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Windham Fire Board News


The WVFD Joint Fire Board met for their regular monthly meeting recently with four of the five members present along with the fiscal officer. The board approved the minutes from last month’s regular meeting and two special meetings. They also approved the bank reconciliation, expenditures, and paid the bills.

In the chief’s report, Chief Mike Iwanyckyj reported that he met with the Mayor of the village and the village will add the fire department and the district as a rider to their insurance policy to cover any issues that may arise from the carnival that is scheduled May 31- June 1, 2012. The board said they need a copy of the rider.

The chief also reported that he is still having problems with one radio and they are working with the company to resolve the issue. Iwanyckyj presented the board with a list of needed equipment and the board approved the miscellaneous equipment purchase for $2784.

The contract with the turnpike commission should arrive soon so they will know what their responsibilities are regarding fire and EMS service on the turnpike.

The board approved the chief’s recommendation of promoting Meghan Hager and CJ McPherson from cadet to regular fire fighter. They also approved the advancement of Eric Shelton to paramedic. The department has four, soon-to-be five, paramedics on the roster. Calls to date are running close to last year, with 215.

The board recently discovered that the fire department was going out on stand by for the police department when they did drug busts. After finding out their the insurance carrier doesn’t cover this, they will treat all drug busts assistance as a regular call and will respond when needed and not do an off-premises stand-by.

In old business, Dann Timmons asked the chief what the plan was for the beer garden at the carnival.  The chief said the beer garden would be there and the park restoration committee had received its beer license to run the garden. The fire board requested that the license for beer service be posted at the garden as required by law.

The Windham High School Band has been invited to perform at Disney World next year and will host a rummage sale and car wash at the fire house to raise funds for the trip. The chief said they will have the door locked between the meeting hall and the equipment so there is no access to the trucks or the equipment and there will be a member of the fire department on the premises during these events.

The board meets on the second Thursday of each month at 7 pm at the fire station.

Staff Reporter

Anton Albert Photography