
Windham Firemen’s Carnival Deemed a Success

Windham -  This past weekend Windham WVFD held their Annual Firemen’s Carnival. The event is traditionally held each year on graduation weekend with proceeds going to the fire station for equipment and supplies. The event has been going strong for over 32 years and features live music, food, rides, games, and good old fashioned fun. The event opened Thursday night...

Downtown Ravenna To Celebrate Summer

The Ravenna United Fund, Inc. is sponsoring SummerFest 2012 from 10:00am – 6:00pm on Saturday, June 16 downtown Ravenna. Opening ceremony by Mayor Joe Bica and the singing of the National Anthem by Linda Pierson will be held at 10:00am. Main Street in downtown Ravenna will be turned into a street filled with entertainment on Saturday. Be sure to bring...

The 8th Count Dance Studio Holds Recital

Garrettsville- The 8th Count Dance Studio presented “Red, White and Blue Salute” last Saturday in front of two, nearly sold out crowds at the Iva J. Walker Auditorium at James A. Garfield High School. The recital had over 80 dancers performing a variety of dance routines, including hip-hop, clogging, tap, jazz, ballet, and even a gymnastics routine. The dancers...

Brittany Myer’s Memorial Scholarships Awarded To Roberts And Jones

Garrettsville - The Brittany Myer's Scholarship Fund was founded 11 years ago as a memorial to Brittany, a 9 year old little girl who lost her life in a tragic car accident in 2000. Brittany attended James A. Garfield Elementary School where she was an avid softball player and a complete joy to everyone. Left behind are her parents,...

Civil War Encampment At Sunbeau Valley

Ravenna - Step back into time and relive history at Sunbeau Valley Farm in Ravenna, Ohio as they host Sunbeau Valley Civil War Encampment June 23 & 24, 2012. Join us as reenactors of the Civil War era portray how life might have been  for those during that turbulent time in our nation's history. Come experience the roaring cannons, cavalry,...

Freedom Township Trustees News

Freedom  Twp. - The  regular meeting of the Freedom Township Board of Trustees was held on  Thursday, May 3, 2012 with all board members present. After review and approval of the April 19, 2012 minutes Mr. Jeffrey Derthick gave the zoning report.  Derthick reported that there were several lot splits, additions and new home inquiries.  No written reports of zoning...

RMH Foundation 18th Annual Golf Outing

Ravenna – The Robinson Memorial Hospital Foundation’s 18th Annual “A Different Kind of Golf Outing” will take place on Wednesday, July 18, at Windmill Lakes Golf Course in Ravenna. More than 200 golfers annually participate in the event, which features a morning and afternoon shotgun start. “A Different Kind of Golf Outing XVIII” is an 18-hole, four-person scramble featuring a free...

Burton Ohio Antiques Market Returns On June 9 With Over 400 Dealers

Burton - Don't miss what promises to be one of the most exciting events of the antiques show summer season.  Now celebrating its 51st year, the Burton Antiques Market returns to the Geauga County Fairgrounds for the first of this years’ semi-annual shows on June 9th.   With 400 of America's leading dealers displaying their finest antiques and vintage...

Ohio Chautauqua sponsors support old-fashioned, smart entertainment in Geauga County

Burton – The 2012 Ohio Chautauqua is on track to bring its traveling tent festival to Geauga County this summer thanks to the financial support of nine corporate and non-profit sponsors. The five-day event, a unique cultural and educational opportunity for the communities of Geauga County, would not be possible without the generous donations from The Geauga County Library Foundations,...

Irwin Hardware Building Has A New Owner

Garrettsville – Village Council voted unanimously to sell the Irwin Hardware building to Garrettsville Ventures, LLC.  The 1800s-era property, located on Main Street in downtown Garrettsville, has been a source of contention in the village for several years as the former owner let the building’s condition deteriorate.  Council had the arduous chore of figuring out if the building could...

Windham Fire Board News

The WVFD Joint Fire Board met for their regular monthly meeting recently with four of the five members present along with the fiscal officer. The board approved the minutes from last month’s regular meeting and two special meetings. They also approved the bank reconciliation, expenditures, and paid the bills. In the chief’s report, Chief Mike Iwanyckyj reported that he met...

Kiwanis Presents Books To Students

Newton Falls - Newton Falls Kiwanis members presented a new book to each 1st grade student.  Pictured above is teacher Mrs Greathouse and her students proudly holding up their new books.  Kiwanis President Linda " Sunshine" Hrenko and her crew Barry " Bigbird" Silliphant, Charley "choo choo" Strum, Eddie " I am at a loss for words" Read, Bob" Boy...

Valuable Information Learned From Multi-County Disaster Drill

Ravenna - On April 19, Robinson Memorial Hospital, in conjunction with the Northeast Central Ohio Regional Disaster Planning Consortium (NECO) and a number of emergency management agencies, held a mock disaster exercise to test the hospital’s abilities to respond to a devastating tornado which swept through the region resulting in numerous simulated casualties and fatalities. All 50 participating agencies among...

Jefferson Senior Earns Communications Factory’s 10th Annual College Scholarship

Hiram - The Communications Factory, Hiram's only advertising agency, is proud to announce its selection of Jennifer Hall, as the firm's tenth college scholarship recipient. Ms. Hall, a senior at Jefferson Area High, earned the $1,000 award from the Factory to help offset some of the costs associated with her college education. Chosen from a large field of highly qualified...

Happy 100th Birthday

Aurora - On May 16th the Aurora Study Club will celebrate its 100th birthday!!! The Study Club is the oldest existing club in Aurora. In 1912 The older women in town were concerned that the younger women were too frivolous, spending too much time playing cards & that they needed to expand their knowledge of the world. This led to...

Hiram Firefighters Train With Simulator

Hiram - Hiram firefighters recently participated in emergency vehicle operations training with the assistance of a state-of-the-art emergency vehicle driving simulator.  The simulator was rented from Cuyahoga Community College for the purpose of expanding upon each Firefighter's previous experiences and trainings. All Hiram firefighter are required to complete hours of driver’s training in each vehicle and an Emergency Vehicle Operations...

Downtown Ravenna Farmers Market Debuts May 17

Ravenna  - There’s something fresh and new on Main Street this summer. The Downtown Ravenna Farmers Market opens under the green and white tent starting Thursday, May 17 in the City Parking Lot at the corner of Cedar and Meridian streets. The farmers market will be open every Thursday from 2 to 6 p.m. through summer and fall until...

Hiram PD Receives Grant

Hiram - The Hiram Police Department recently received a $500 “Step Outside” grant from the Ohio Department of Wildlife. The grant award will be directed toward a community program called, “Cops and Kids” Fishing Day. The event will be free of charge to anybody who attends. The intent of “Cops and Kids” Fishing Day is to bring community children...

Sitko Counseling: A Road to Recovery

Hiram -  Sitko Counseling has been established for nearly three years and is a growing practice in Hiram Village. The counseling facility is located in the Hiram Professional Building, 11681 Hayden Street in Hiram Village. They offer counseling for a variety of issues including, but not limited to, substance abuse, post traumatic stress disorder, (PTSD) relationship issues, sex abuse,...

J.A. Garfield Historical Society News

Garrettsville - Pack up your favorite unique or antique mail and your forks, the James A. Garfield Historical Society’s May meeting will focus on postcards and pie, a show-and-tell with a twist.  If you’ve got a postcard with a pie on it--cherry stains don’t count--bring it on down to the Mott Building on Main St. on Monday, May 21...

The Church in Aurora

Aurora - The Church in Aurora is one of the most prominent landmarks in the City of Aurora.  With its towering white steeple and beautiful architecture there is no question why so many couples, my husband and myself included, choose to share their wedding vows there every year. This is the perfect setting for every fairy tale wedding. It...

Award-winning author to visit library

Aurora - Award-winning local author Thrity Umrigar will be speaking and signing copies of her new novel, The World We Found, on Saturday, April 28, at 1:30 p.m. at the Aurora Memorial Library. In her fourth novel, Umrigar, who is a native of Bombay, India, explores class and religious distinctions in modern day India as college friends who have...

A Treasure Trove of Bargains

Aurora - On April 22 through 29, an empty warehouse in Aurora will become the stage for the village’s annual spring treasure trove sale, which organizers say has raised more than $80,000 for local sports teams, clubs and more. The event, held at 999 Chillicothe Road just south of Aurora Farms, will kick off April 22 at 10 a.m. with...

Facet Salon & Spa Bring New Dimensions to TLC

Garrettsville  - Step into Facet Salon & Spa at the Total Lifetime Care complex at 1 Memory Lane, and you almost feel like Dorothy entering the Emerald City. Only it’s not garish. You just feel like you’re not in Kansas -- or Garrettsville -- any more. Instead, the Tuscan-inspired earth tones, stone- and wood- accented interiors and leather furnishings...

Garrettsville Chamber Announces Community Yard Sale

Mark your calendars. The Garrettsville Area Chamber’s 19th Annual Community Yard sale is slated for May 5 & 6, 2012, beginning at 9am until 4pm. So start cleaning out the closets and get ready to make some cash on those unused and unwanted items one has lying around. Remember, what might be considered trash by you could be someone’s...

Portage County’s Real Heroes To Be Honored

Aurora - Each year, the American Red Cross presents the Real Heroes awards to those residents of Portage County who have acted courageously and selflessly in a time of emergency, often at great risk and sacrifice to their own personal safety and well-being. These ordinary individuals have acted courageously by reaching out to help others in times of greatest...

Arsenal 5K Fun Run Benefits Park

Windham - Spring has officially arrived and if you have been lying around all winter then it is time to get outside and get moving. Here is an event you will not want to miss and it will not only help you get moving it will help a local group generate funds to restore their park. I am talking about...

Goddard to speak at Reed Memorial Library

Ravenna - FOX 8’s own Dick Goddard will be the guest speaker at the Seniors Spring Into Knowledge event at the  Reed Memorial Library. The event, co-sponsored by the Library and Crossroads Hospice, will be Friday, April 20 from 9:30 am - 1 p.m. From 9:30 to 11 meet with representatives from several local agencies with information aimed at keeping...

Fine Arts Workshop Added to Summer Fun

Hiram – A summer Fine Arts Workshop has been added to the slate of learning opportunities and activities this summer at Hiram College For three Saturdays (July 7, 14 and 21, 2012) from 9:00 AM to 4:30 PM on Hiram College’s campus, students will learn printmaking (silkscreen), painting and drawing.  Young artists will work with Hiram faculty to expand their...

Healthy Treasures Health Food Store Announces Spring Health Day

Newton Falls - Join Healthy Treasures as they celebrate their spring health day on Saturday, April 21, 2012 from 11am to 3pm at 32 West Broad Street (their temporary location), Newton Falls, OH.  There will be four free educational lectures, food samples and giveaways. Speakers include Dr. Ted Suzelis, N.D. who will speak on the Blood Type Diet; Synthia...


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