 Years of Conservation at their Annual Meeting!

The Geauga Soil and Water Conservation District (SWCD) celebrated its 75th year at the Annual Dinner Meeting held on Thursday, October 10th at the Claridon Woodlands Lodge.  With approximately 63 people in attendance, the Annual Meeting began with the election of two members to the Geauga SWCD five-member Board of Supervisors.  Tracy Engle of Auburn Township, Jeffrey Huntsberger of...

AARP Chapter #4527 Meeting News

The Bainbridge/Chagrin AARP Chapter #4527 will meet on Tuesday, November 12th, 2019, at 1 pm, 1 week later due to the Elections.  We meet at the Bainbridge Town Hall, 17826 Chillicothe Road, Bainbridge Twp., Ohio. (Located behind the Fire Station) Our program will be Dennis Sutcliffe, presenting forgotten Cleveland.  Dennis will speak on the music of old Cleveland, what Cleveland...

KSU Geauga eSports Club Brings Computer Gaming to College

Burton - Competitive, multiplayer computer gaming is a favorite pastime for the average college student; both playing and watching. In fact, Forbes magazine reports that video games get more viewership from the 18-25 age demographic in the U.S. than the NBA Finals or the World Series.  Colleges and universities across the U.S. are starting to embrace the phenomenon through their...

Investing in Future Leaders with AHLI Program Partnership

“This is why they go into education! Our instructors are eager to share their knowledge and to spark interest among students in a significant, meaningful way.” This comment by Kent State Geauga and Regional Academic Center Assistant Dean Dr. Susan Emens could apply to the faculty’s approach to Kent State University students at the Geauga Campus, but she is...

Burton Public Library October Events

The following events will take place at the Burton Public Library, 14588 West Park Street, Burton, OH 44021. Please call the Burton Public Library at (440) 834-4466 or visit for more information. Kids Storytimes - For children 0 to 5 with a caregiver September 9 through November 22. Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday mornings. No registration. See website for...

Sajar Plastics and Kraft Maid Cabinetry Receive Proclamation from Mayor and Council

Middlefield - On Thursday, Sept. 12 during the regular Middlefield Council meeting, Mayor Ben Garlich and Council members took time to recognize two exemplary Middlefield-based companies for many years of providing world-class products, service, employment opportunities and community support.  For more than 70 years, Middlefield-based Sajar Plastics has shown steady growth while expanding its manufacturing capabilities and facility, a direct...

Kent State Geauga Geology Professor Makes Observations at Welton’s Gorge

Renowned scientist Stephen W. Hawking once said, “A lot of prizes have been awarded for showing the universe is not as simple as we might have thought.”  Prizes aside, Kent State Geauga Associate Professor of Geology Dr. Sue Clement has made observations in the bedrock of Welton’s Gorge in Geauga County that may change assumptions about the geological age of...

AARP Chapter #4527 Meeting News

The Bainbridge/Chagrin AARP, Chapter #4527, will meet on Tuesday, October 1st, 2019, 1 pm, at the Bainbridge Town Hall, 17826 Chillicothe Road, Bainbridge Twp., Ohio. (Behind the Fire Station). We will have Francie Dunlop speaking on Health Insurance.  She is an advisor on Life, Medicare, etc.,   giving us some helpful advise on what we should have to protect ourselves. Autumn...

Grant Opportunity Available in Geauga County

The Geauga County Sunshine Shop Board is now accepting grant requests from Geauga County Not-for-Profit organizations who serve individuals and families in crisis or in need.   An eight-member board governs The Sunshine Shop, which has been in operation for over 30 years.  The mission of The Sunshine Shop is to provide assistance to low income individuals and families residing...

Nominees Sought For “John Murray Commitment To Families and Children” Award

The Geauga Family First Council is seeking nominees for the tenth “John Murray Commitment to Families and Children Award.” The award is presented on a bi-annual basis to individuals in Geauga County who have exhibited a continuous commitment to Geauga’s families and children, coupled with a special passion for their work. The Family First Council is seeking nominees who go...

Be An Educated Hunter With Classes from Geauga Park District

Hunter education is for everyone – individuals, families, new and experienced hunters – which is why Geauga Park District’s Ranger Department is offering an Ohio Hunter Education course two Saturdays next month, September 21 and 28, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. at Big Creek Park’s Donald W. Meyer Center. Registration is required at or 1-800-WILDLIFE. Coursework will include hunter responsibility,...

Bird Tornados Hit Geauga County

See something you’ll never forget, then notice it for years to come – guaranteed!  Witness the annual phenomenon of hundreds of Chimney Swifts swirling tornado-like, then plummeting into an old chimney en route to South America – an unforgettable spectacle by all accounts.  Geauga Park District will host its annual Chimney Swift Tornado Strikes Again! viewing experiences on Wednesday, September 11,...

Alzheimer’s Association – New Newbury Caregiver Support Group

NEWBURY - The Alzheimer’s Association is pleased to announce a new caregiver support group is starting at St. Helen Catholic Church, 12060 Kinsman Rd., Newbury, OH 44065. This spiritually-based group is open to all and offers a safe place for caregivers, family and friends currently caring for persons with dementia to develop a support system. There is no charge to...

Geauga County Master Gardener Volunteers Programs

TO REGISTER CALL 440-834-4656    Unless otherwise noted, classes are held at the Geauga County OSU Extension Office, Patterson Center (at the north end of the Burton Fairgrounds), 14269 Claridon-Troy Road.  While walk-ins are usually welcome, we appreciate advance registration.  Please call 440-834-4656 to register.  Mail checks, payable to OSU Extension to: PO Box 387, Burton, OH 44021.  View...

Mother-Daughter Duo Go Through Kent State Geauga Nursing Program Together

Geauga County - Ronda McCaskey and Caitlyn Horvath are best friends who went through the nursing program together and graduated one year apart with Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) degrees from Kent State University’s Geauga Campus. Now they are both intensive care nurses. But they also happen to be mother and daughter. For mom Ronda, nursing was a life...

Nontraditional Student Pursues Future in Nursing for her Daughter’s Sake

Burton - Sarah Brugmann is a self-described “people person” from Mantua who has always wanted to be a nurse. Her own mother was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis (MS) even before Sarah was born. Since Sarah — along with her dad and sister — has been a caregiver for her mother for the past 15 years, this has greatly influenced...


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