Annual Chess Tournaments At Burton Public Library Begin February 2nd
Burton - The Friends of the Burton Public Library will hold their annual Chess Tournaments on all Saturdays in February at the Library. All tournaments will begin at 10 am and are broken down by age group as follows: February 2nd is for students in grades K through 5. February 9th is for grades 6 through 8. Both tournaments are expected to be...
Putting a Face on Fracking — Hearing from Homeowners (Part Two)
Our little corner of Northeast Ohio is experiencing a new wave of oil and gas exploration, as new drilling and production technologies make extraction of oil and gas from the shale deposits deep beneath the land more accessible. Over the past 18 - 24 months, energy company “landmen” and leasing agents have been talking to area residents, offering landowners...
Congressman-elect David Joyce Announces District Director
Washington DC - Congressman-elect David P. Joyce announced Portage County resident Nick Ciofani as his District Director: “I’m very pleased to announce Nick Ciofani as my District Director,” said Congressman-elect Joyce. “Nick has worked in the district for several years and his extensive knowledge of northeast Ohio will allow our office to provide the best constituent services possible.” Ciofani graduated from...
Miscellaneous Factoids
Musicians! Check out the possibilities of playing in the Hiram Chamber Orchestra. Rehearsals are held on Mondays from 7:00 to 8:30 in Frohring Recital Hall. Lockers are available in the Frohring Music Building; instruments are available if your old sackbut or bassoon is in traction for a while. This can be a credit course or purely for enjoyment. If you’re...
Scott Starkey’s Sequel To “How to Beat the Bully without Really Trying” Now Available.
Garrettsville - Rodney Rathbone is back in this sequel to How to Beat the Bully Without Really Trying—but will his superstar reputation survive summer camp? The Call of the Bully is fun, exciting, and full of surprises—an adventure tale for middle-grade readers and anyone who remembers summer camp. The books are available at The Village Bookstore in Garrettsville.
David Haas to Perform January 18th
David Haas, nationally renowned composer of liturgical music, has composed a song entitled “In the Love of Christ” for the people of St. Ambrose Church in Garrettsville, OH. The song will premier during a concert/workshop presented by David Haas and Lori True January 18 & 19, 2013 in Hiram Ohio at Hayden Auditorium. This event is funded in part...
New Year, New You Programs At Burton Library
Burton Public Library announces four “New Year, New You” programs in January. The first is New Year, New You: Makeovers on Wednesday, January 9 at 1 p.m. Limited to 6 lucky ladies, you will leave with your “new look” and personalized color scheme from Mary Kay. No products will be sold. A $5 class fee is payable at...
“The Dinner Party”
Garrettsville - The Garrettsville Curtains up Theatre presents “The Dinner Party” by Neil Simon on January 11, 12, 18 and 19th at 7pm and January 13th at 2pm. The production will be held in the James A. Garfield High School’s, Iva Walker Auditorium. Tickets are available at the door for: $10.00 for Adults 12 years of age and over, $7.00...
Rotary Report
The members of Garrettsville-Hiram Rotary recently hosted the assistant District Governor of District 6630, George Schumacher, for the induction ceremony confirming new members Caitlin Ellerhorst Lawless, Mary Ann Brockett, Tom Collins and Don Holtry (LDS corporate member). Schumacher highlighted the identity of Rotary International as a global network of community volunteers with both privileges and responsibilities. One million, two...
Eagles Donate To Library
Garrettsville - This year the Garrettsville Eagles Club Aerie No. 27's donation of $5,185 was once again awarded to the Portage County District Libraries. The club members felt that there is great need for funds to continue the many services the library provides. Receiving the check from Eagles president Tim Kelly were Director Cecilia Swanson, Kathleen Kozup Branch Manager, and Board...
Winter and Spring Class Registration Open at Geauga Lyric Theater Guild and Arts Center
The Geauga Lyric Theater Guild will be offering a wide array of classes for the upcoming winter and spring session. There are many favorite performing arts classes which will return along with a few new surprises. Perhaps you've always wanted to test your skills with Shakespeare. Adults and children will be offered the opportunity to experience the humor and...
Happy Birthday Dann!
Dann Timmons celebrated 60 years of living on November 17, 2012 and his family held a cake and punch reception in his honor last weekend at the Brick Chapel in Windham to commemorate this milestone. Over 60 friends, family and community leaders were on hand to help celebrate the event. Folks greeted the man of the hour, shared some memories,...
Garrettsville Masonic Lodge Installs Officers
Garrettsville Masonic Lodge # 246 annual Installation of Officers was held in November 2012. The following Brothers were installed for the 2012-13 yr. The new officers, from left to right are : John Porter treasurer, Rev. Fred Bell- chaplain, Glenn Showalter - Master of the Lodge, Richard Collopy -Sr. Warden, Roger Norton -outgoing Master, Jon Trego -Sr. Deacon, John...
Garrettsville-Hiram Rotary News
Garrettsville-Hiram Rotarians are on the move again. They’re planning for their annual Christmas party on December 17…including the White Elephant gift exchange, which is always a hit(lots of peanuts). They’re finalizing their lists (addresses, not who’s been naughty or nice) for the Santa gift delivery on December 23--any donations got to support the People Tree--and setting up routes for...
Mantua K of C to Sponsor Youth Free Throw Championship
Mantua - Crestwood area boys and girls ages 10 to 14 are invited to participate in the local level of competition for the 2013 Knights of Columbus Free Throw Championship. This is a fun, free activity for area youth to compete in a Free Throw (foul shot) competition for best of fifteen consecutive shots. The Knights of Columbus Free...
Fast-paced Game of Celebrity Icons Makes a Perfect Gift for the Holidays
Hiram – Let’s face it. We live in a celebrity-obsessed culture. We’re fascinated by Justin Bieber’s love life, Lindsey Lohan’s rehab sessions, the Obamas’ dog, and Taylor Swift’s song lyrics. Even in a tough economy, celebrity magazines continue to enjoy robust sales, as Americans just can’t seem to get enough of their favorite stars.To celebrate that obsession, there’s Celebritease!,...
Literary Music Club News
On November 14, the Literary Music Club held their meeting. This being Thanksgiving, we had a turkey dinner with all the trimmings. The women out did themselves, and everything was beautiful. Our thanks to the hostess; Mary Ann Leggett, Jackie Tokosh, and Margaret Paul. Our program was about angels. We also were taught how to make one from coffee...
Garrettsville-Hiram Rotary News
New member, Caitlin Ellerhorst Lawless provided the program for the November 26 meeting of the Garrettsville-Hiram Rotary Club, held in the Kennedy Center’s Elmer Jagow Room because the Hiram College Dining Hall was closed for the Thanksgiving break. Ms. Lawless gave a brief history of the local insurance agency of which she is a recent employee…though not unacquainted with...
Hiram Receives Grant to Digitize Garfield Collection
Hiram - Hiram College has received a grant from The Gladys Krieble Delmas Foundation, based in New York City, that will help the College digitalize its massive collection of documents and photos related to the life and times of James A. Garfield. The $10,000 one-year grant is only part of the funding that will be necessary to convert the collection,...
Downtown Kent Rises Like a Phoenix
Kent - With over $100 million in new construction nearing completion, downtown Kent is currently undergoing massive redevelopment. While these revitalization projects have been successful through the cooperation of many, Ron Burbick , a retired executive turned developer, started the ball rolling with an idea he called the ‘Phoenix Project.’ Burbick, formerly from aircraft part manufacturer, Schneller Inc., sparked...
Garrettsville-Hiram Rotary News
Garrettsville-Hiram Rotarians, meeting in the Hiram College Dining Hall on November 19, began their planning for the 2013 Family Week activities, one of the community projects that been a hallmark of the group’s local outreach. Contacts for the participation of area groups and individuals will be beginning soon and those wishing to be a part of the action are...
Wrapping Up The Christmas Walk
It takes a Village . . . Yes, it’s getting to be a worn out and overused phrase. But when it comes to putting on the James A. Garfield Historical Society’s Christmas Walk, it’s so true. Every-other year, our Village pulls together in countless ways to support the historical society and promote our local businesses. We thank the crews that...
Windham Tree Lighting
Windham - Windham’s Tree Lighting Festivities will be held Saturday December 8, 2012 beginning at 5 pm. The evening will have a variety of activities for all ages to usher in the Christmas Season. Come dressed for the elements, because one would not want to miss the hay wagon ride through the decorated village park and township green. The...
Newton Falls Kiwanis News
Tuesday's Kiwanis meeting in Newton Falls featured Dr. Salvatore Frangiamore and Melissa Greathouse from the Northeastern Ohio Foot and Ankle Surgical Associates ( NEOFASA ). The local office is located at 17 East River Street. Kiwanis President Bob Wujcik introduced Doc as one of our club's newest supporters. Doc was a runner in the labor day race. His company was...
Music lovers, mark your calendars!
On Friday, December 7, the Hiram Community Choruses--Hiram Women’s Chorus, directed by Damaris Peters Pike and Hiram Men’s Chorus, directed by Jose’ Gotera--will present “Sounds of the Season”, a selection of both familiar and adventurous pieces incorporating the vocal instruments of the participants, harp, recorder, drum and the accomplished accompaniment of Patricia Amor at the piano. There’ll be old tunes...
Balloon A-Fair Lighted Christmas Parade
Ravenna Balloon A-Fair's annual lighted Christmas Parade “Candy Canes & Christmas Carols” will take place downtown Ravenna on Main Street at 7 p.m. on Saturday, December 1. The parade includes themed floats, dancing and marching groups. Leading off the parade will be the Ravenna High School Band under the direction of Drew Adametz. Santa Claus straight from the North Pole will...
J.A. Garfield Historical Society News
The James A. Garfield Historical Society met on November 19, 2012 at the historic Mott Building headquarters to conduct current business and a--you should pardon the expression--post mortem--of the recently-completed 2012 Christmas Walk. The event was well-attended; one thousand six hundred thirty-two tickets were sold and with most expenditures accounted for, the funds raised totaled over thirteen thousand dollars...
Holiday Fest in Mantua
Mantua - Have your picture, or your families picture taken with Santa FREE of charge, and at the same time enjoy shopping for those Holiday goodies, and gifts that make this time of year so special to you, your family, and friends. Yes Santa will be there, and many wonderful items to taste, and share. Some of the Holiday Fest...
Balloon A-Fair Lighted Christmas Parade
Ravenna Balloon A-Fair's annual lighted Christmas Parade “Candy Canes & Christmas Carols” will take place downtown Ravenna on Main Street at 7 p.m. on Saturday, December 1. The parade includes themed floats, dancing and marching groups. Leading off the parade will be the Ravenna High School Band under the direction of Drew Adametz. Santa Claus straight from the North Pole will...